How can i get curve

I guess nowadays its a Rocket science to just join a Raid group to be able to play a game i understand there are guilds and communities but the way other posters are saying it sounds hard to even Raid in this game now at least without a guild so you get stuck like me doing world content and doing old content for transmogs and mounts.Cause my guild is dead currently they all took a break or left BFA so now im having the same issues as you cant even start Normal Raids so i do LFR for the story and cry in a corner cause nobody even wants me for Normals even.

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Noone likes furries

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Pretty sure people in wow dont give a damn about races as i have a male draenei monk that gets accepted often :stuck_out_tongue:

normally people progress and eventually gets curve while raiding with their guild/community.
if you don’t want to join a guild progressing the tier, and can’t get an invite in a raid, create your own raid with your own rules/requirements.

What if you are CURVY instead?
To have a curve, you got way more than one.

Well :thinking: I want to hear you calling a color for 2 Russians inside the robots with you… that’s going to be a nightmare… for us European.

Im going to try that one :rofl::rofl:

Your story is very touching. Im sorry that your guild is dead. But dude… what do you want us or blizzard to do about it. For you and op and all others, that aply for groups that they dont match requierements for and then being salty about decline, its all about you and you only, you have to put some work, patience, research, time and effort to it. Dont expect others to do stuff for you.

Do you really?

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Ouch you burned me there unnecessary burn but I understand the jest of it I don’t have a problem on learning or putting an effort to do things but I still wonder where did we go wrong as a community closed off from each other refusing to help anyone because I am better then you attitude.And yes I do know there are guilds and communities don’t need to act edgy about it cause that’s the way you sound like.And so please don’t act like a douche to me you don’t kick people when they are down ok.

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No, i didnt burn anybody, i wasnt a edgy douche to you neither. Please stop this , nobody likes me" ,no1 wants to help me" victim attitude.
I mentioned guilds and communities because thats exactly what they are for, and what they usualy do - help their members and train them so they can be worthy members of their team. You are stuck in a dead guild…well then leave and find another one. Find a friendly casual raiding community, make your own groups - lead them, learn the strats and mechanics, show to your party that u know what the hell is going on.
Its not like you running around doing wq some dungeons colecting mog etc and all of the sudden u decide to raid and now ,there you have me" i wanna go with your group, even if i dont match the requierements that u set up. “Oh u declined me? World is so unfair, nobody wannts to help me, i cant even play the game, blizz please fix.”
And i didnt mean with that you part you personaly, but the fact that everyone like you or OP has to start from themselves. Thats all.

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I’m lucky enough to have an active guild which raid 3 times a week and an active community where they raid pretty much 4 days a week. Then I’ve got calm keystone community as well as friends to do stuff with… I don’t know why people say WoW is dead… to me it’s pretty much alive.
I’ve been accepted to communities by doing LFRs and normal pug raids looong time ago and I have been kind to everybody. Soo kind they’ve invited me into their communities.
There is always someone who does normal pug in the week end. Ofc you wouldn’t find anyone Monday to Friday 9.00-17.00
A tip to enjoy the game? Be kind and don’t complain about it :blush:

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Well I play on weekdays I don’t play on weekends that’s when I go out and lucky you I guess that you have been so fortunate to have completed it all and find a good community which I have found aswel but you got to realize not all of us are lucky as you are.

unless you have an unusual occupation, it’s your choice how you allocate your spare time, accordingly to what you deem worthy of your time.
you could play weekends but you have better stuff to do? good for you, really, it does not mean you are unable to raid, you choose not to raid, particularly if you could just spare a couple of hours during 1 weekend per month to raid if you wanted to, you simply do not want to because you have better options.
it’s your choice, and i’m not saying it is a bad one, probably is the best one, but you have all the possibilities to raid in the weekends if you wanted ( again unless you have an unusual job/family issues) so you cannot objectively say that you are stuck or unable to progress.

I find eating lots of chocolate gives me curves on my hips and buttocks.

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