Horde PvP Discord

Discord : /4ZBF8swk

Hey guys,

So i recently joined an Alterac Valley BG, where the Alliance kept us in for 2 hours farming our bodies where we all decided to stay ghost and run around the map. This was the moment when some other hordies and i decided it was time to at least make this not happen again to us ! So it is time for our very own Horde discord.

its also just amazing to talk with people and socialize during those strange times which is very important and it will create a lot of well deserved happiness and laughter for everyone ! <3

I want everyone to be welcome, security meassures will be taken to make it Horde only, i appreciate any sort of help in building this up
Discord : /4ZBF8swk


ENJOY YOUR 90 MINUTE QUEUE HAHAHAHAH :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Its more like 15-35 these days, at times shorter than ab queue.
Abit too short for me, cant like queue + go and farm much, wont get all that much done atleast.

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Will you please teach your horde to just PASS each other in the middle then?
More honor/hour even if you lose
More rep/hour
REDUCED queue times for you(horde) because the games will last 15mins instead of 40mins+

Once everyone on horde side has understood basic math taught in 4th grade we might be even more efficient and i mean BOTH sides.


But… why?
Do you actually queue av to farm honor or reputation?
What an odd retail mentality to have, I cant even understand that.
What is the point? / What are you going to do once you do get what you chase after?

How about you queue for pvp to pvp?
Cant speak for everyone ofc but for my own part, I just queue for fun.
There is no carrot there im chasing.
I just want to take part in big teamfights, if the bg should take 1- 2hours or even 3 hours then that is excellent. Im not there trying to get something or do something, im doing the acitivity because I like doing it.


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