How about to develope a AI Helper (Robot) that assists Dungeon Group's with a Leaver until a real Player is avaiable

How about developing an artificial intelligence that plays with you until the group is replenished…
At the moment I’m sitting in the dungeon for 18 minutes waiting for new players because the old ones left because they didn’t want to play the dungeon. As a DPS I’ve already waited 15 minutes before… that’s now over 30 minutes of my time where I’m forced to wait for invites or teammates or I’ll be punished (kicked out or missed invite…)
It should be very simple to create an AI that performs in this example.
I call it Artificial Intelligence now, but really it’s just the same abilities that offline computer games have always had… now you just integrate them into online games when there are too few players…
What you thinking bout that? Doing Solo Dungeons (no you don’t always have Friends or Players) is a real torture at this moment…
Edit: While I was thinking about that and writing it down, I now wait 25 Minutes extra to my 15 former Minutes to have a Group. Still no Healer in sight and i’m in a disbanded Group.

Look retail has follower dungeon option and it feels completely hollow and busted. They follow your character like pets and any bad pull you make is compensated by them instantly taunting and overhealing everything as if their threat/dps/hps constantly getting dynamically adjusted for them to not fail almost anything besides really massive overpulls.

If you let 1 bot take over the leaver place, players would start demanding more untill they are soloing dungeon content with 4 bots.

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As Черница said, we have something like that in retail.

Such a thing never existed for Classics.


How’d you explain my circumstance then? I would’t have come up with it if I wasn’t forced to wait 50 (!!) extra minutes.
And the big surprise: Even after 50 minutes (and after 25 minutes completly alone) in the Dungeon I didn’t had another group formed to finish the dungeon.
If it’s a bug or something else I demand to have an eye on it…
Regular HC Random Que.
Tool said it was just a healer missing.
Another Option: I would remember the Option to have a faster que if you are in a already formed but broken dungeon Group… in this case it didn’t seemed to work…

We are talking about Classic Era here, not Retail (or Cata?).
Waiting times for dungeons can be higher in Era, especially for DPS. But no way should we introduce AI players. Never.

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