How can healers enjoy arenas?

How can healers enjoy arenas?

You dont.

You dont enjoy them.

Your job is to queue and suffer while other customers enjoy the game.

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i stopped months ago after i finished gearing, like 3 months ago, did 100 rounds? on sham n disc and stopped. now i just chill in 2’s / 3’s and BGB

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Having a cleaner UI by default with easy ways to target allies/enemies and being able to see what is being casted without relying on loud horn sounds will go a long waay in making healing more fun…
In a broader note toning down annoying spammable slows or CCs and removing micro CC also helps a lot…
Make CC and clean setups a thing again and reduce the amount of stupid CC we have right now.

Healing is too good, that’s why dampening exists. Double dps in 2v2 is no longer playable since healing is too good. 3s comps without MS are unplayable since healing is too strong. Don’t be disingenuous. This is like reading complain threads of why people can’t climb rating and yet there others are making every spec in the game work just fine

If you play well and climb rating in any rated bracket you’ll notice how nothing dies until dampening unless someone majorly screws up

Blitz BG team fights can last forever since healing is so strong which leads to problems like blood DKs abducting healers or endless CC chains as the main focus in this game mode

Both sides suffer from this atm, try a damage role and see how great it feels that you’re hitting a target dummy until dampening ramps up enough that you can actually out dps a healer

Fundamentally healing is not as impactful as dps in PvP and never will be. That is the main issue, watch AWC and see % wise which roles are making the cast go nuts more often. Making healing easier will only make it worse, there won’t be room for skill expression and you’ll end up getting more 3-3 results

If you’re not enjoying the gameplay anymore, then I doubt anything can fix the game for you. People are good at the game now, there’s no more standing around waiting for something to happen so you press a button, a few “dead globals” can add up and lose the game for you as any role.

The MMR is really the main issue atm in 2s and 3s since it’s never been as hard to climb

Healing is too good?
Go heal a game, as Rshaman or Rdruid, and you will swap your opinion around.
Dampening is in the game, to make the games quick, so that you can have 6 rounds, not taking an hour.

But I guess healing is sooooo good, that everyone plays it right? Thats why you have DPS queues at 1800 for almost an hour now.

I guess healers are so good, you have mainstream AWC healers playing DPS in Shuffles now, and even swapped for Classic wow.

I guess healing is so good, that you even heal your self. Oh, no… you didn’t you chose DPS, cause healing is WAY too good.

Healers not being balanced is a problem, yes. Hpal, disc and mweaver dominating the season. Sucks for you maining rshaman. Doesn’t mean healing isn’t extremely powerful

Why would 6 rounds take an hour? Because nothing dies without dampening

No one is playing, not just healers unfortunately. If anything the shuffle queues have actually been better now than DF for dps. Not sat in 30+ mins in awhile

I play both, but prefer to dps. I like the role more. No need to be disingenuous as I said, all roles are suffering the same major issues

We are not enjoy, simply go up with 1 points/game from 1600 to 2k and then swap to an alt where can easily achieve the title we want :smiley:

Nowadays I just use my healer in shuffle to farm conquest and Medals for alts :smiley:

I tried to unrust a bit more and played up to 2.6 in 3s now at least. My analysis of the game remains the same. A majority of you people talk about such random things missing every important point.

First of all you wanna implement changes based of an introductory mode to arena - shuffle. It’s there to be played for fun while waiting for real arenas. That’s why damp is so high, that’s why there are no coms, that’s why they changed trinket cd and reduced cc to oblivion, that’s why aoe is buffed, well the list goes on about every bad change since shadowlands.

Second stupid thing is all the ppl yapping about shuffle mmr, not realizing they are playing 6 games in 1 meaning mmr is heavily leveraged. Complain about the game mode not the mmr then.

Third stupid thing is ppl saying healers are too good. What do you expect if you reduce all cc and remove it as a skill factor, then you have a pve healbot left that stands and spams hps. Complain about cc being too short and not about strong heals, like are you for real?

Fourth stupid thing is ppl talking about balance issues. Ofc you need raidlog pve tuning if the game is purely pve based as it is now. Why even complain about small % differences when the fundamentals of pvp are what screws the balance. Another really dumb take.

We have even more posts on similar matters but I cba addressing them all. I wonder how you all can have such different experience than me considering we play the same game.

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Everything you say is basically on point.

What I never understood is why do people take SS this seriously. Like every day you have to read through the shuffle diary it’s like buddy. You are qing a for fun game mode, where 4 players run into each other to create a massive blender ball, spamming aoe from start to finish, no coms, dampening goes to 80% in a 2 minute time.

Like do you genuinely expect anything other than the absolute worst experience and gameplay ever?

Now you pair shuffle evironment with the absolute terrible game design and drooling gameplay and there’s zero possibility you’re about to have a good time.

Unfortunately this reflects into 3v3 as well.


How can anyone enjoy arena anymore?

The main question is whybur profile is hidden :slight_smile:

Exactly, it’s like people playing island expeditions in bfa would have a say about balance in rbgs. They are not even playing the same game!

What’s incredibly sad though is that they changed normal arenas to follow this shuffle style of gameplay and it ruined the game. There’s almost no reason to play 3s anymore now when the game quality is this trash. Ofc the game mode will die if you take the super awful mode shuffle and place it gated behind having to know ppl or find them via lfg. Then you have the same ppl calling for a new reward structure but they don’t understand the reason no healers play is because it is not fun spamming buttons with 300 apm while doing 5% of the plays you used to be able to do.

Ppl talk about needing these more/better reward incentives to play but if that’s what you need to q, then the game is already screwed. It’s simple, change arenas back to cc/trinket/aoe values prior to DF season 2 overhaul so they are fun to play again and see the numbers rise. You have several thousand pvpers that quit after these changes, my entire bnet friends list included, and they all said why even bother playing when it’s pve you are doing

Healing and Tank specs are part of role play stuff from D&D RPG that is Warcraft is also based on.

However, is it fun? Hell no. It is super stressfull and even if you hit 2.4k rating in Arenas, damage dealers are so proud. I never heard anyone saying “look I healed 3 millions”.

It is an absolute fun blocker since ages. Now people started to realise about it.

I forgot to add, then you have even more clueless streamers (and some very special ppl on the forums) asking for new game modes without healers so they can have faster qs. How hard is it to comprehend that you don’t need to ruin the game even more, just. fix. cc. and. trinket. cd. and you will not have any q times as dps, period. Ppl are so increadibly basic with 0 self awareness too. Like that druid guy earlier that complains about druid balance, or the priest that wrote about his cc chain. They just completely miss any connections of their “issue” and the real underlying problem creating said issues. It doesn’t help that these players have very limited game knowledge too (just read my reply dissecting the cc chain post), but still I’m really amazed ppl don’t understand the game better and that they still have such insane confidence in what they are saying is correct.

1v1 shuffle! Yes please!

Because some healers suck at healing some DPS specs

Good luck healing a Mage as Resto Shaman, lining casts, earthen doesn’t exist, etc

But INTO the Mage xd

ground him
hex him
shear him
lasso him
static him

other reasons include:

  • absolutely stupid def CD balancing making some DPS immortal tanks - e.g Ret / Hunter / Mage / Dragon etc

  • absolutely stupid healer balancing - e.g Holy Paladin existing by default the most braindead healer design the game has seen in years


True and real. Fun fact, people who make up fairy tales calling shuffle a liberation since now they don’t have to sit “20” hours in LFG. I always double-check obviously these people never passed 1500 in any standart bracket, in fact they probably never even tried. It’s just the fake delusion of success that Shuffle hands out ever since introduced even to the worst players. Is LFG dead - Absolutely it has come to the point where you either sit LFG or 1hr SS q, your choice.

I have been saying this countless times. Rewards are just another ultra-fried take. First of all, if rewards are the only motivation to play then there’s something wrong with either you or the game. I honestly don’t understand the logic here. All the rewards requirements are reduced to oblivion. Blizzard keeps injecting free mmr basically every patch as a pseudo solution to the fact that PvP is dying and yet people will still cry and complain. Buddy your starting SS mmr is literally 2k, you’re starting above most of the rewards like what :interrobang:. It is theoretically impossible to be 1500 rated nowdays. Every1 is just given a trophy for participating in an awful game format, cool. And the absolute pinnacle is when these people complain they cannot get glad and come up with 100 excuses like - mmr, boosting, r1 players, dead game. Like you can call me old w/e, but it is just such a different approach from what it used to be, and so shameless. I guess 2,4 shuffle makes you eligible for glad my bad.

I believe this is a problem for most classes in general, not only healers. No button you press feels significant or important. Everything is just a part of a 15 button sequance with close to zero impact, but still has to be pressed in order otherwise ggs bud.

It is very hard to believe these changes passed the tuning without an instant revert.

Basically impossible to comprehend for an average shuffle / bgb enjoyer.

Well, this is just an impact of shuffle ego. The delusion of people thinking that going from 1500 to 2,4 in shuff gave them the perfect understanding of the game.

I honestly just cba lately. Ever since Shadowlands, I just q first few months of the exp to realize I have yet again wasted 60€ for a trash product, 60€ for a new patch of an already trash game. Classic arena is fun for the first 3 months until you realize it’s gonna be the same patch for 2 years and the game gets burried 10ft under with absolutely no players left. But it’s still nice to remind how fun and comprehensive PvP was back then.

Finally you can back pedal and get 3k rating, the average 3k+ game are people with 0 achievement before and that are literally lost in what they should do if somebody doesn’t tell them (and even…).

Wot, do you mean blitz or shuffle. Highest hpala seem to be 2800 and the disc priests are 2700 in shuff. Plenty dps got alot higher achievements from start of blitz though which they have ever had thats true. This thread is about how healers can enjoy arena though so I was confused that which healers are 3k in arena man :smile:

Was replying to the guy above, people since shuffle/blitz (and also sl s2) think they are god at the game cause they reached peak rating.

So now everybody think they can coach other when they lose at low cr because ‘’ hey I’m 3k blitz dude, trust me’'.

Game has changed cause like said above people got insane ego and think they aren’t not they belong, if 1 season you are 3k+ then the next one you are stuck 2k then you aren’t legit 3k exp.

Delete solo mode (or make them give no reward, just a skirmish mode) and revive 3s, game is bad when tuned around rng game mode.

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