[PCU] Horde Elf RP - Highblood Myrmidons đź’«

The Highblood Myrmidons’ doctrine is based around the idea that the Horde now stands as the logical continuation of the elven empires of old, having recruited the two high-blooded mage cities of Silvermoon and Suramar to their cause. The Horde provides the strength and backing that is needed to achieve the goal of Highborne dominance, being an excellent tool, as well as coming to both Suramar and Quel’Thalas in their ultimate times of need. Characterised by an undying, sometimes fanatic loyalty to their respective Kingdoms, every Myrmidon is a true executor of elven will.

While holding the belief that the elven people are the true inheritors of Azeroth the Highblood Myrmidons are still willing to work with the rest of the Horde, albeit at an arm’s length. The idea that the elves are the superior people on Azeroth gives the Highblood the view that they must take a paternal guiding role towards the Horde’s younger races to lead them along the right path. It is heavily pushed as part of the Myrmidons official rhetoric. They believe that the younger races, despite being much less civilised and experienced, have the potential to be great allies and friends … or at the very least weapons employed by the elven people to further their ends.

The chief enemy of the Highblood Myrmidons are those who bring shame to the legacy of the elves - namely the savage night elves, a breed of low-blooded primitives who forsook their power out of a base and animalistic fear and the void elves, traitors and madmen who humiliated Quel’thalas with their defection. Those who stand with them - namely the Alliance - are seen in a dim light.

Hello gamers,

The Highblood Myrmidons are still recruiting pro-Horde Blood Elves / Nightborne. This guild will offer militaristic roleplay with a slightly less rigid tone - functioning more like a group of specialists without a massive focus on lines / formations. Highborne (or “highblooded”) heritage will be a key theme, with the concept focused on the idea that Silvermoon and Suramar’s coming together under Lorthemar’s rule represents a renaissance for Azeroth’s elves, with the Horde standing in as a sort of byzantine empire of the elves (and their various orc/troll/etc allies). To this end, the group is recruiting any elf that is part of the Horde - from blood knights to nightborne mages to undead high elves to demon hunters (though some characters concepts will naturally be initially distrusted IC)

What are the event types I can expect from HBM?

We hold many types of events some samples are;

  • High society Shal’dorei or Sin’dorei parties full of intrigue
  • Securing artifacts and powerful magical sources that are being misused by the reckless lesser races
  • Investigating intricate plots that undermine the kingdoms
  • Seeking and delivering punishments to those branded enemies by the kingdoms.
  • Much, much more! The Myrmidons regularly visit all four corners of Azeroth and beyond in their quest to spread Suramar and Silvermoon’s influence.

Apart from these events, we also hold cross guild events and campaigns with the other guilds that make up the PCU. Whether it is clashing with the Alliance guilds or guiding the hands of our fellow Horde members, you can expect many cross-guild interactions

A very lightweight recommended colour-scheme of black & gold is in place (as a sort of neutral choice between Silvermoon’s red and Suramar’s purple)

If you’re interested, shoot “Vaelene” or “Anyssra” a PM, though any online member should be able to point you in the right direction


Great bunch of folk, glad I joined up.


Loving being with these guys. 5/5 join today


Best guild ever. Period.


If being slim and tidy is your thing, this guild is certainly for you my friend!


I shall take that as a compliment.


Celestial, Cosmic, Sublime! Behold the wonders of the world in service to the Horde and then set them on fire! Just don’t ask about the pigeons.


The good people of the sin’dorei and the shal’dorei shall lead the Horde into victory. These lesser – I mean, these less magically-inclined races need a good guiding hand.


Cool bunch. Definitely would do a tik tok collab.


dabbing is an important part of blood elf culture


Further glory awaits you in undeath

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Further glory awaits you in undeath



I beg your pardon?!?


I beg your pardon?!?

undeath is a fact of life


A fact that will soon take over all. Join us. Join us.


Cya, that is enough. Don’t pester these lesser beings and lets go slaughter something, alright?

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HighBloods > Grim Gang


What the heck bro?!!


Your willingness to volunteer for the slaughter has been noted

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I’ll get you next time Eirdarias. Your days are numbered.