How bad are the 9.1 nerfs?

Also re this, the issue with sims is that it’s a patchwerk light movement/no movement sim, but real time fights are nowhere near that, frost consistently performs quite worse than what sims are showing already

You are probably talking about raid fights. Can’t comment on raids as I don’t raid anymore.

In Mythic+ though, if you have the correct build, conduits, legendary and covenant frost can do the same ST damage as meta specs.
Its just that on heavy movement fights we lose more dps compared to a fire mage for example.

Good that they nerfed fire mages it was needed tbh and tbh i like that you guys are in a panick attack about this because you see Havoc Dh has been seeing this in Sl at st and AoE dmg.

Totally agree, the point which I didnt get across at all, is that it shows how strong its scaling is. It’s 184 sims were pants. With 33% crit and 100% uptime it will be very strong, likely the strongest mage spec with no downtime in fights. But as I say beyond that it’s scaling will drop off.

5/10M blue parser coming up with excuses now?


First of all havoc aoe is great, really strong. Secondly, why would a havoc dh say that when they had everyone moaning about nerfing them for 2 expacs for it to happen in 9.0? Misery likes company I suppose. O and also your getting a ST nerf too.

Wich one i dont see any tbh

They changed the values on renlentless onslaught

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A conduit that no havoc dh uses fine by me

You will when you have a 3rd conduit slot

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ur early kills on all bosses are completely blue and worse than mine…its not an excuse everyone can go and check…ive stopped on 4-5 kills and compared to ur kills back then ur parses are awful…once u continue play ur parses gettin better…u have 10+ kills lol…and th funny thing is that you still lose on me on dps as fire in some bosses…disgusting

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Probably cos you keep getting kicked from guilds right? Can’t imagine you being very popular with your attitude. 3 guilds in 3 months is good going.


Please no, our cult is good without him. send him somewhere else :crossed_fingers:


I take it you wont try joining it then
Phew…Dodged a bullet there. :flushed:


Oh nerf wise ? yeah shadow is definitely getting a ST nerf, as it SHOULD.
HOWEVER, I’m just glad we dodged YOU being apart of our tentacle pope squad :laughing:

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Hah…Well that’s quite the complement, thanks. :point_left: :point_left: :sunglasses:


Yes Morìs,yes… “You’re Welcome” :+1:

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Acutally by buffing the weakest and nerfing the strongest is the best way to balance a game, just buffing specs left and right may end up with the same problems while tuning down the under performers slightly and tuning down the over performers they have a higher chance at finding balance.

Its overall less job and less risk of balance becoming even worse. Best case it gets very balanced worst case the numbers will still be closer and more balanced than prior to it.


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