How can healers enjoy arenas?

I just finished playing some arenas around 2.2-2.4 to test out this expansion and it was a horrible experience. How can any healer have fun playing right now? Every game feels exactly the same, meaning the only way to win is in deep dampening. Cc time is so short, all classes have so many defensives, meanwhile dmg is way too high/healing way too low leading to you as a healer having to spam your buttons like crazy the whole game like it’s a mythic + dungeon you are doing. Everyone just go in and pop cds instantly without any cc, and they actually go through healing and multiple cds by doing that, when in reality they should not even force a single button. Awful, awful game design.

You can discuss all you want about how the game is dying due to crappy mmr, annoying micro cc, no rating incentives or that it has too many game modes currently. The truth is that the gameplay following dragonflight season 2 overhaul is so terrible that it’s actually not fun enough to play. That’s why wow arenas are dying.


Can you please stop spitting facts? It’s not welcome here. Buff mmr (make starting mmr 2,4), remove healers and add 1v1 shuffle!!

Its simple for me, i go on Steam i buy a game with a high discount and have fun there

Haven’t figurt out yet how too have fun in wow as healer tbh


Sadly, it’s true. I really want to heal, but it just doesn’t feel fun. I know many people don’t want to hear this, but just make healing easier, and more people will do it. It’s as simple as that.


For me it’s not so much about making it easier, since it’s already easy enough to drag every game into very deep dampening. It’s more about making it less stressful and not smashing your buttons constantly being under perma pressure for 8+ min straight per game. After playing for 2h it feels as if I’ve done a 5h maths exam at uni, which shouldn’t be the case. Just make the game more about knowledge and let it be cc centered like it was every single season/expansion prior to dragonflight s2 overhaul, and you will see a big increase in healer participation. All other “huge” problems will fix themselves afterwards.

It’s already easy, beside Rsham and rdruid(tools management) other spec are easy and forgiving to play and they almost never cast

The problem is all crap stuff beside, micro cc and huge spike dmg can catch most people off guard if you aren’t already a high rated healer.

Atleast that’s my opinion from my pov.


Are we playing the same game?

I feel like I’m not even able to control my character half the games because of all the CC. I’ve stopped even trying to fake cast because people just throw some CC on you to stop the cast either way.

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I’ve thought about why people say this considering that cc time is so heavily reduced from dragonflight season 2 and onwards. My conclusion is that the negative perception of being in cc is enhanced from the game tempo being so button-spammy healing wise. There are really no relaxing moments and even a 3 second micro cc, or someone throwing a dr stun, is percieved as really annoying.

My view is that the actual time spent in cc has never ever in the history of arena been lower. The game is terrible exactly due to this, because you sit there and legit spam your binds until you go oom. It’s extremely awful PVE design applied to PVP, leading to you never wanting to q again as a healer.


As currently top 32 RSS Rshaman EU i completely agree.
I even had one game at 2.4 mmr healer (2.6 DPS) Where TWO games got to 94% dampening before one died. I felt like throwing up, while crying. Say it out loud for yourself. 94% - Ninety - four PERCENT dampening. A heal doing 1mil heals for 60.000.
WHY are healers allowed to be disqualified from the game, surviving and using CD’s in a perfect rotation, so that nothing more could have been done. And still manage to lose a game. Why is it atleast not a win for both healers. They managed to heal the DPS all the way right? If two (times 2) DPS can’t kill a target, while healers are being nerfed with over 80% of their healing… even 70%, why is healers losing? In my humble opinion that is just straight up harrasment, from the game. It is like you are in a game, where you have nothing to say, and you are still rewarded with a big ol’ L, even tho your sweat is running down your face, your hair is laying on the ground, and your downstairs neighbor asks you to keep it quite, meanwhile you TRY to hold it in… The fist, that is shaking, so hard… So hard to withstand the feeling, that you have to smack the screen, the mouse or your keyboard… AGAIN, with such force that it’s easy another day in the electronic store… they know your name already by now.
I have even lost PLENTY of games in the first 5-6 seconds of a round at 10%?
Why is it, that you have to have a mechanic in the game, so even tho the healers are doing their best, and arguably the best one can do, you are being more and more disqualified from the game each second?
Why is one game 10% Dampening, and another 94% dampening? Reflect abit.
If one can die with heals at 10% but another one can survive up on untill 94%, why are healers being penalised from just being in the game?
Why is healer mmr so important that I actually got a 5-1 at me 2440 mmr, and opponent 2307, and I lost 4 rating and 40 mmr from the 5-1 → That was even the 2.4 achie game.

Why is so many lobbies ending on a 3-3 tie to healers, rewarding multiple DPS with a 4-2 from the same, which one DPS got 0 wins. Bro literally just spawned, straight out of Warmane Wotlk server, queued and popped into TWW, at 2.4+ MMR? Why is it happening again and again, making it a favor to the DPS AND maybe even a favor to the lower MMR rated healer not losing as much MMR as the other healer, maybe even gaining on that one? Game matches players to meet about same rated players, you are not asked to heal against vastly lower rated healers, in a risk of losing everything, and gaining minus.

To add on this I see so many toxic players throwing words, but no action. You having a 2.6 Lock19 times RANK ONE, can’t stay in DOUBLE EARTHEN, Surging totem, with 2 healing streams up, and a TIDE to multiply the healing, and the extra HPS → Me Spamming Primodial Wave, Unleash NS Healing wave with Anscestial Guidiance and Ascedance up. Button after button, cd after cd. The last straw was link, making the HPS 2.9 MIL, which is far the Highest I’ve ever seen in TWW, and still manage to lose → Against UH FDK and Dragon.

I pressed every single button I had, I even hexed the Frost DK with Aura Mastery up. That was first 30 sec, and it was done.
And then you get whispers afterwards.

I’ve got Elite this season, it’s enough I can’t heal more this season, I’m done.
RSS is cooked, it’s all about which ape can do their monkey roll 123 123 WWWWW dance first, and then who presses their W buttons the hardest. Healers? Should be removed from the game, they say. Healers are there to make it comfortable for the DPS, and one player to flame at, when your bladestorm behind pillar against RM(X) made you lose. Make it 1v1 they say. Buff dmg, nerf healers they say. Buff mmr?

  • Why buff mmr even more? For me, I don’t feel like mmr is wrong or worse, its how healers mmr are calculated different from DPS, and how everyone starts with 0 games played at over 2k mmr. Not everyone and his uncle deserves or should be at 2.4, just because you beg for more MMR. You don’t magically become an Elite player because you achieved your elite set. That’s not how it works. It’s funny because you see so many melee players thinking they desevere elite, or legend tittle, but when you inspect them they have never been higher than 1.8 in 2s or 3s.

Im done


You are right, setup comp are terrible since they changed cc and lower trinket cd that’s for sure.

But the main issue is they overloaded everyone with multiple cc and multiple Dr.

For example, before df a DH didn’t have access to fear, dk didn’t have stun/silence/blind it Was choice node etc…

So in the end you are right there is less time spend in ‘’ cc chain’’ but as people got more Dr/cc with sure less duration but you feel like playing against rmx anyway as healer in every match-up.

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The reason I play as a healer in arena is QUE times.

I am sick of endless Crowd Controls, insane burst and no rewarding system for healers.

I just played against a resto druid. I cant not do anything against his CLone spam. Even if you position your self use CDs he charge bash and clone agan. Games end in 5 secs.

Edit: I ended up 2 games 0-6 -72 rating
5-1 +34 rating. explain this please?

I came back to game after 5 years and this is the worst expasion I have ever played.



One round of my last shuffle went like this:

Sap → sap → sap → cyclone → bash → cyclone → cyclone → garrote silence → kidney shot and then I got to cast for a bit → blinded → trapped → cyclone → cyclone → get to cast a bit → kidney shot → trapped → cyclone → pet stunned → cyclone → cyclone

Like, stop. I won the round because the DPS pressed their defensives and kited properly so I didn’t have to trinket there but what the hell is that. Let me play the game, not just sit and watch for such long times. It’s dumb as hell. Not even enjoyable to win when you have to play against that.

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Damn… I love your for this post alone <3

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That’s the neat part - they don’t

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I feel like blizzard is afraid to fix healer mmr and gameplay because that could lead to less games being played by healer ( since the grind is reduced) which would lead to longer que times for dps

Blizzard had to make a decision :

healthy healer gameplay and fair mmr but longer dps que time


Healers job is to enable games for dps with a small carrot on a stick and horrible mmr system

They decided for the second as dps player are the majority and deserve better treatment than healer

But jokes on them. BGB enabled a option C for healer to get rewards and just drop the season

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This isnt CC problem…its your teammates IQ problem.They should help you with clone casts and also you can outplay them by pre fade and fear some of the CC

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It is.

It shouldn’t be possible to lock someone down that long.

In no other game would people accept being unable to play for 15+ seconds at a time.

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There is no other game as WoW arena pvp…and as i said it is normal,what isnt normal is your teammates IQ,they got help the healer,not just tunnelvision

I did almost 30 arenas on half decent mmr and didn’t experience this one time. Was this in shuffle and not arena perhaps? Since in shuffle you are on your own, you kinda play without a team so cc will always matter more. Dampening is also very high which enhances the perception of being in cc.

Also, the plays they are doing are not very good. This would never happen in real arenas since if you play resto druid assa thug, and let the enemy team 2v2 you in the opener like that with the rogue staying in stealth, you are instantly behind. Considering that opener, if the rdruid goes for triple clone off bash as well (a play I haven’t seen since shadowlands at least), then you are even further behind. Then you mean he dr kidneys you after like 6-7 sec into the dr, which sounds extremely bad, especially as assa. Then next go they go with blind insta instead of trap? That’s really strange since trap dr falls way before clone here. So in this full exchange the hunter has done nothing in the game so far. Another issue is that the rogue needs to push to you again, and this was an assa rogue you say since he garroted, so it’s very easy to delay for you as a priest seeing the rogue push. And the druid goes for dr clone into triple dr clone off that? This play also sounds increadibly bad, no way anyone does that halfway into dr. And that second go hunter still hasn’t pet stunned in the game? So they just skipped the normal setup and did this instead, how strange. Then they kidney and trap you off, but you say they clone after which isn’t even possible since druid triple dr you last go right, so you had at least a full dr to recover here. And once again, he goes for triple clone, which sounds crazy to me. This play is also bad since you clone off the other drs meaning you can’t chain it again unless you wait another half-2/3 of a dr.

Sorry for going so much into detail but the plays you are describing are completely insane. I have almost never seen ppl play this badly. Either this is extremely low rating or it’s in shuffle. And you have also made exactly 0 plays yourself during this full trade, but since they also sucked, maybe both teams deserved to lose this game and it should have been a draw to be fair.

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SS is annoying as dps as well…

Everyone are perma pissed and toxic.

Something is fundamentally wrong here.

The gameplay is too stressful.