How can i get curve

I will look if the horde one iam in is still active once iam home. Maybe we find you a group there

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I’ll look on my side too, still thanks for your advices


The annoying part is that having curve really doesn’t do anything to improve your chance of getting into groups.

Even after I got curve (thanks to a friendly twitch streamer), I still spend 30mins-1hour joining HC groups only to get declined or just ignored…curve means nothing unless you outgear the raid by like 15ilevels :confused:

Work in the fitness, and don’t eat sweets.


Well the problem is timing. At this point in the cycle of a raid most have done it and if they are doing it now it is most likely an alt. The other major problem is with the ridiculous free loot and forging system at present. You can see Ilvl 410 with 0 kills queuing and they get invited without knowing what to do. This leads to things going pear shaped fast causing the people who were inviting set the bar higher for entry. But as many have said make your own group, however pick wisely as its 2019 and people leave after 1 wipe.

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You’re too late into the patch. You’re going to spend hours and hours trying to get invited, make groups that won’t happen and people will leave before and/or fail.
It is not worth it unless you get a lot of time to waste or a 2nd screen you can work with on the side but still a lot of patience… and you will always have to have a part of your brain connected to the wow screen if you make a group.

Pay for it. It’s like 200k a boost. Seriously that’s half a day of herb farming.
You’ll spend half a day trying to get in a acruff group.

Just pay to get boosted like the majority do.
Curve is meaningless anyway


I find groups are more willing to take people without curve if you join earlier on in the raid (from start or early bosses).

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tell them to buy boosts from me

Reroll female Night Elf or at least female Void Elf.
Then we can work somethin out.

I aint supporting an ugly af male Human , apologies Buka …

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I would say go get curve, but enough people have already said that.

There isn’t really anything you can do, the honest thing to do is just to say you don’t have curve, but that you’re willing to learn and work hard.

Now, and i don’t condone this unless you know what you are doing, you can also use the addon Fake Achievment. That way you can generate a curve you can link, but it won’t trick the ones that actually check your progress.

Alternatively you can also have a friend link you the achievement and then you could relink it. It won’t have your name and such, but not all pug leaders actually click on the achievement to check.

Those are just some tricks, but i do recommend joining a guild and getting there the right way, but i won’t hide the fact that i have used some dirty tricks when i have started late a tier or been in a bad guild.

No way.

I’m not getting boosted.


Spend months clearing it the normal way then. I don’t buy boosts either, its a much quicker option though.

AS i said, spending month clearing, i don’t mind it.

What i mind is needing curve to get curve.

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Go to the gym and eat healthy. A protein rich diet should do the trick! Before you know it you will be the curviest lad/lady in town. Squats help as well.

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Thanks friend i’ll try that out

Why would they not expect curve, in a curve clearing group though. You want the best you can to clear it, after spending months and hundreds of hours clearing/learning it all ya self. Not to boost people who have never done it.

There’s plenty of none curve groups. The main issue is your 400 ilvl, which is low now adays. And show that you’ve not killed bosses. Who are they most likely to pick… 400ilvl and 3/9 or what ever. Or 415 and 9/9.

Really don’t mean to sound harsh with any of that. But you get pages of people applying. Gotta stand out from the rest. Join a guild that regularly clears. Make your own group and work up the bosses. Or buy a boost.

If you don’t have curve, even if you do, you have to improve your gear to get into pugs. 405 is around the magic number for HC pugs nowadays. As in almost the bare minimum.

Find pugs that are forming, ie only have one or two players still, apply to those

you dont need curve to get curve, that’s how ALL of us got our curves.

you open group finder - you create a group and name it curveless run, you invite people who’re in same boat as you and progress.