Horde PvP - A Summary

Free or Paid one sided reroll… We’re either stop playing or paying for faction change to be able to PLAY! TO do a bg once in a while… to farm honor… the problem is not on the players side to solve… and we’re actually stating we dont mind paying for it … to be able to PLAY! not wasting hundreds of hours in a char just because…

It is. If it could be a reliable solution. But you can’t expect people to do it, or it to work. It’s kind of like saying “crime isn’t an issue, just don’t do it.” there will ALWAYS be enough people doing it to justify locks on doors. Same thing here. Except in WoW, the doors don’t have locks and everything is bad, from Ally open world to Horde queues.

Yeah these are the solutions that would the fix horde issue without screwing over the other faction not that I agree with these solutions.

Best to worst.

  1. Free transfers from horde to alliance seperate PvP/pve queue as it’s unfair to horde on PvE server.

  2. Re-roll no changes needed

  3. Remove racials will incentive for people to roll Alliance now there is no racial advantage.

  4. incentive to play the weaker faction like they do on private servers here is how private servers fixed balance problems Allience got free riding skills,25% bonus to rep gains 10% to all reps, buffed escape artist some servers give alliance free PvP gear.

  5. I’m not a fan of this as it turns tbc into retail.Warmode enabled with 30% bonuses on everything for the smaller faction, removal of racials, dungeon finder for the smaller faction and wait for it … you can now have your Merc mode enabled but only if everything on here exists.

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and where should these battlegroups magically pull alliance players out of if theres a big overall imbalance? idk how that should work

  1. no
  2. no
  3. no
  4. if anything increase honor gain for alliance as a further incentive for players to balance the factions.

no offense but all your suggestions have been brought up already 100 times and they are bad for the game .

only fair solution i see, that doesnt hurt the game or the faction balance even more, is paid/free faction change from horde to alliance.

As I said they are not MY suggestions. This is a summary post, not me making things up. We’re here to discuss constructively.

The faction change might alleviate the issue, who knows. But horde had long queue times back in the days too, when faction change was a thing. Why else do you think they brought in new solutions, like the mercenary BGs? If rerolling or faction change worked, it wouldn’t have been an issue from the start either. Clearly something subjective is making players lean towards one faction more than the other, can’t help that. So, different solutions have to be thought of.

EDIT: To put it bluntly, it shouldn’t be left in the hands of the players. It was proven time and time again that any kind of transfers only balance the scales on a few realms, and only temporarily.

always been in WotLK.
not so crazy, but hordes queue was significantly longer than alliances.

always been. u don’t remember Premade AV enabler?
you can go with premade too. 5ppl party sometimes enough to counter 10+ppl premade.
it’s about social gaming.

yes, gearing in tbc (either classic) is painful. so what?

that’s already done, isn’t it?

no, this game wouldn’t be TBC then.

no, this game wouldn’t be TBC then.

no, this game wouldn’t be TBC then.

maybe just give free honor gear for any horde player?

Did you even read the post? I know it wouldn’t be TBC. And the grind itself wouldn’t be an issue if it was on par with the rest of the game, but this is SO bad that you’ll get a full set of honor gear by the middle or end of NEXT season, where it becomes pointless and the grind essentially resets. PvE content is speeding through, everything was cleared much faster than back in the day as well, and seeing how this is just doesn’t match anymore. Also, a whole faction (Horde) is at a major disadvantage because of it. Not just me and my “free time” or whatever. I’m not here complaining that I want free honor because I can’t play for more than 2hrs an evening… I’m complaining that it takes 100+ DAYS of ~8hrs constant BG queue spam and NOTHING ELSE to get honor gear while Alliance gets it within a week or two. If that’s fair in your eyes then so be it, but to me it screams unfair. Sure, I could have rolled Alliance. Sure, many others could have as well. But we didn’t. I for once started as Horde in Classic and carried over to TBC, and I didn’t mind waiting in queue for 10-15min back then, but now it got literally 6x worse, to a point of unplayability.

that’s sad but true.
i guess things will go slightly better within 1-2 months we will get BGs in 30 minutes instead of 4 hours

30 minutes I can even live with… but I doubt it, since Alliance will play less and less and Horde more and more. Since there’s more horde overall, more percentage of Horde PvPing, and Alliance gets geared a lot faster due to fast queues, I fear it will only get worse.

I’ll give you the solution…

This. /10 char

we dont get geared faster because the honor per hour is still bad, about 1k per hour according to my testing today. u gotta remember that ur teammates will be terrible 95% of the time as alliance which also doesnt help, a combination of that and the low honor makes most allies not pvp in bgs because its not worth the trouble (8 hours of cancer for the pvp trink alone)
tldr: complain about the low honor instead and u might even get something that looks like a fix, nobody profits/enjoys the current situation

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1k an hour sounds incredible, the last BG I ran yesterday I got 40 honor in 1hr10mins.

You gather on one side and loot all the great pve gear you should suffer extremely for making such a choice and pvp is where your gonna suffer, so you can stand strong in the city with all your shiny gear and tell yourself you did good rolling on the easy mode side. Personally i think your ques should be 2 or even 3 times as long for the horde, while ile enjoy my instant ques.

nah bro they are circling HFP and Zanga on their flying mounts to grief low level alliance.

reroll Alliance
that’s what you get for OP racials
but Alliance gets ganked in open world, deal with it

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Don’t try and make out to be that Alliance doesn’t get any PvE gear.
If anything most alliance players are playing for PvE and will mainly raid.

No one should suffer, period. If you alliance or horde, is there an issue which Blizzard can help to leviate, then they should.


You say this as if Alliance doesn’t have racials at all.

Perception, Escape Artist, Stoneform (especially on Rogues), Shadowmeld (amazing for nonstealthers or when you want to drink), hit chance on Draenei…

Sure Horde racials are slightly better, and in PvE they are definitely better for DPS, but remember that the pendulum swings. Not so long ago Alliance were the kings there by far.

Regardless, like I already said that is a different topic and should be addressed differently. OP racials or not, people deserve to at least play the game. This “I suck at the game and blame it on racials so let the other faction suffer” petty mentality won’t get us anywhere but retail or worse in the long run

Ally was never king by far, on classic it was debatable

Give it 2 years and most pvpers will be rerolling ally for wotlk.

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