I started playing WoW at release and played regularly until Cata, I then took a break and returned for a little while when each new expansion released.
My Monk was created when SL dropped and have tried all 3 specs. I am currently in Brewmaster spec but would be happy to play any spec. For healing I used the Ancient Teachings of the Monastery for fistweaving, but am happy to try another healing spec if there is a preferred method to healing on Monk. I understand that people should play what they enjoy, this is more me saying " If you know a specific spec that will help me improve, I’m happy to listen." My current ilvl is good enough to get into heroic dungeons.
Having run dungeons with pugs I can say that I am not a fan of the whole rushing through as quickly as possible while missing as many mobs as you can. I find it even worse when people take digs at me as a tank for pulling a pack that they feel should be skipped. I just want to play with people who are happy to go through content without needing to try and beat world record speed run times.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that I want to kill every mob in the dungeon, I just don’t want to do some jump puzzle or have to get perfect timing to run past a patrol without pulling anything.
When playing previously I have played the role of tank, healer and DPS on a Druid, Tank and DPS on Warrior and DPS on Warlock.
I am from England so would be looking for a casual English speaking Guild. I am in my 30s so a mature guild would also be good. I have a family so committing to a set number of days online would be difficult although I will get on as often as I can. My play hours would usually be around 8pm until about 11pm during the week, weekends would vary. The content I would be looking to do is regular dungeons to help players start to gear up, then heroics, then possibly raiding, maybe.
you sound like our kind of guildie we take our time and dont rush to much and give people a chance to learn and we are trying to recruit healers for our raid as we have had to pug them
[ Origin of Insanity] a friendly guild looking to expand our numbers any players new/old/ lvlers or people who just wanna chat, we are a social guild raid saturdays 10/10 normal CN looking to progress to HC we also M+ daily we have a very active discord come join the fun
mealiesmum#2416 is my battle tag if your interested
If you ever feel like switching to alliance look us up as you sound like a perfect fit for our team.
We are a small mostly UK based team, all members are 30+ and due to RL commitments we mostly play during evening times. (basically same hours as you)
We have played different games together for many years but Wow is our main one as this is how we all met. We like to take our time and explore the content.
Hope you find what you are looking for and have fun!
I hope you’re well and enjoying your weekend? Rekindled is an adult guild, lots of British players but we also have a wide spread across Europe.
A lot of our members are parents and/or have other responsibilities so we completely understand being flexible with your time.
If you’d like to take a look at our recruitment post, you can take a look at the link below, or add me on Bnet (Mistree#2555) or on discord (Mistree#2749).