How can i get curve

If Pug groups ask for curve.

Make your own group ?


You can’t tell others how to play. That’s the key thing. If others are demanding (and sporting) curve, that’s their choice

R .io addon shows that i’m only 6/9, people want curved group to be curved.

I don’t have curve.

Mate. You can’t expact other people to do the work for you.

Make your own group , look for a beginner group.

People who already cleared the content ( not you ) have no obligation to help you. They had to work for it too.

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And i’m willing to work for it, but i can’t work if people don’t join.

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Odd. At what time do you make the group ? Are you asking for curve ?

Basically this, if you really cant find anyone to join then there really is no other option with pugging

I mean, this post wont magically increase the amount of groups willing to take people who havent done a completion yet
I’m also sure there are plenty of others in the same boat, maybe advertise your group as not needing curve, but atleast some kills?

Usually around 1PM.

asking only to know strats and to be patient.

The funny thing is. You actually don’t need curve to join groups. I had no problem as a 100% pvp player to get into a group. Well I lied and said iam France and used google translate. But still had no curve.

Sometimes it helps to be friendly when asking

It usually helps to call it a beginner run / new people welcome. That will get you people on your level who are more open to try and keep trying.

Best time to make groups is mostly fridays late noon.

You’ll have to explain why you said you are French, and why that was neccesary. You peaked my interest.


As a french i can answer, french groups often ask for french people, my old guilds often rejected russian, english etc…

Well that’s kinda rude. =(. But I do recommend a raiding guild. Pugging Mekkatorque is a royal pain in the backside.


I always have all languages open when looking for group. And I told my friend let’s join this group. They had as description written in France , only france link curve guild run“ or so.

Well it isn’t the first time to for a germans to invade france I thought and opened google translater


This made me smirk a bit.


I definitly agree.

probably due to the fact that absolutly no french speaks a word of english.

I do have a guild, although we are on a break until Azshara.

Just made a Pug Group, 3 lads joined to leave 3 mins afterward.

You don’t seem like a unpleasant guy OP. Did you try to join a community ?

And if you want to be mean. Invite many people you don’t need. Ones the group looks full you get more people to join. Than you can kick all the people you didn’t want

Ah that sucks, but it’s getting very late in raid tier, most capable raiders got curve already… but the pugs that are… less experienced really hurts progression at certain bosses, such as Coven, Mekka, and Blockade. Jaina herself is a huge pushover compared to those.

I have a few discord, a few communities, quite dead communities tbh.