I play Horde on a server where I’m in the minority faction …
I haven’t re-rolled Horde - I started Classic as Horde, I played Retail on Horde.
It’s a game design issue, but #nochanges meant it was unlikely to be fixed at Classic launch. If the game design didn’t allow realms to have a huge disparity in the faction balance then this would be a non-issue.
It’s not like the huge imbalance hasn’t happened before, just look at the PvP realm history on Retail ( Outland, Ravencrest, Stormscale, Kazzak etc etc ), Blizzard should have taken steps to not allow this to happen in the first place.
Then ask for faction transfers or anything else that helps faction balance asking for Merc mode or horde Vs horde is just not a solution as you guys have long queues we have the effects of being vastly outnumbered in every aspect both factions need the problem solved immediately.
If you just toss in Merc mode or horde/horde bgs or any other horde buff your problem goes away while ours get worse and now you guys have no reason to switch and the re-rollers who changed horde will stay as well.
Its fun reading alliance saying they would reroll horde if horde got even the slightest help with these horrible bg ques, like yeah right youll start your char over, sure! The funniest of them people are those who are meta picks on ally side and are trying their best to make horde not have anything nice cause of “their op racials” kekmao
For the same reason that about 95% of all progression guilds in Classic were alliance: 1% benefit will mean EVERYONE goes for it. 1% is the difference between first in progression, or 10th in some cases.
Player participation is much more skewed though, even if performance doesn’t match that. The reality is that racial make less difference that player ability until you start pushing past Gladiator to Rank-1 scenarios.
72 of the top 100 fastest clears are Alliance. 8 of the top 10 are alliance. That’s a a huge number sway.
But your stats are right, it’s roughly 50/50 in terms of worldwide clears.
This is what I’m saying about faction balance, it’s roughly 50/50. but 80+% of all PVPers are on horde. Meanwhile, people who hate PVP and don’t ever do it are on the forums, flaming PVP players “Lol, reroll”. They don’t PVP, so adding in something like mercenary mode wont impact them in the slightest.
This forums is mostly threads with horde having an AWFUL gaming experience, then 30+ year old men with an alliance male toon who has a goatee acting like children because they feel that they’re “better than the sweaty PVP players”.
How are they not the same issue? The issue is faction imbalance, horde queues are one of many symptoms. Fixing the one symptom that concerns the majority faction while ignoring all the other issues really doesnt seem like the best option.
Well, but thats not whats happening right? Ic classic the pve population being 50/50 with sweatier players sracked on ally side.
On the other hand, pvp on tbc is about 25/75 (only my judge) with sweatier pop being probably on horde, not sure tbh.
And the whole population also cant be that comperable, bwcause the pvp populatin seems like it has made complete exodus, because raiders numbers didnt change that much, but the ques have increases by insane number
PvE didn’t get cleared in week 1 of release back in the day, my dude. Can’t sit here and claim the progression speed was the same…
Please buy glasses or something, seriously. I think I said it like 8 times by now that this is not MY suggestion and I DO NOT support it. The OP is a SUMMARY of solutions found on the forums, and NOT my solutions…
That is the same kind of issue. People tend to roll horde for PvP, meaning there’s MORE horde than alliance (in BGs). Why do people do that? Well it’s certainly not racials because more horde played PvP in WotLK, also in Cata, also in MoP… etc etc. I know because I played both factions and saw the queues on both of them. Never in my life have I had a queue over 10min on alliance side, no matter the expansion, racials, faction benefits or whatnot.
That’s a big IF, that has proven to have little to no effect in the past. Why should it work now? And yes I mean Horde actually transferring. Post TBC we had many many many options and incentives in the game to roll Alliance for PvP as much as we did for Horde, if not even MORE, yet the queues on Horde side were always longer due to more Horde interested in PvP. Peculiar, don’t you think? So no, I firmly believe faction changes and transfers wouldn’t fix absolutely anything
That’s not why your argument is empty. It’s empty because you keep on drilling about the suggestions that Blizzard did in the past, which have not worked towards significantly reducing queue times (it was never as bad as it is now, but that can be attributed to meta oriented gameplay where everyone goes for even a 1% advantage). Bottom line is, you basically dismiss the suggestions from the OP based on #nochanges while TBCC isn’t even #nochanges anymore, as stated by Blizzard themselves. And when something is as game-breaking as Horde queues at the moment, something should be done; something that we know has worked in the past.
Have faction transfers made sure queue times are equal? No.
Have OP alliance racials made sure queue times are equal? No.
Has mercenary mode made sure queue times are equal? Yes, because if your queue is long, you “swap to the other faction”. Hey, look at that, perhaps we should focus on a similar solution to that one because it WORKS.
Or you know, leave the game as it is and let people suffer due to poor game design. Also an option ofc.
If there was such a significant amount of people that WANT to play Horde, and has rerolled Alliance JUST because of the queues, then why are Horde queues still so long? Ofc i don’t have numbers on this but simple logic suggests that the recent increase in ally pop is more or less equal to the people that would come back to horde if queues were shorter. And seeing how Horde queue only gets LONGER instead of shorter, I don’t think there’s that many people that are currently ally and would go horde. Ofc there are some, but would it really change pop “balance” so much? Only Blizzard has answers to that I’m afraid.
Good concern, but we can only speculate.
It’s not like we have accurate population stats of active pvp players, you know. Ofc I knew horde queues would be longer, they ALWAYS were. But in my personal experience over all these years was that ally was under 1min, and Horde 10-30mins worst case scenario. Played horde all of classic, never bothered by queue times. But since they basically tripled, sometimes being over 1hr nowadays, it’s just absolutely ridiculous. It wasn’t as if I had all the stats on paper and looked at it and said “oH i KnOw, LeT’s RoLl HoRdE aNd SuFfEr!”
Except you can play the game, we can’t. Sure you get killed in the open world, but so do we. On my realm Ally-Horde is more or less 50-50 and open world pvp doesn’t favor one faction. Should I just tell you to “transfer to a better server” and leave everything behind? I could, just like many of you on the forums here say “just play alliance”. It’s ridiculous and dodging the real issue.
That’s debateable it can take alliance a long time to get any quests done to farm anything in the world to get any PvP zone alliance controlled and no PvP server has a 50/50 horde/alliance pop so if it can take alliance 1 hour to get some quests done due to being continually ganked and outnumbered it’s perfectly fine for you to wait an hour on a bg both parties can’t really play
I think you will find that YOU are dodging the real issue
The difference here is that this happens to SOME alliance, whereas this happens to ALL horde constantly. I get ganked on my alt a lot as well, by pretty much any Alliance that swoops by but that’s just how PvP servers are supposed to work, I don’t care. It is very frustrating of course but that’s how it is. I know that if I try it at another time or place, or even layer, it might be different, and many times it is.
But since BGs are xrealm, all players are affected at all times. There’s no “Oh I will just queue at another time”. The only time BG queues are shorter is in the evenings when Alliance decides to throw in extra premade groups, so you wait 45min instead of 1hr but your chance to win reduces dramatically. So no, it is definitely not even on the same scale.
EDIT: I want to put emphasis on the fact that while both of these issues are very annoying, and both are byproducts of past game design in modern meta. Ideally both should be solved somehow. The BG queue issue however is solved a lot easier, and putting all those horde into BGs faster will also mean less open world ganking. It won’t disappear, but it will be less.