How can i play as a veteran wow player with a totally new player for the lore?


I have started playing wow with closed and final beta and I played it for like 10 years or so.

I would really like to play again from the start with the lore of the game ( videos and all ) and together with my GF so she can experience the world for the first time.

I came back after not playing for several years, the last one I really played much was MoP and after that I played a few months Wod but that’s it.

I saw there is WoW Classic and Wotlk Classic and Retail aka newest expansion.
My characters went from level 90 to 40-45, a bit odd to see and I got new gear and clear quests, it was all a bit confusion for a veteran to come back to and all these things changed, I really needed to read up / research how and what about the game.

I can understand they wanna try and bring it ultimately all together (all levels again since they grow so high )after cata with the new release upcoming and the rest what comes after it all again ( re-releasing things )

Anyway I wanna play from the start again like vanilla classic style but once I am 60 I would like to be able to go through that portal like back in the days and see the video again and go through BC and once I am 70 I would like to go through wotlk with the same style again as back in the days.

But It seems like people got a transfer to WOTLK at BC and I guess that will come again at Cata from Wotlk, but for the people that start later on they won’t have a transfer ( a free one I guess maybe a paid option later but that would not be fair )

I am unable to start from the real beginning at classic WoW and later on go through the next expansion because I need to create a new character at WOTLK expansion?

I don’t wanna be there “yet” I wanna do the BC first and then go / transfer to wotlk and later on Cata and MoP later on once they release that…

It’s all nice these expansions and all sorts of different servers but there isn’t a good possibility to go through the story and go to the next expansion in a normal way ( Through the dark portal for BC ) and I don’t wanna pay 20 euro for a transfer to the “next” expansion once the time is there…

I hope blizzard will make something in the future for the people that wanna stick at wow classic vanilla that’s fine but if you wanna go through the next expansion there should be a regular way to go to the portal like in the old days and continue your story.

You like it in BC? then stick there and do ALL raids/dungeons and then go to the next expansion WOTLK and so on, people should have their own choice what to pick and where to play at and continue or not.

Because if I wanna start the game with a new player for the lore and how the “game” was back then in vanilla like i am used to… I am unable to really follow the story after vanilla since before I am there (level 60 and then go BC i cannot do that even, since i need a new character at the WOTLK Servers again then ) then all WOTLK will be Cata and then I am missing 2 expansions already since i need to start all over again from those servers and cannot transfer / go through the dark portal at vanilla classic…

I don’t wanna create a character at wotlk (as in start over again) and i cannot switch to BC anymore since there are no more servers? what about WOTLK soon? also gone after cata? ( I think that was one of the best expansions, WOTLK )

I understand from reddit and such that’s it is one way or the another… but I think it is a bit stupid that it is a possible with the wotlk servers to go to cata with a transfer like they did with BC to WOTLK ( free transfer was available what I read but not anymore ) but you cannot do the same with vanilla to bc or wotlk by now and soon cata…

They should just have servers for all expansions available and people can just go and stick to one of them or transfer to the next expansion

I feel your pain but unfortunately you are late to go through vanilla → TBC → WOTLK.
You still have options though:
Vanilla - Classic Era, hardcore, even SoD. While SoD changes the classes a lot the lore is still there
TBC and WOTLK - the zones, quests and dungeons will still be there, you can level 1-60 in Cata and then go “back in time” to TBC and WOTLK. I agree that it doesn’t make much sense but you could pay no attention to Cata lore 1-60 and level through RDF. And once in TBC and WOTLK you will out level the zones quickly but you can go to a special NPC to turn off experience and stay forever at a chosen level for example 70 for TBC.
Or I heard one private server is starting from vanilla and will go through TBC and WOTLK.

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Hey! there is an AI Addon called VoiceOver_Vanilla Sounds.
Wich makes AI Voices and reads the quest objective to you.
I’ve played wow for 20 years and i had so much fun starting a new character and actually hearing the story of the starting zone quests, (cuz who reads quests texts duh… kek)
I learned alot of new lore and had some ahhaaa thats where thats from, moments when i played.

Highly recomend!
(Horde side AI voices are abit meh, but it works. Alliance side has alot better AI Voices)

Good Luck and hope you and ur GF have fun ingame! :slight_smile:

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