How bad does BM have to be for blizz to notice

Isn’t BM like in top 3 of damage right now? slightly behind MM?

Nah, it’s competing with the bottom spec in recorded logs for Nathria.
You can still play it fine, as people don’t seem to realise it’s not the BEST!!!111!!!1! like it was for BFA, but its viable and most of the good players play MM as it simply performs better.

So blizzard said they won’t fix a broken game and we should all not resub for me tonight and go to ESO instead where devs actualy care aboutnrheirbgame? Whow I never knew blizzard would release such a statement tjay makes me wanna full in quit their trash

the Big problem whit BM is that if they buff BM, both player and pets dmg that they have to do, the out cry from pvp players is gona be bad realy bad again.

you se the main reason BM got nerfed in the first place was thanks to pvp player complaining how much they got own buy BM hunters, what was true in BFA, but this was not due to BM beeing op, but corruptions for BM beeing totaly OP, but for some reason Blizzard missed this totaly and instead made a big blanket nerf to every skill for BM just before Sl launched.


No ones asking for a huge buff, just some minor tuning that it very well deserves in order to be even considered a spot in mythic raids or high m+ keys, unless you think that forcing every class one play style or one spec is fine, then sure, ignore BM and SV.


Why do people always say this? Employ some critical thinking, please.

No-one is saying “MAKE US BEST”, they’re saying “how the hell are you happy with your balancing when the top class is nearly FIFTY PERCENT more effective than my spec for raw DPS?”

Even if BM was DEAD last, but say… ~15% behind top, I wouldn’t care at all. The issue every one has is that so far this is the worst expansion in recent history for the discrepancy between the top/bottom specs.

Being “worst” doesn’t get you kicked from a M+ group, being 40% behind a class they can invite instead of you does.


It’s dead last with Survival and Assassination rogue in Nathria.

And actually dead last in M+.

I think most people are fine with that in concept. BM can be the worst spec and most people won’t care.
It’s the DEGREE it falls behind, it’s completely unacceptable. They’ve only taken away from us since the end of BFA to punish us for using a system that no longer exists.

The -5% damage in pre-patch that hasn’t been reverted now corruption is gone, Hunter’s mark damage removed but not compensated on PTR, Beast cleave cap, Dire beast: Basilik damage gutted and never fixed. I can go on.

Even ignoring raw damage; MM has EVERY advantage over us. Better burst, better sustained, basically same mobility, Binding shot baseline, Better cast range, better talents for AoE/ST, better PVP talents, no need to deal with pets (pets ARE a liability in certain content and should be balanced as such; AI, positioning for optimal damage, dungeon skip unsumm/resumm requirement, PvP fragility).


Blizz destroyed the spec because of the whining kids in pvp. And dont expect buffs anytime soon either, another example of Blizzard listening to the wrong crowd sadly.


happend a lot of time, I have said it since vanilla already, that you can not do nerfs or buffs, whit pvp in mind, becuse it destroys pve and it has happend before a lot of times.


Here is screenshot how bad is BM hunter anima powers in Torghast, last bos on last layer ctrlv . sk/Pxs0

Seems about right - was impossible to do layer8-floor18 solo…

Now that they buffed frost mage and sin rogue, beast mastery is proudly sitting at the very bottom of Shadowlands damage specializations :smiley: I think it does about 50% less damage than marksmanship.

The sad thing is MM is plummeting with every passing week. To make things worse 2 of our 3 specs are stuck in the basement. Blizz balancing at it’s finest.

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I don’t think the OP posted this with PvP in mind

BM HUNTER JUST NOT EXIST… buff and nerf the broken class ret ww boomy

Good news: We got a 5% buff
Bad news: Every other spec that was doing better than us got a buff too

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Was thinking the same. The most meaningless buff I’ve seen.

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At least hunter have one over powered spec you guys can play… DH was at every fight in CN last… DH got a 3% buff and have only one dd spec…
Hunters should stop whining and switch to MM…

Dude, no. MM is boring AF.

Vengeance is top tier in m+ :wink: