I just read news about loot rng change in ESO and after readign artice I get in to conclusion that similar system will be verry reasonable in World of Warcraft. How it works?
Whenever you kill a boss the game will have a look at the loot-pool for that specific boss and your collection. If there are intems in the boss loot-pool that are not in your collection, you are guaranteed to drop an item you have not already collected.
So you will don’t get 3,4 or 5 times this same helmet from boss but every time if you get loot there will be diffrent item until you will get all avaible items from that boss, after that loot will be rng.
ehh, with the current loot system, running DoS 20+ times EACH SEASON appeals very little to me, and that’s just to get my BiS trinket… I would rather do it 5 times for a currency guarantee then buy it, and have it upgradable through the seasons, with new gear added as the seasons go and we get new content…
For me the game doesn’t really start untill i’ve got what i consider “good stat-gear” and my BiS trinkets… The repetative nature of running something over and over and over again to try and get it instead of enjoying my time pushing is a no from me… So Shadowlands have been dead content for me personally since about 6months into the expansion… Horrible system
Not really horrible. It’s horrible because you think 5 attempts is enough to bother about it and since it doesn’t drop in 5 attempts, you think you should cheese the way around it. Which I understand because right now, I cannot make my self to farm a mount in old raid. I’d rather level an alt. But hey, that is just me.
RNG means that you can get on 1st attempt or 500th attempt. However, what’s your goal?
For some people, goal is to clear mythic raids. For some people, goal is to have BIS items.
While both is fine, in either case, a “chase for loot” ends in one way or another. Whether you did it enough times to do that or not.
Part of me, believes that this is a very modern trend because everything is becoming fast and fasted consumed so people don’t think they should bother that much about “a game” while in reality, they will think that they should not bother THAT much about anything.
the 5 attempts was more to hint at other systems being viable, obviously if it were for a currency it would take more than that…
Now, with the chances being how they are currently i wouldn’t mind all that much if it wasn’t seasonal based… But it looks like that’s what they’re going for, so come new seasons you’ve gotta re-get all the items you’ve currently got equipped but with that new season stamp on it… We’ve already done that, but now with even worse drop-chances… Nah…
I just CBA with it anymore… I used to be one of the cheery people, advocating for people that “it’ll come” “don’t worry about it!” “it get’s better!” … But it doesn’t get better… It’s been going steadily downhill since early BfA, and they just keep making systems more and more complicated, teedious, and to quote blizz on the loot changes: “it’s to make loot feel more valuable again! So when you get the piece you will cherish it!”…
That’s not what happened… IT WOULD WORK if the game wasn’t seasonal based, but they went that route, yet kept loot rules more suited for an “only need to drop once” system.
EDIT: And just to make one thing clear… GETTING the loot is the tedious part… But you need the gear to actually be able to push content and do what you want to… For me getting “all the loot” is NOT my objective, but i need it to push content at a satisfactory level"… Used to run 24-25’s back in BfA, but no way can i be fussed to re-gear Every. Single. Season, this expac ESPECIALLY with these new dropchances…
i remember harlans dices for that same reason, each season i was reseted and had to start fishing for it on my illidari. but at least freehold was a very pleasant dungeon for me to do and i got the parrot quite early so i had no hard feeling for this dungeon.
I remember that in 9.0 I could not get my hands on an unbound changling so I used another trinket. And you know what happened? I still did 99% logs on my mythic+ runs because the game is better balanced than people would like to give it credit.
And instead of complaining I will do the same in this season without a ruby.
i played with that mindset in Legion and BfA, but with the changes to the loot rules now, and probably being older, it just doesnt appeal to me anymore, and i don’t have the willpower to “pretend” like it doesn’t annoy me anymore… If i ask for a hot-dog and you give me a Banana, i’ll just leave…
EDIT: Been hoping for a better system since M+ launched… It’s not happened yet, and i feel i’ve been patient enough… I’ll look into it at a later date to see if they’ve made satisfactory changes.
i use that mindset in my actual work, dont plan to ever treat a game like a job.
for me they havent caved enough on the bad changes they did to loot on the start of SL, so i plan to wait for some more awkward concessions on their part hehe
And to actually get the loot, you need to get invited to the dungeons as well. I play 4 toons now and 2 of them are 2k score, one is 1.8k and one is 1.7k. But getting invite on my 1.8k warrior is almost impossible. Yes, I can probably do my own keys, but to get the 2k for max upgrade I don’t wanna run dungeons I don’t need, where I need 0 loot at all. Barely even get invite to HoA as a venthyr now a days, let alone other dungeons where I might need a few pieces…
It’s much better for content to expire because people have experienced it rather than content to expire because people get sick of the game and never come back. You know, for some reason Blizzard has conditioned the player base to think of the company first instead of themselves. Do you really enjoy killing boss after boss and getting no loot?
Content is dead FTL anyway dude. Unless you’re catastrophically bad, or unlucky, 2-3 weeks of weeks of random drops is enough to get you gear to clear HC.
Everything else is us still wanting bis gear and minmax like we used to even if with this constant grind wheel and minor ilvl bumps every week is not needed nor makes sense unless you’re cutting edge.
Capping everything is just a pain in the butt for us normal players that blizz do because otherwise pro streamers will have nothing to showcase in 2 weeks.
The real suggestion is give us back a damn vendor with badge. You go out, you farm your stuff, you pick your gear. Easy, works, and player likes it.
This is the trinkets in my DK’s bags after farming DoS for scale.
So yea, if you’re scared that the content will expire too fast… the content has already expired for me, but because I got tired of getting the wrong trinkets over and over and over and over. I got sick of the content and got nothing out of it. Is that what you prefer?
A deterministic gearing system would be a lot better for the player experience, but Blizzard’s scared that people getting the loot they want will diminish player engagement because they have no confidence in their game/content (and tbf, it’s not like people are doing it for fun anymore).
If it’s great for other MMOs then it’s probably great for WoW too. I think we’re just so lost in this soup that any sign of positive change terrifies us.
If Blizzard would stop gating ALTs, and get a balanced gearing system that would get you fully geared (NOT FULLY BIS GEAR) in like 1 max 2 months, that would allow more people to actually play their ALTs.
I’m specifiying “NOT FULLY BIS GEAR” because some people don’t have ALTs and maybe they just want to keep playing their MAIN and still have a reason to clear the raid for the 20th time. Think of it like the Diablo 3 Ancient Legendaries that still give you a reward just so you can feel you got rewarded.
We do not need overcomplicated and overdesigned back end systems messing with the loot you get - be it in your favor or against it.
The way things should be designed is always with a lean towards simplicity. The more complex things are, the more points of failure they have. This is the doom of MMOs.
I agree that realistically, if everyone is up to speed and skill level, you can do HC within 2-3 weeks. But you have to be aware that most people are, in this case, catastrophically bad, so there are people that clear heroic raids in months.
I don’t understand this really. You people are like my ex manager. Everything that is true, is true because he said so. Otherwise is false.