How can someone see my alts? Invasion of privacy?

So leave one side completely high and dry? That’s a horrible solution

No its not, plus I have not said to remove raider io, but to have another source to track people quality.

Rio already tracks your raid progress and links to your logs. Guess you didn’t care about that part for raiding?

How it shows logs?

I dont know of this functionality.

You can right click someone and press copy rio link, paste to your browser and you’ll have links to logs & armory.

Quit playing WoW back then years ago when Blizzard didn’t give a damn about Armory privacy.

Hey if the guy has 99 logs on hc/mythic then i think he might have done a few m+ aswell and know his class

All can buy 15+ and get like 1.5k score sure. But when i check ppl’s score i also check how many 15+ Keys they have done on time. If they only got like 10-15 sure they prob has bought boost.

Or he just does his weekly and chills


Well he still wanna do a high Key for the residuum

I know plenty of 8/8M EP and famed slayers with like 1300 rio, would I take them to a 18? Most likely not if I can get someone with better rio that has already done it before

Wasn’t there some option to show only character achievements which then would disable this kind of websites from tracking your alts?

This must be down to Blizzard’s open(ish) API. If there are add-ons that allow tracking of information across alts or about your alts, and there are add-ons that allow third-party organisations to upload data to their websites for public viewing, then websites can also use that data to provide it to other people.

The issue isn’t with Blizzard, as they do not publicise your data, but with the third-party websites. Did they directly ask permission to show your data publicly? If not (which will be the case), they may be in breach of GDPR. The question is whether or not the names of alts and guild membership count as “personal data”. If people can link them to you personally, it may be.

If you’re in the UK, you could contact the ICO to see what they say.

3 nights a week is NOT “Casual” HC raiding, no matter what, 2 days is.

Unfortunately we live in a world where online privacy in general due to information gathering is really low, its something that you have to deal with having the commodity of being “always online” connected.

Honestly, i stay away from most of 3rd party messaging apps like Vib, WA, FB Messanger and such because on several occasions it happened that in a conversations after mentioning few times “trip” on my native language and random EU city i have ended being bombarded with booking and travel agency ads for two weeks for that specific city/country.

Im not paranoid, i just dont like my privacy intruded to the point that i can clearly see my “private” chats being not so much private.

Sites like WoWProgress also track a lot, having mostly accurate lists of your characters based on your Ach points and achievements pulled from Armory API.
Tho i see now on their front page that mentioned site updated their policy due to Blizzards API Policy change.

Raiders IO honestly i think its a great addon for filtering out really bad players, tho i dont rely on it 100% since you can easily buy 15+ runs these days.

I’m not a lawyer but the issue with the GDPR here is that our World of Warcraft characters are not actual people with rights and stuff

Isn’t the problem that we also just rent the accounts from blizz? Pretty sure it states that all of it belongs to them and they can do whatever they want with the toons

correct. I also wanted to suggest GDPR but i remembered that it applies for personal information.
Being that we have read Blizzard TOS and agreed to it our accounts, and thus everything on them including characters, belong to Blizzard. We are paying only for the game service.


Pretty sure there is an option called “Display Only Character Achievements to Others” somehwere in your interface>display(or social actually. Not sure) settings (at least there used to be one). Pretty sure this setting is also used in the armory.

I thought it was also available in your bnet account settings, but that I cannot find atm.

That should help you out a little.

I think they have squished the freedom in your account settings. Which is probably why you cant find it.
For instance, I cant turn this off:

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Odd, I can turn that off.

Either way, the option in your interface should still be there and working ^^