Horde stop following us to Earthshaker

Transfers were needed 3 months ago, but keeping them open for this long should never have happend. Blizzard’s inabiliaty to act as soon as they saw what was happening is also disappointing, although not unexpected. Giving a 24+ hour notice about closing transfers instead of closing it immidiately like they warned they might do was also a huge mistake.


Imagine being so stupid to make a deal with 13 other guilds to move to Earthshaker 35 hours Before the realm transfers close, and then precede to go to the forums, reddit and every discord server telling everyone that 700 of them moved to Earthshaker… Flamelash alliance wins idiots of the year :slight_smile:


well last time they gave no notice and everyone cried that half their guild is stuck etc, so they announce this time and this happens

cant win tbh haha, best transfers is NO transfers but its too late for that now :slight_smile: urgent action needed or game is done

There was no deal though. People were fed up with the whole situation and saw the writing on the wall. Then one guild moved and it snowballed from there. Flamelash was dying long before people started transferring.

Earthshaker is now a 50:50 faction balanced server. Ive ran census addon from 7 PM today in both factions.
Alliance side registered total of 1783 players, and 1091 level 60s.
Horde side registered total of 1634 players, and 1051 level 60s.

I dont know anything about Flamelash.

It was always going to happen. What did you expect when a mass exodus of alliance players transfer and leave horde players with a ghost server.

They are obviously not going to want to be stuck on a server on their own.

This thread will only cause more horde to flood there.


Why does horde dominate everything then? we had the numbers till about 4 pm and were dominating everything and since then horde have been controling everything… Ironforge Stormwind gadgetzan Everlook and Light’s hope are all on lock down by the horde now…

Hopefully it stays that way (or close to) until the transfers close.

But I wouldn’t hold my breath if I was you.

Alliance cowards from Flamelash managed to ruin another server for their own faction, incredible. Poor Alliance who originally rolled on Earthshaker.


How is it our fault? we just wanted to get away from Flamelash and now horde are following us here… we are getting corpse camped everywhere now… ´Blizzard should shut off all horde transfers before more horde move here… all of them are storming the server because there are only 3 hours left…

Then do something.
Ur pussies rly wtf…

Alliance characters are focused on pve and horde pvp.

But allies… Haha really?
Are u getting smacked? :see_no_evil: take ur self together rly. Gank them back.

All I hear Is bad losers whine.


You did a mass exodus to a server where the horde already dominated world pvp. What the hell did you expect? Blizzard haven’t reacted swiftly to anything in classic. Why did you think they would do so now?

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Move of the Year


My god, the mentality of the people posting here is cringy asf.
This is the community we’re having? Okay.


Holy shait. What a shaitshow. I guess going Alliance on Zandalar Tribe was the best decision of the year.
The more I read and see, the more I believe Blizzard isn’t even preparing Classic TBC, they are litearlly just making sure they kill Classic WoW before Shadowlands are out…
You thought you did, but you didn’t. Now buy more mounts and pokémon, you pathetic plebeians.


OMG , i have more fun reading forum than playing classic.

Blizzard is the new Benny Hill story.

One server is dead, another which was healthy became sh*thole.

Well done blizzard
I notice the so called dead servers a month ago , are the destination now.


Did it ever cross your mind that the reason you were “dominating” in the morning was because it was morning…?
Not to mention that a 50/50 faction balance does NOT mean world PvP will be equally matched.


we ally dont want to dominate earthshaker, we want to be balanced

came to es because the ally ratio was like 47% so us joining would make it like 50 - 50 max not to dominate the server etc


Sounds like you forgot to do some proper research if you thought the a/h ratio out in the world was anything close to 45/55 on earthshaker before you arrived.

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You picked a pvp realm, didn´t like the pvp there and moved to another, where you thought that you could dominate pvp on. Do you honestly not see your fault?

To transfer to get an advantage over others is always bad and rude. It´s the same thing that will happen with the AQ events. Whole guilds will transfer to random realms to claim the mounts, while those established communities there will be overrun and lose the ability to claim the mount and titles themselves.

Transfers in an MMO are always bad, Blizzard did wrong there and people abuse it as much as possible, as they love the path of least resistance.