Hot Take : Make Heroic raids reward the best gear

Heroic difficulty should just be the highest difficulty needed for character power. bump up its difficulty a bit and allow 10 man raiding for the highest ilvl gear. keep mythic difficulty as hard as it currently is and reward their conquerors cosmetics and titles to flex. (just like going beyond m+12 keys). make it very obvious when you see those highly skilled players. let them bask in their glory.

but asking even the semi hardcore players to jump through all the hoops required to clear and farm a mythic raid to progress their character optimally is just too much. it requires too much scheduling and planning and general effort outside the raid encounter itself.


TLDR: Er no

Longer take.

No you souldn’t be handed gear for showing up, no braining everything. You get the gear for the content you do. I mainly do heroic raiding and 10’s 11’s by seasons end I have mythic gear. Its a progression system so go progress, if something is important to you make the time, get a guild and do mythic raiding if not be happy with your lot


thanks for the TLDR part. it was useful.

I assume heroic would also be harder in this system?

sure ! that would make sense. just not sepulcer mythic hard. like halfway between current mythic and heroic

You’d also remove the vault I guess? And drastically reduce crest acquisition / have some new method of upgrading gear.

As it stands removing myth track results in people being full bis in a month.

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So then what would the point with Mythic difficulty be? Killing bosses in Mythic with no upgrades goes against what WoW is about: Character progression.

like i said. ‘’ make it very obvious when you see those highly skilled players. let them bask in their glory ‘’ im proposing they’d be rewarded handsomly. just not in power. the incentive to do a mythic raid would be the same as doing 12 and higher keys. same as the top pvp players play for every season. which the high end players are already doing without power being the incentive.

Sorry but no, that’s not how WoW works.

well mythic raiding in its current image doesn’t work either. it’s actually dying. the data is clear on that. we can just watch the horse bleed out if it the current ‘‘how wow works’’ is some holy grail.

im not saying my idea is perfect, but this is a textbook example of someone who thinks that players should adapt to Blizzard’s old ways, rather than blizzard adapting and evolving along with player behavior.

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Why don’t you just come out and say… Daddy Blizz, give me max-level gear for no effort, please. I don’t want to do hard stuff. I don’t want to be mean, but you have 0 idea (from the character your posting) what people have to do to even get a foot in the door at a mythic-level guild, and that’s before you even set foot in the raid; it’s not for everyone.

So what if mythic gear is out of people’s reach? They’re not doing content that gear is for anyway. Like I said, if you want mythic track gear, do mythic raiding and see why people don’t agree with you.

That would be down to a number of factors. M+ is also down; the player base is now older, and people just don’t have the time or desire to do mythic content. But mythic raiding has always been a niche part of WoW for as long as it’s been a thing; most low-end “mythic” guilds are really just AOTC heroic guilds. Any real mythic guild has to have a large amount of work, time, and effort put in before you even get into the raid. Taking any old player just won’t work, and people in the top 10% of WoW’s player base are probably in a long-standing mythic guild anyway. Taking a guild from heroic to mythic means you need at least 25 active skilled players plus 5/10 backups all wanting your raid slot. It’s very mercenary, and yes, at some point you’re going to get chewed out and kicked if you cant cut it.

you’re making my exact point. its too much effort needed outside of the raiding part itself. and as i also mentioned in another comment ; Mythic raiding is dying and it will if it stays in its current form. i never said it should be for everyone, im only saying it needs to be more reasonable for people to do the content that rewards this power. remotely possible for people that have jobs and a family for example.

Again no, am sorry if your gonna go to the effort to do all the things i talk about then you sould get gear that the common player dosn’t

well yes… ofcourse you should if thats the trouble you have to go through to get it. but should you have to make all this effort ? that is my point. should you actually have to do all this that you currently need to do to get the gear ? do you find that a reasonable ask ?

Yes, You know why?? there people like myself who love the challange, who love to fight the biggest and badest, but more than, that achivment of knowing you put the effort in to do something, Why do you think mythic guilds will have 100,200,300 wipes on a boss? and not give up its the challange of killing it, do you think its just for a few pixals on a screen or do you think theres more to it?

lol you are making my exact point again :slight_smile: you’re in this for the glory, for the excitement and satesfaction to finally take down the biggest and the baddest. not for the few pixels on a screen :joy:

yes but your saying mythic raiders souldnt get gear from it am saying they sould. its not there main focus sure, but once a mythic team kills a boss its on “farm” for the gear.

this just shows how disconnected you are from the scene you imply are a part of. literally everyone hates farm

judging by your way with words ; if you are older than maybe like 16/17, thats really embarrassing for you.

Am confused as I don’t feel embarrassed, hmm… let me just try caring… yeh no not gonna happen sorry : /

Yeh noooo again your wrong but thats ok, you do you. expecting life to just hand you everything you want on a silver platter

looks like somebody is having a hard time making a case for himself.