How bad are the 9.1 nerfs?

This. Stats will rise and crit and haste would have brought combust under a min which is silly.

Also IC is one of the most powerful conduits in the game, if not the most powerful. There’s a new conduit empowerment system in 9.1 so it needed to be reigned in.

The third conduit unlock will give us an extra %multiplier into ST or AoE combusts.

We might have to gear up a bit but we will still be strong.

Also why do you all think fire has the right to be op all the time. We may have to be second fiddle to ele shaman or frost mage in m+, so what? It’s someone elses turn to be meta for a while.


That’s literally what fire does the best right now and what is picked for. Giant, uncapped AOE damage is it’s niche and has been for years. So since fire got the best AOE in the game, it shouldn’t also be topping ST meters.

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I mean what ST meters is it topping?

laughing in frost/arcana

You also said that you do not agree on Kindling Nerf and they should have buffed dmg of something on ST to compensate it.I also said earlier that i do not agree on ST nerf.So either your brain is a bit scuffed or you are mentally unstable lol.

Oh you are arcane,now i see…Get out bro.

Trust me,it is a rushed rape to be honest.Not even raid tests are on and they went full nerf mode which it actually seems that *Hey,we wanna make fire unplayable now when you read all these nerfs all of a sudden although it may no be like this once 9.1 goes live.But the expression they give is this as the first point of view which is rushed and bad.

The best part about PTR day is the melodramatic reactions to class changes.


If they wanted to make fire unplayable they would reduce flamestrike/flame patch damage by 50% instead of 10% they went with. Not sure if you’re trolling at this point. Fire is completely broken right now and deserves hard nerfs. What is currently on PTR won’t change much about fire’s state in the meta so I wouldn’t be surprised if it got nerfed even more before 9.1 is live.


I honestly don’t know what’s worse, people being hostile towards fire mages and wanting their spec completely gutted even tho all it needs is some nerfs to put it in line with other specs/classes or actual fire mage players acting like elitists because they’re so high and mighty while playing their overtuned spec.

No you’re NOT better than anyone else here and no, your opinion DOES NOT matter more just because you have more score on some third party app and are pushing SLIGHLY higher keys than us again DOES NOT make you a better player. You don’t even have idea if this char is my main, what other characters do I play.

You don’t have any other meaningful arguments so you’re trying to boost your elitist ego by insulting me and Andana while again actually knowing nothing about either of us. You’re proving what kind of human beings are people spamming fire mage just cause it’s broken. I wonder how many of you people would still stick to your “beloved” spec even if it got gutted. You propably wouldn’t, your high ego won’t let you play anything else than the best class at any time cause you need to feel like you’re “the best”, “pro”.

Talking about us being boosted into keys I would argue that YOU ARE the one actually getting boosted cause you abuse the most broken M+ spec and are BARELY few levels above us. It’s sad to say something like this but people like you make me hope that fire actually gets completely gutted just so you can shut your mouth for once and learn to respect other people.


The toxicity of your posts is beyond comprehension. Gratz.


silently shaking him monitor to get some salt out Gigachaos post

Two-button spec for nubz must suffer more, i need to see your suffering uahahahaahah.

But tbh as much as i enjoy firespec suffering, there is simple fact - its early ptr, there a lot of new renow levels, conduits, etc. So those nerfs are mean nothing for now. But i hope that this two-button spec will be nerfed even harder. Just to see you suffer over petty crap on forums xD


I don’t play fire, but this actually makes a lot of sense. This conduit nerf should be perceived mostly as scaling tuning in order to avoid power-creep.

I.e. considering new ilvls, this change will keep the conduit at the same power levels as it was prepatch.

Same, theoretically, should apply to kindling.

It’s like blizz saying: “guys, you’re doing great and we want to keep it that way”

I agree. Although the same thing (in terms of overpowerness) is bound to happen with Icy Veins and Icy Propulsion conduit.
This conduit is reducing the cooldown of Icy Veins for every crit while IV is active. Now you’d say that because it’s bound to the duration of IV it can’t be as OP as IC. Well it can. With Freezing Winds legendary you pretty much spam FoF for the duration of frozen orb. So while you spam icelances you extend the duration of IV and at the same time you are reducing the CD of it. Frozen orb’s CD is reduced by blizzard.
In reality, and with the current ilvl conduits, Icy Veins duration goes up to arround 1 minute and with icelance spam on frozen orb the remaining CD of IV after it fades is arround 40sec to 1 minute.
With the new ilvl conduits i can predict that IV will be pretty much a permanent buff when a tank in M+ keeps an average pace on chain pulling, and in Raids (ST targets) it will most likely be used every minute.

This is just a theory atm ofc but seeing how Freezing Winds performs with current conduits, there is a high chance that we’ll see frost spec being the next new meta.

Mark my words.


Either you are just trolling or you have anger management issues.
Either way you need some professional help.


Fotm fire mage kills a few mythic bosses and thinks his opinion is more important than everyone else. Just go reroll to spriest already.


It’s the highest simming spec in 226 gear in the game. Next tier, I think if there’s any 2 target fights it will have 100% uptime on IV. The problem is the scaling will really slow down after that. I think 9.1 will be really good for frost but it’ll fall off as the expac goes on. Also chain pulling in the current dungeons is quite often impossible.

5/10M blue parser talking?


Funny thing ur logs are garbage…you have 10+ Kills on like so many bosses,like huntsman for example and you barely reachin my dps there as fire while i have like 4-5 kills on him max…If i had not stop playing at all then i would let you talk,cockroach

You can already have very high uptime on IV and guess what, frost mage still eats the dirt on any kind of ST fight compared to meta specs

This might change with gear as we will be getting more haste, but even with 100% uptime on IV currently frost mage is nowhere near fire/affliction/boomkin/spriest