How can I do my +10 weekly?

I checked your profile, not Io. You know it has your best runs there too, Right? Also you claim to talk from experience, so I view it as important to frame such experience.

But hey, you get to call other players snobs, Right?

Your argument that there’s great players with low RIO is bull. It took me a weekend to get to 1k Rio on my Warlock. More than enough to do weekly 10s without any issue. So yeah. No.

And again, how high a RiO player have you seen, as you claim, play terribly?

It’s still checking up on other players in an attempt to look like you have an informed opinion. Some stats on my character page doesn’t say how well I play but what content I’ve completed, maybe you’re just too stupid to see that.

I can call you whatever I like just like you can do the same to me, I don’t care if you’re even offended by it. I still hold my opinion that you’re a snob when it comes to RIO and M+.

I’ve played with many fine players with low RIO, once again not everyone is hungry for that score on RIO but you keep deluding yourself. Some players do it for their 10s, some push keys, some just do it here and there for fun and then you have people who rarely do it because of the nature of other players within M+ making it unfun.

See there is a difference in what we’re saying. I say there are some players with high RIO that aren’t that great, I never said all high RIO players is bad and that’s the difference between us because you’ve written off everyone with a low RIO as being bad.

Trying to check people are competent has become “weird snobbery”

God, people here.:man_facepalming:


And here’s the great part. When you are called on being wrong, instead of you know, admitting it and moving on, you resort to insults. I’m not offended. I’m not even surprised.

Again, What’s wrong with checking your armoury page? Is this something frowned upon now? Do elaborate please.

No, but your argument that there were many fine players being left out unjustly is bollocks. Because it’s not like there’s this limited number of runs that can be started and only a select few can do it. Want to run something? Easy, gear up, put your key up. People can play as they wish, but that goes both ways.

I haven’t written anyone off, I have stated that higher rio, and specifically much higher than me rio players, usually are FAR better. Best one I’ve gamed with was a monster who was 2.8k in season 2 and with whom I cleared a +10 in the first week of S3. And again I have asked about your experience but you refuse to frame it. Instead you prefer to type mildly amusing insults.

Oh well, it’s just a game, have fun, whatever.

Btw OP it’s not “yours +10 weekly” if you can’t do it. :sweat_smile:

Scores don’t equal competency but completion, you can get carried through +10-+15s by a group of other players and these are sold in boosts regularly.

Your 1 liner reply completely misses points made but you do you.


So I insulted you, if you wasn’t offended you would have just ignored it and said nothing.

You checked my page in order to characterise me in a way that fit your narrative knowing well enough that its not as simple as looking at it like that. Get over yourself.

Unjustly and bollocks how? You still have yet to explain this but all you have done is left a blanket statement which suggests that no one with a low RIO could be a good player. Having a low RIO and being a bad player aren’t synonymous with each other which is where you fall short.

Not only did I explain that not everyone wants to go pushing keys I even explained that people do M+ for different reasons and the best you have is “Your argument that there’s great players with low RIO is bull” of which I have quoted from you.

You are of course your not writing people off when you say “Your argument that there’s great players with low RIO is bull.”, its completely doing that because the phrasing suggests that there can’t be fine players that have only have low RIO scores. If that’s too hard for you to work out then that is your problem.

Its clear we see what you view as players not on your level in a different light, your view being based on an addon is extremely condescending to players who are capable but haven’t done higher levels of M+ out of choice or any other reason.

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Score is the only indication we have of competency.

Take a person with no score or one with a score. On balance, the person with is more likely to be ok than the one without.

Sorry this concept escaped you.

That’s experience privilege…
All must be equal and accepted, so we need to get rid of Rio, then gear and especially tanks, they are not always nice.

Let’s sit on the bottle and grind boars in Classic like morally clean people!

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It’s a poor indicator of competency in my experience and a reason why groups available (whether my key or others) are getting less and less. Players are using tools like this to look down on others alongside other things like class played or the country a player is from (primarily the hate on russian players).

If your concept is to only trust a preconceived number which doesn’t indicate the players actual performance then you do that but I don’t do things that way or has that concept escaped you?

So whats the alternative, a lottery?

Don’t make me laugh.

Laugh away. I didn’t suggest a lottery, that’s what the random group finder is for.

If you can’t enjoy a game without a addon that tells you minimal information about another player then that’s your problem.

When you now have to have a number high enough to interact with other players and join them in content you’re creating a split player base which is already split on many other things as well. I’m not surprised so many people have gone to classic to avoid the nature created by addons like RIO.

13 years of gaming and MMO gaming experience have made me comfortable with the highest difficulty level of content available within the game. The hardest difficulty possible may seem engaging and fun to me, while mediocre difficulty such as heroic raiding and m+10 is simply there to provide me with loot.

Don’t assume things because your own experience is different.

I have 15 years, but I still need to learn mechanics and watch some guides before doing each dungeon few times on lower difficulty to be able to feel comfortable.

And what you claim is a wishful thinking, dear pally

They went to classic because its err, “new” and hype around it. It’ll wear off, theres nothing to do there and all the people that think everyone was friendly have rose tinted glasses. They will be held to the same standards there as they are in retail.

I also didn’t say I can’t enjoy the game without an addon. The vast majority of keys I run are with friends who I know are capable. Regardless, I fully agree with addons that help weed out potential bad people. I realise they arent infallible but its better than nothing.

How will that help you in quaking sanguine fortified Boralus +13? Even if people ran the dungeon 10 times, groups wipe on Wednesdays just because of new affixes, need some time to adapt - simple as that.

So take your exp and apply it in lower keys to get just that - loot. Because you cant get into +10 with bad gear. You need gear from elswehere, for example - lower keys. While doing lower keys (assuming you dont fail) your RiO will go up. Then you enter +10 with your shiny gear and score. Ez.

But if you’re just a low 360 ilvl bob who wants 430 for free, then just gtfo and join other clowns in “pvp vendor” thread where they whine about not getting 430 from random BGs.

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Quaking - You have a LOT of time to separate from group members and avoid AoE damage as well as the silence if casting.

Sanguine - the most easily avoidable affix in the world.

Fortified - omegalul

Any other “hard” affixes?

You people just don’t get it, there is simply nothing hard about m+.

Every affix until now has been, AT BEST, mediocre and an annoyance. Including the topkek affixes from the last weeks.

Beguiling? Just burst the void or LoS it lol.
Explosive? More like non-affix.
Skittish? What is this, 50 IQ group?
Bolstering? Just get a better brain and don’t burst single mobs like a pepega.
Necrotic? Well more of a tank affix again, when in doubt kite.
Grievious? omegalul.
Teeming? Might as well not exist.
Bursting? Just don’t be retarded lol kill mobs using your brain before your muscles.
Raging? Just kill the mob, burst down groups from 35% if it’s somehow combined with bolstering.
Volcanic? Explosive with different animation, oh and you have to move 2 yards (LUL) in any omnidirection to avoid it.

Any “hard” affix I missed?

The ONLY thing hard about m+ is going higher and higher in key lvl while maintaining a low overall ilvl for the key level, since everything does more damage and has more HP.

Hey, you’re the OP on a different char. If its so easy why can’t you even come close to timing a 15 that you overgear?

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What does pepega mean?
Guess another one of those twitch emotes that every kid loves

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So whats your point?

You can also say that to get 2.4k in arena as rogue mage, you have to just “omg like go kidney-pyro dps, while healer is blinded, lul use your brain ffs stun and nuke then just kill , ez”

Its not hard at all, but go and pull it off.

Same with M+, which is much easier, but you also have a pug of 5 people and Most of the time they fail at what you described :smiley:

Gear is capped at +10, there is literally no need to time a 15. I do it exclusively for the supposed extra AP.