I’ll preface this by saying I don’t use raider I.o or upload logs anywhere to things like WoWprogress ect not have I had any interaction previous to applying with anyone from the guild mentioned in the post
Recently I’ve applied to join a HC casual raiding guild, 3 nights a week deal so I filled out an application, name of character I’d like to raid on ect, I did not give any personal information away or my battle tag name.
A few days later I got a whisper from the guilds GM to have a mini interview on discord, I joined the chat and after a few standard questions he started asking me about my alts guilds, naming them and why I was in these guilds and for what purpose. How did he know my alts names (some I haven’t logged into in months) and the guilds they are in plus servers? I really don’t like this feeling, I feel a bit exposed and was wondering if anyone knew how to get my privacy back?
I don’t have any addons that log data
People can see your alts through third party websites cause your characters share account wide achievements.
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What 3rd party websites and is there anyway to stop that from being a thing?
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Not really cause its going off achievement score, account wide achievements, battle pets. The little trackable things, the only thing you can do in-game to make it less obvious there is to make sure the display only character achivements is ticked in your social.
applying to guilds in retail became more like applying for irl job
asking and demanding unnecessary information
that’s why I joined the pug life
Agreed, I was honestly baffled why he was asking these questions, especially for a guild that considers its self casual
I think youre making a big deal out nothing. I WISH we could easily see someones main progress/arena rating on his alts, kinda like how raiderio does it
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Raiderio needs to be banned, cos points are deinfetly not giving you a vell detailed players kills and skills while you can buy in game boost and doing nothing in mechanics wise, while other players gets locked out due to low scores, while they are skilled palyers. So Raiderio is a toxic and further enhancing the elitims amongst the palyer base. it separets them instead of uniting them. wich is lets face it is not good at all, and DOES actuyl effecting the game, and also the palyer base in most cases in negative ways.
Raider io is really good imo, it’s a fun competitive ladder-type system that im sure m+ people love to try and climb.
In general you can easily tell if the person has done this dungeon at this level of key or if they have downed heroic Azshara. Sure some people take this score way too seriously and that sucks (When i made this character i couldn’t get into any group, so i was forced to make groups myself).
If raider io was removed people would just look at your armory/achievements instead…
If they considered their self casual and ask for application- don’t bother join them. It’s kinda fail train with few patch guild.
Also I think 3rd party web should respect other people privacy.
I’m more curious then anything, why does it matter if he knows what your alts are called and what guild they are in?
I think Blizzard should respect people’s privacy. While I do see the third-party sites that use this as predatory, the problem starts with Blizzard. Blizzard allows us to set a flag showing only character achievements to others, but then fails to honour that commitment. THAT’s the core of the problem right there. When Blizzard itself deliberately commits the breach, it is inevitable that others will follow.
And yes, I appreciate that character privacy is not the same as personal privacy. But many people have RL acquaintances who will know one of their characters; from that, this breach opens their entire play time.
I don’t particularly care that he knows who they are but, I think it’s very shady that someone can know my one character name, which in turns give them knowledge of my entire library of characters. I’ve been harassed in game previously, it’s worrying to think if I transferred one character to another realm, someone could potentially figure out where I went from an alt
on top of many other concerns
This is serious breach of privacy, I dont see other video game that i’ve tried that does this. GW2/ESO/FFXIV. It can lead to inflamatory situations of doxxing and blackmail and I already seen it happen before.
But Actiblizzard love surveillance and getting all that sweet sweet data for their investors. This assumption was rendered true when they had spyware in their latest Blizzcon app and shady Survey questions.
Character profiles should be togglable to be untrackable/seen if the player wants to. Or having the option to be turned off by a GM even if they are that finicky after cases of harassment/bullying.
It would be better an addon to track people percentile from warcraft logs.
With boosting you can never be top safe with using raider io, but with logs you can be 100% sure if someone can or can’t play
An interview to join a guild? LOL
Logs don’t really matter in m+ though, you may be great at saving your cds to pad the meters on adds but that doesn’t mean you know how to handle a +18 fortified dungeon
For raiding it can work pretty well.
Sure but raiding isn’t the only end game option
Let’s start by fixing one side, and then we can proceed to the other