Hey there everybody. So I’m pretty new to Horde and as someone who really enjoys a spot of RP. I was wondering, where do I go to find RP on Horde? Part of me wants to avoid Silvermoon like the plague since I’ve found it to technically be Goldshire 2.0, but I really don’t know where else to look. Any advice on where I can find it would be great. Thank you in advance for any help.
Horde RP is mostly guild/event based, so it’d be much better if you join one. Can recommend Highblood Myrmidons and Moonlight Melody.
It’s just Bazaar not all of it.
Valley of Honor and Silvermoon minus Bazaar.
Good luck!
Morning! As Kump has mentioned, Highblood Myrmidons are recruiting able-bodied sin’dorei and shal’dorei in an effort to rebuild the glorious elven empire. The guild mostly works as a force under the employment of Quel’Thalas’s Spire and respective Suramar’s officials. If you’re interested you should whisper Kalinrea / Cinderflare / Rynore / Paladanna when they’re online, though whispering any member should work for a general direction.
There are also these super based gamers.
Thank you Kai, very cool.
But yes, both Highbloods and Melody offer High quality Shal’dorei RP. Highbloods focusing on Military and Melody offering super awesome religious RP (I’m not bias, I promise.)
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