Seems a little unfair when blizz added #changes in the form of server transfers to help the alliance who were getting destroyed in p2.
Those existed before p2 and for different reasons, namely to balance out total realm population, which was an issue and caused huge queues.
Yet they are #changes. Alliance benefited from them. Regardless, I’m currently levelling an alliance rogue, donations to Dcruize@Gehennas.
At least you’re doing something instead of displaying the epitome of selfishness by demanding merc mode in the forums.
Shrug, I can’t be mad.
The whole game is an optional activity. This argument makes no sense man.
Yeah you jump straight into arenas and above 1500 see all Alliance teams with full PvP gear that just stomp you becasue they outgear you heavily. At 1500 rating it would take you roughly half a year at best to get your PvP set. If you don’t think that’s an issue idk what to tell you…
It is a different can of worms in a sense that it is another topic that deserves its own thread. It is however very much directly related to one another
Fair point there. But I was comparing the CURRENT speed of progression through the now so called “phase 1”, comparing PvE to PvP. PvP lags behind tremendously. I am just worried how this might reflect phase releases in general, that’s all.
That’s up to Blizzard to decide, they have the stats and we don’t. It worked in the past to a certain extent. I also don’t see it as a probable solution, but I mentioned it nonetheless since this is a summary post of things I found on the forums so far
I agree. Again, just things i saw people posting on the forums. I gave my argumentation in the OP as well on how it’s not the best option, to highlight it for everyone. Guess you didn’t get that memo.
It definitely solves the underlying issue, which is Horde queue times as indicated by the post. Is it the all around best solution? I personally don’t think so.
Perhaps, but I doubt it. You could argue mercenary mode would mean more faction imbalance too then since it doesn’t matter which faction you play, yet retail doesn’t seem to have that issue any more so than TBC classic. So no, I don’t think you’re right on this one. Just my opinion though.
I agree. As stated in the OP, no need to make this an echo chamber…
That would be the most harmless solution. But faction transfers wouldn’t exactly solve the issue. They didn’t in WotLK when they were released, why would it change now? As long as it is in the hands of the players, there WILL remain a problem. I am arguing it should NOT be in the hands of the players because that is a ludicrous expectation since there are so many of us with such differing opinions - how could we possibly all agree to do one thing that benefits the game? That’s why we need a higher power to do it for us.
I’m bumping this thread, cause for the forums these days it’s uncharacteristically well written. I aggree with all of what you said, my preferred method would be the ‘horde vs horde’ bgs. Since alli vs horde takes precedence, the alli ques wouldn’t go up significantly, and they wouldn’t have the immersion broken by hordes on their team. Good solution.
There was server transferes in vanilla wow also so that was not a change they implemented.
The honest truth is that Racials are basically equal in TBC. Stormform is the best healer racial in the game by a margin. Perception on a team with a warlock entirely negates stealth characters.
Horde/Alliance is a barrier to playing with friends or team-mates. Horde is so heavily stacked simply because some marginal, possibly non-existent racial advantage exists, or just because old-school PVP’ers played Horde and stay that way. They all pile on the same faction+server so they can queue together. Some play both Alliance and Horde but they are full time streamers. Most of us aren’t
The final, most honest truth is that alliance have equal players globally. They stick to PVE servers and avoid PVP. This shouldn’t be possible. Interaction with players, ESPECIALLY the unwanted interactions are at the core of MMO’s. It doesn’t matter how much you disagree or what you argue to counter this, it’s the case.
Unwated interactions are frustrating to people because it gets in the way of their objective. Likely their objective is to farm something, level up, or get a new item. If someone is stopping you doing tghat, get a friend or bring a party. it’s the core of unscripted content, and it’s what makes the game alive.
Everyone sitting on PVE servers and avoiding PVP, you’re the reason Classic became a raid-logging simulator. The game is linear and pointless. Stop pretending buffs and purpz are anything other than a time-sink you forget about in a matter of weeks.
Yea getting destroyed due to faction imbalance in no small part resulted from the #nochanges crowd. All these problems were discussed everywhere there was wow content all the way back in 2019.
The comparison to FFXIV isn’t fair, because their community isn’t split 60/40. When alliance faced pvp issues in classic due to pop, hordes laughed in their faces and were all smug and mighty stomping people through numbers alone, not some form of advanced personal skill that might warrant stroking of one’s e-peen.
As such, I really don’t see a problem with the current state of the game. I actually wanted to meta slave in classic and went horde for that obscene will racial, as you can see from my guy here. I met a lot of angry pvp edgelords and a bunch of decent folk in the pve crowd.
I thought I could stomach the aesthetics and the mud huts for the meta, but I couldn’t so I went back and stayed alliance for the rest of classic.
Coming back for TBC I started fresh on a new server and was hard pressed to find a somewhat balanced one, especially since many from alliance jumped boat with the boosts for an easier open world experience. Boy, I bet they are happy now.
Perception is useless if there is no stealther. Stoneform is ok, I guess, too bad it’s on the ugliest race in the roster. Then you have 2s stun, stun resist and bloodfury and will+canni. Alliance druid have best racial to run back faster to corpse or, you know, stealth on a class that already has stealth. Perfection.
Their solution will likely be to add in faction transfers. It generates cash for them without actually fixing anything.
Exactly like blizzard always does.
Mercenary mode would be a small, 10% chance.
That’s good, free or payed faction swap, I don’t care. Giving merc makes horde superior in all regards, making alliance even less desirable when you can also have the instant queues as horde, making the population problem even worse than it is. Thx, no thx.
In that case TBC isn’t the expansion for you. Goodbye.
Working as intended. Why would it not reflect phase releases with what we know about how TBC progressed? Blizzard even intended to delay the start of season 1 until the release of t5 content before cries changed their minds. That should be warning enough for anyone who only cares about PvP.
Did it? I would like to see the math behind how battlegroups can reduce average queue time.
No. The queue times are a result of the underlaying issue.
If players have an available solution to a problem that is both free and requires a minimum amount of time and effort, then there is no longer a problem. If someone would rather sit 1-2 hours in queue instead of playing alliance with instant queues, the queues isn’t really a problem for them.
It would be if I was alliance though (currently levelling an alliance alt) so your point is mute. I’ve played on ‘other’ servers a lot, I love TBC and WotLK PVP. Regardless, you’ve demonstrated a lack of knowledge and interest in PVP, why are you even talking here?
Because it doesn’t reflect TBC progression, that is the whole point. PvP does because it’s gated behind honor and arena rating. But PvE is getting completely destroyed by meta tactics and players of today, it’s laughable. Back in the day the pace of progression was more or less the same for both PvE and PvP, but not anymore.
It helped in some cases, in others it didn’t. It’s the same as we have now but divided into groups, so some groups would be better off than others. Like I said, not a good solution but there WOULD be groups where Horde would end up with shorter queues. Also groups where Horde would get longer queues.
The underlying issue I assume you’re referring to there being more Horde than Alliance? Yeah good luck fixing that, blizz been trying since release of WoW and it’s still not balanced. That’s why I suggest looking into alternatives… It’s almost like we have ~15 years of past experience with this where we can look back and tell exactly what went right and what went wrong… oh wait, we can…
I agree on this but it will never happen. In a perfect world it would, but this isn’t a perfect world. So if that was a realistic solution, it would have happened already, but yet again: IT DIDN’T. IT NEVER DID. Not since 2004, not until 2021 in both classic AND retail, no matter what the system is the faction numbers are imbalanced. So I say again, we should look at other solutions rather than the easy non-argument of “it’s a player problem”
But I know you won’t even read this and will just twist my words into your own meaning and come back with some other arbitrary “Trump-like” argument that is actually an empty statement. All of the things you mentioned I already mentioned in the OP pretty much. Your way of argumenting here makes no sense, serves no purpose and yields no results; just misreading my posts and regurgitating popular opinions
Unlike you I am here to provide my opinion on the topic of the thread. Why are you here?
No it was not. PvP progress was significantly slower unless you compare the progress of a casual PvE player with a hardcore arena player, which makes no sense.
So you are basically suggesting that some hordes should get 15 min queues while others get 3 hours? If simply splitting up the population reduces average queue time, there must be significant optimization in the queue system that could achieve the same average improvement. If the queue system is actually optimized, splitting it into battlegroups can only achieve two things. No change or longer average queue time.
No. The underlaying issue is that there are far more horde players interested in queuing for battlegrounds.
And yet horde players who now complain about queue times chose to ignore that experience.
Which part will never happen? Free horde to alliance transfers, or horde players actually transferring? I wouldn’t rule out the first one. If the second one turned out to be true, there is no problem.
This pretty much sums up every horde “argument” presented on the matter. “Your argument is empty because I don’t like the consequences of it”.
This makes no sense at all. Enjoy your queue.
All of these changes will just result in even more players rolling horde and destroy what is left of alliance population, creating a far bigger problem.
Faction change and restricting the number of active Horde players are the only things that work as tried and tested on many pservers. Dominant faction needs to be gutted, not given even more buffs lol.
Having not queued for a single bg since hitting 70 but knowing that if I want to, my queue will be 1 min makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Unless a huge number of people re-roll together then it isn’t a solution.
Re-rolling starting from level 1 still leaves the problem at max level until those people have invested a lot of played time to reach 70, unless ofc you are advocating free level 58 boosts for re-rolls.
Personally I wouldn’t re-roll to the other faction, I have have invested a lot of time into my “main” character, that I’d completely lose.
Look at all your characters on one Faction and hand on heart tell me that you’d swap factions and lose all that time, all the gold, all the items ( all that stash on Bank Alts ), the Prof alts etc invested in them.
It’s not a practical solution for “most” people.
The real question is why didn’t you think of this problem when you first created your character, when knowing how it will end up being?