As currently top 32 RSS Rshaman EU i completely agree.
I even had one game at 2.4 mmr healer (2.6 DPS) Where TWO games got to 94% dampening before one died. I felt like throwing up, while crying. Say it out loud for yourself. 94% - Ninety - four PERCENT dampening. A heal doing 1mil heals for 60.000.
WHY are healers allowed to be disqualified from the game, surviving and using CD’s in a perfect rotation, so that nothing more could have been done. And still manage to lose a game. Why is it atleast not a win for both healers. They managed to heal the DPS all the way right? If two (times 2) DPS can’t kill a target, while healers are being nerfed with over 80% of their healing… even 70%, why is healers losing? In my humble opinion that is just straight up harrasment, from the game. It is like you are in a game, where you have nothing to say, and you are still rewarded with a big ol’ L, even tho your sweat is running down your face, your hair is laying on the ground, and your downstairs neighbor asks you to keep it quite, meanwhile you TRY to hold it in… The fist, that is shaking, so hard… So hard to withstand the feeling, that you have to smack the screen, the mouse or your keyboard… AGAIN, with such force that it’s easy another day in the electronic store… they know your name already by now.
I have even lost PLENTY of games in the first 5-6 seconds of a round at 10%?
Why is it, that you have to have a mechanic in the game, so even tho the healers are doing their best, and arguably the best one can do, you are being more and more disqualified from the game each second?
Why is one game 10% Dampening, and another 94% dampening? Reflect abit.
If one can die with heals at 10% but another one can survive up on untill 94%, why are healers being penalised from just being in the game?
Why is healer mmr so important that I actually got a 5-1 at me 2440 mmr, and opponent 2307, and I lost 4 rating and 40 mmr from the 5-1 → That was even the 2.4 achie game.
Why is so many lobbies ending on a 3-3 tie to healers, rewarding multiple DPS with a 4-2 from the same, which one DPS got 0 wins. Bro literally just spawned, straight out of Warmane Wotlk server, queued and popped into TWW, at 2.4+ MMR? Why is it happening again and again, making it a favor to the DPS AND maybe even a favor to the lower MMR rated healer not losing as much MMR as the other healer, maybe even gaining on that one? Game matches players to meet about same rated players, you are not asked to heal against vastly lower rated healers, in a risk of losing everything, and gaining minus.
To add on this I see so many toxic players throwing words, but no action. You having a 2.6 Lock19 times RANK ONE, can’t stay in DOUBLE EARTHEN, Surging totem, with 2 healing streams up, and a TIDE to multiply the healing, and the extra HPS → Me Spamming Primodial Wave, Unleash NS Healing wave with Anscestial Guidiance and Ascedance up. Button after button, cd after cd. The last straw was link, making the HPS 2.9 MIL, which is far the Highest I’ve ever seen in TWW, and still manage to lose → Against UH FDK and Dragon.
I pressed every single button I had, I even hexed the Frost DK with Aura Mastery up. That was first 30 sec, and it was done.
And then you get whispers afterwards.
I’ve got Elite this season, it’s enough I can’t heal more this season, I’m done.
RSS is cooked, it’s all about which ape can do their monkey roll 123 123 WWWWW dance first, and then who presses their W buttons the hardest. Healers? Should be removed from the game, they say. Healers are there to make it comfortable for the DPS, and one player to flame at, when your bladestorm behind pillar against RM(X) made you lose. Make it 1v1 they say. Buff dmg, nerf healers they say. Buff mmr?
- Why buff mmr even more? For me, I don’t feel like mmr is wrong or worse, its how healers mmr are calculated different from DPS, and how everyone starts with 0 games played at over 2k mmr. Not everyone and his uncle deserves or should be at 2.4, just because you beg for more MMR. You don’t magically become an Elite player because you achieved your elite set. That’s not how it works. It’s funny because you see so many melee players thinking they desevere elite, or legend tittle, but when you inspect them they have never been higher than 1.8 in 2s or 3s.
Im done