People with regular working hours don’t even get a chance to pick side?
This faction lock is way way way too early.
I like the idea of helping the faction balance but when there’s 1 server for each type and it’s faction-locked before people even get a chance to log in is crazy.
How are people supposed to able to play with their guilds or friends?
The faction lock should automatically release as things balance out. It’s not at least permanently locked.
Not that it makes anyone feel better but…
Yeah like i said in previous post, it took me around an hour to make a Horde char
I understand why Blizz is enforcing the faction balance, but still its sad that I need to wait for god knows how long that I’m able to create horde character. I first made alliance character, becouse I couldnt make horde one, but deleted it shortly… I just dont like to play with alliance anymore-
You literally just have to re log a few times and u get your desired faction.
Small price to pay for balance
It’s not a manual lock. It’s probably automatic to even out the imbalance. You just have to keep calm and keep trying. I would rather have a close to 50/50 balance instead of a 20/80 imbalance where once side just stomps. Then the world PVP would get non-existent.
Just try again a bit later.
It locks and unlocks as the balance shifts.
I wonder if it’ll even work.
One side is locked: people create characters on the other side until they can make the character they want. The side that blizzard wanted to boost will have many low level characters that won’t be leveled in the end.
But I guess it looks better so that people won’t ALL flock to the side that seems to already get the upper hand in the statistics alone, so there’s that.
Yeah i really hope so, kinda sucks missing the release though
I lost my top choice for character name even I was pretty on spot of getting to the server. Because I spent extra 5-10 seconds customizing my character I practiced on creating in a speedrunny manner
It’s a rough world out there!
Not our fault u got work? like its not our fault u can’t get the faction u want it’s only your own fault for not being online
Yeah this is garbage. I wanted to play horde Guess I have to wait and see tomorow if it’s better. Cause I started now tonight, or well… wanted to. But I cannot choose horde. I don’t want to play alliance.
Anyone got any news how it’s been looking today? Has it shifted back and fourth anything or has horde been locked all day? Thanks!
Hello Blizzard, anyone there? Just manually unlock this clown fiesta. Have some respect for people’s time. The bots are already in, how about someone bans them so we can have their spot? Isn’t that the bare minimum? We have been paying for this service for decades. Stop with the bs, now get to work.
Servers went down as I was typing this, couldn’t have scripted it better if I tried, pure comedy.
It is now closed both for horde and alliance, can’t create a character at all
No poop because there just were maintenance
Ok it’s fixed
Blizzard just needs to make racial abilities like in Lich, so that the balance of factions will swing in the other direction, and you can play for your favorite Horde.
After all, you choose the horde because you love the lore, and not because they have the strongest pvp racials and better logistic, right?
It’s never about racials. It’s the nature of humanity, wanting “pvp” but rerolling the dominating faction. They want domination not a fair ground. That’s why arenas have low participation in retail/cata
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