How can someone see my alts? Invasion of privacy?

For some instance it has Parental Controls on which is why i cant change it.

I wish the interface was more intuitive, because its really mind boggling to turn privacy settings off without bypassing some obstacle like that.

It is quite inituative. Just turn Parental Controls off and you can change all the settings ^^. Who turned it on anyways? If it was not done by you.

Yea i will have to contact a GM for that. It was turned on when a GM wanted to help me edit some of my account information. :upside_down_face:

By turning that setting ON in your Bnet account settings it just gives them a bit more data than usual.
The thing is that most of Websites pull their info from Armory API, the same one which allows you to sim your characters.
They build their list based on Achievements, Ach points as well as recently gained Achievements.

I can turn it off, too.

But that’s interesting. Very interesting.

I never saw that before. When was it added?

Share my game data with community developers

Blizzard allows external developers to build applications and experiences for our players using game data. Unless you turn this share off, some information associated with your Blizzard account, such as gameplay data and your BattleTag, may be shared with external developers. Your name, email address, physical address, telephone number and other similar information will not be shared without your specific consent.

That’s a paragraph worthy of Mark Zuckerberg himself! It sounds simple. I understand all the words, individually. And yet I have no idea what it means.

What external developers? What game data? Distributed how? Are they just talking about the existing APIs, or are there lso other modes and developers (of what?) getting this data?


I remember years ago when I needed to change my country it needed a GM to work around with ID so that needed Parental Controls or something. I cant recall.

I cant manually turn it off because any email that Im a familiar says “wrong email” error message in Parental Controls email box.

So i will just contact a GM to do it for me.

Uh so… what are these sites where I can see all the stuff? I’d like to go see what exactly shows up about myself.
I quickly went trough this thread and didnt notice any links. Other than rio… is one of them. Not that it is showing correct information. It does show my highest M+ char, but the score is also more than 100 points lower.

And going to that char it shows:
Amount of Mythic 2+ Dungeons completed in time: 396
Amount of Mythic 5+ Dungeons completed in time: 359
Amount of Mythic 10+ Dungeons completed in time: 246
Amount of Mythic 15+ Dungeons completed in time: unknown

I am almost 1800 raiderio and it has no idea how many 15’s I have done :smile: raiderio by the way does also not know it, since I play mostly with a set group and multiple runs of the same dungeon in a week are not calculated correctly.

And what the… ! I didn’t do 400 +2-+5 :sweat_smile:

Tbh I don’t really see the needs of inspecting someone that deep for an HC Guild.

What you’ve described does indeed sound like invasion of privacy. They seek information about you that is absolutely not neccesary for them to know about.


There is plenty of CE guild, that raids only 2 days

Oh lord, just imagine the kind of person who does this kind of research and interviewing before letting someone join their guild.

And then imagine having to interact with that person every time you played the game.

You will not have any fun playing with someone like that.

Run away!


I did, I didn’t join and left that Discord immediately.

For those who keep saying the same thing: Yes, I’m aware it doesn’t sound like a casual guild, but it did from their website and yes I know 3 nights isn’t standard casual activity.

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They might have a “secret strategy” that must be guarded at all costs and your application aroused their suspicions that you want it for your alt guild.

I think the question is whether or not our characters are part of our protected personal data. I suspect not, but I doubt anyone has determined that in a court of law yet. If it was possible for someone to use that data to work out who we were in real life, that may change matters, but I’m not a legal expert either!

T&Cs never over-ride national laws - citizens cannot sign their legal rights away no matter what companies like Blizzard want us to think.

Yeah but your character isn’t part of your protected data since it isn’t your character legally to begin with

Raiderio is … ok, its not good, but not too bad, you can atleast get SOME info from it, the issue is that it doesnt show leavers, how hard is it to put in a ‘‘Left while time was still left’’ Counter every week?

It might sound weird, but maybe they started (and were sort of habit-formed) by very (VERY) early mmo games?

In the super old days (like, 1996’ish old lol) days of converted from south Korean mmo games, there were massive restrictions on guilds.
Myth of Soma and Legend of Mir were huge, many teens and kids played them (who are now adults ) and those games had hard rules for guilds (not just formation but keeping your guild)

For example, Myth of Soma had two, yes ONLY TWO! servers… For the whole world. One for Asia and the other was for the rest of the world. Player accounts had only 3 slots, and guild competition was fierce.
To own a guild you had to keep 200k gold in the guild bank AT ALL TIMES! or the guild, and everything in the bank, would be disbanded. You got I think, a week, to top it up to make sure. After that, POOF! Gone.
Guilds only had 50slots (so connected guilds were a thing sometimes) and rules were strict. Many higher end guilds (would be raid guilds these days, 3+ nights a week probably hardcore lol) allowed only one character into a guild, and the other two ALTs could not benefit from the guild in any way.
(So, no taking out a giant spider eye from the guild stash, dropping it someplace to swap to an alt [ yes, it was so old that was a thing lmao ] pick it up to use to unlock the ONE DUNGEON lol the game had. No taking gear to give to ALTs ether.)
They also would not let you have your ALTs in any other guild ether. It was often in the rules on their websites. You had to read a lot back then to not fall foul of these rules (I know, fell over them myself with my first ever guild. Put ALTs into another guild, got caps lock yelled at by the guild leader over it, told to return all ‘borrowed’ gear to the guild bank and then kicked. But thankfully moved main character into the other guild and played there for years)

Not saying it excuses the behaviour, but it might explain it in some individuals who were impressionable back then and started in similar games. And kept that mentality of “my guild only!”

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Well, that’s a legal question that, as far as I am aware (and I may be wrong) has not been tested in court.

You could try and test it all you want, but it’s blizzard character not yours.

The company can’t break the law about you being identified with their character cause that would mean the only one making sure you could be identified with it is you