How can i get curve

Even if you make your own group demanding curve and blablabla some people will get triggered you want them to have curve why you dont and they will most likely leave.

Your best call is to join a guild, progress and raid with them if you want that curve so much.

Do not forget that gnome boss is extremely non pug friendly demanding voice and very good coordination.

Fake curve

Yep and right before the raid is full that 415 almost 420 will pop in the que, the 405 will get kicked and he will get invited.

I had like 5mythic progress a month ago we took a pause from raiding, now leveling a druud after 25 mins of waiting got kicked just because another druid with 5 ilvls higher than me poped on que.

That is a thing people used to do, nowadays RIo addon cant be faked xD

Use Fake Achievements addon ā€¦

Got on HC Siege raid with my alliance charā€¦

With mythic Uunat kill ā€¦

World first ā€¦

On horde ā€¦

Before the raid was out ā€¦


Thats mogs freaking awesome. Been looking for a good mog for my shammy, forna very long time. 100% gonna nick that.

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Good luck farming those stupid classic pvp sets just for that stupid head ā€¦ only for it to look outdated as hell ā€¦ thats last time I touched pvp in this xpac ā€¦

Iā€™ll say it again, i donā€™t ask for curved people, i just want to get into a group to eventually get it after working my part.

As i said my guild is on break until Azshara.

I recall a line from one of the Star Wars prequels; Attack of the Clones, iirc.

Getting curve is aboutā€¦ ā€œhow big yer pocketbook isā€ for the large majority of players. Gone are the days when willingness to get yer hands dirty was enough to Raid; now you have to be heartless and/or have the in-game resources/wealth of a Chinese Gold Farmer.

Many who disagree fit the above description, tooā€¦

Itā€™s actualy really easy to get curved. I, however donā€™t have a mic so i canā€™t do Mekka so Iā€™m sitting this Tier out. Usually the best way is to make your own group. Nowadays people ask for 415 ilvl + curve for a Heroic pug lmao

TL; DR of groups wanting curve is that theyā€™re usually started by lazy f***ers who want a boostā€¦

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Then your best bet is politely change a guild?
OR arrage to raid with a guild until azshara comes out?

I dont think its really easy to pug your way to curve this patch.
Was not easy to do so even in Uldir because ghuun was a mess, still doable without voice while gnome is not.

I think the group finder needs some improvements, as currently itā€™s no more than a glorified version of LFD or LFR but for harder content. That being said, people should the autonomy to play World of Warcraft with whoever they like for whatever reason they like and it that means not inviting players without curve, itā€™s ok.

Most people donā€™t bother farming the last 3 bosses cos they can be a pain. Be good if you get chummy with a guild still on progress, sure there would be plenty of guilds happy for an extra regular late in the patch

Spot on. But check lead on raider IO for progress. also check who is invited you can tell from that whether the raid is going to be decent. For some reason the last bosses of raids BFA have rubbish loot for most so it is not really worth killing them more than once anyway.


I ran my own BoD group up to jadefire. Then I joined someone elseā€™s up to Rastakhan.

Then I spent a day pugging Mekkatorque until I found a group that could kill him.

Then I extended my lockout to the next week.

So at this point everything was dead for me up to Stormwall Blockade.

Then I entered BoD and created a group the last 2 bosses.

If you miss the first few weeks, you can end up trapped outside, but people want to run with people who arenā€™t going to need 2-3 wipes to learn.
Also research the fights so you know what to do, that way you wonā€™t get kicked once you find a group.
Unfortunately with BoD Mekkatorque is so PUG unfriendly that he becomes a bit of a road block.

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Had a chuckle over that one xD

Two easy ways:

  1. join a casual raiding guild
  2. buy a boost.

The easiest way to get curve is to join mythic raiding guild as a ā€œsocialā€. They offten do once per week heroic clear for alts. You will get curve without any stress and hard work . Super easy.

JOIn learning groups LUL , find guild pugs askign for curve are not meant for you.

Actually, im 417 Unequip and i still canā€™t get into raids as tank or healer ā€¦ :confused: