How bad does BM have to be for blizz to notice

Well… even I became a bit grumpy now -_- I still WILL main a BM Hunter, but recently I recovered my Warlock and decided to spec Destro that I did not touch since WotLK… and people say Destro is weak, but holy heck the immediate difference in damage is jarring.

MM overpowered? Have you looked at the CN logs lately? MM is slipping down the dps rankings with each passing week.

MM, is literally being held up by WIld Spirits.
It is a mid range spec and I fully expect it will continue to slowly drop in the coming weeks even more.

BM Hunter is dead last buddy, DH is close to the middle. DH is doing quite a bit better then BM Hunter in CN so stop making things up just because it suits you.


If MM didn’t exist BM would be doing comfortably better than havoc right now.

Jerby that you can not say for sure.
Both in heroic and Mythic Havoc does more damage than BM Heroic 5% in Mythic 8%.
And havoc assuming no vengeance tank does bring the debuff at least the first one does.

So for your claim to be right BM would have to be able to be played in a way that makes BM do quite a bit more damage and this only get worse when looking at Max.

You are absolutly correct that BM numbers would be higher if the top end players played BM but i doubt it would be enough to beat havoc

I am just confused as to why some specs are REALLY doing better than BM and SV yet also are getting buffed twice or triple times this month alone.

It cancels out our buff, we are not gonna move any positions and remain dead last.

example: fury warr is currently top 3-5 dps for M+ and also got another 3% this hotfix, frost needed their previous buff but currently are middle of pack in m+ and raids, why give them another 5%? 'sin rogues are doing great but they recieved almost a 20% flat buff this month from multiple hotfixes, while always being on top of us on raid logs.
It really makes me kind of confused by the decisions that the balancing team are making.

It’s possible that they decided to make SV/BM dead last and it’s what they want, as that’s what it looks like when you buff every better dps spec multiple times, then throw us one wet noodle of a 5% buff.

That’s on par with me telling you to “just stop whining and swap to Unholy DK”.

Different class sure, but the play style of MM is probably closer to a mage spec than it is to BM. Just because the spec exist within a class, it doesn’t mean the playstyle is close enough to “just swap”.
The only difference is leveling a new class, but with the speed of leveling now and the time it takes to actually learn a new spec; they’re not that different.

tl:dr- unless you’re going to swap to FOTM melee dps, don’t expect other to change to FOTM specs.

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