How can healers enjoy arenas?

But like I said in my original post, this micro cc is not the underlying issue. If you remember prior to the cc changes in dragonflight s2, it was not good at all wasting drs this way. It was only very recently that it started being a decent or almost a pretty good play to do. And that is the issue, that you can play this way and actually win games. The reason for that is the current game tempo. This does not fully affect a bit higher mmr games, but on lower rating this is really bad game design due to the healers not understanding the game at all. They can barely press their abilities as it is without cc existing in PVE, and being able to disregard drs and cc plays can punish these lower rated healers without requiring the equally bad dps players to understand arena. These are then the players that come and complain about the game sadly, hence the misleading focus on micro cc.

It started in shadowlands when you could pop cds without cc and actually force stuff. I was amazed when q’ing my first session that season how good players all of a sudden became so bad. Then it hit me how the tradeoff in dmg&healing enabled that playstyle. During dragonflight, this worsened, and if you remember s1, the tempo was so high that the healers stood on each side of the map and barely kept up. Then once they reduced cc even more, the dmg/healing ratio was further changed to account for the reduction of cc. It all lead to this meta we have now for healers, where you kinda can’t lose or win the game until very deep dampeneing if played properly, but at the same time you have to legit spam your buttons during the entire game. I did some more testing and it is actually really hard to q up with randoms in lfg 3s as a healer and carry them now even on lower rating. That alone speaks volume of how little impact healers have, and how awful the role is currently when needing to break your keyboard spamming healing globals from legit the first second every game.

It first seems like thats great but how many games in you start molding as healers not many, if i could spam games as DPS that would be a big deal

As healer too play again soloq i would need a pain cover from min 1000 Gold per shuffle for a 3-3

Yes because they shifted the way you score kill, all that matter now is having uptime and setup cc aren’t the way you win games.

The game is better when setup comp are king, cause there is no free win doing mistakes over and over.

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Hold on a second, I’ve seen this post before, Alehra, is that you? Biggest fan.


Ez answer - I heal in ither games: overwatch and marvel. Enjoyable.

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rating unchanged rating unchanged

win 4-2 rating gain 14. Thats what we do atm

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buy a boost from a rogue as a disc priest, that’s how you enjoy arenas as healer

Damn what a cringe advice

Cringe? Yes.
True? Hell yes.

Playing healer is gruesome…

Even if you are doing well and slowly grinding your ratting for +15 +20 +30 , thou all draws which can also tank down your MMR. Just one 0:6 game will be CAPITAL punishement for you. 3 hours of doing well gone in just one game 0:6 for -75.


I feel you, played 3x 2-4 and lost 130points, 2 weeks of progress. (whilst only gaining +4 for 4:2)
Blizz treats healers like a funeral pyre throwing just enough to keep it burning, but in the end all that remain is ashes for all.

For me this is one of main problems… losing 3 hours of doing well just for one black swan game… Where is logic to lose 3 hours of doing well in just one 15min game, punishment is just capital there

In addition i dont have time span to play for entire days in order to hunt good win streak without black swans. (and it has nothing with skill its completly luck based)


or even the nerves to put up with the stress of healing to do that…

tbh, how can anyone actually enjoy it…

Thats too…

Just one black swan game can get you tilted, because you are losing hours of progress just in one unlucky game. It adds fuel to fire if you see that game is not justice for you… For example you get guy who never use his defensives when with you but use all when against you… and game end 0:6 because factors outside your control, and baaam capital punishment for -75 ratting. 3 hours of progress gone in just one game !!

They need to do something with healer draw games, MMR on draw games and to make AI system which can decide who screwed the game… If you ask me if you heal paladin and he died with his bubble unused, as healer you shoud lose -50% less ratting for that round.

Right now healers are martyrs so DPS can have fun, for evrything which happen healer is punished.


Just dont queue it.

They will sort it if healers stopped queueing, not going to fix it like they said last expansion if people keep pressing the queue button

I also think that this is their logic, but I think their math is off. It just leads to earlier drop off at lower ratings. Instead of trying to push for the next rating threshold, healers instant stop at 1800 or 2100.

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What OP is trying to say is that game is extremly unfun, all cc got extremely short to the point it just turns into a micro cc, every game feels the exact same due to it being just a dps race while healers are trying to pump as much hps as possible in a short amount of time. Arsenal of defensive cds makes impossible to punish mistakes. Cds are being popped first global because why not lol, it’s just a dps race.

People still yap about mmr and rating gains like it’s a core issue yikes.

Ofc, it is both, but one issue is easy to address to aliviate some of the painpoints, and the other is fundamentally rooted in the gameplay focus on M+. Unfortunately, I doubt that they will change SS so that it feels like traditional 3s in the past.

Literally me. All my healer sit at 2,1 and I got my 2,4 rewards in bgb.

Last week of season I may push 1-2 to 2,4 if inflation is okayish. But there is no reason to suffer for dps players fun if we have alternatives

Some maybe have a healer to grind conquest with though

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