How about improve loot system?

Hell if I know… the problem is that they think that’s the norm in guilds. That master looter would just enable them to ninja loot. While in reality, 99% of guilds will just want to give loot to whomever gets the most out of it.

Their fear is irrational and either based on bad past experience or inexperience with being in a raiding guild in the first palce.

Killed every boss on normal and hc this week on my DK. Drop 0 items. I think drop rate is under 5%.

To be honest, I like the idea. It doesn’t give you more loot. It gives you more useful loot. I raided HC most of 9.0 / 9.0.5. Still don’t have a full CN plate armor set, but, guess what, I DO have something like 7 or 8 Hyperlight Bands.

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