How can someone see my alts? Invasion of privacy?

Those sort of extensive applications, interviews and background checks would make me stay away from those kind of guilds.
It sounds like they take WoW far too serious for my liking

An IP address isn’t (legally) yours either, yet it is considered Personal Data (with exceptions) under the GDPR.

I think it has a lot of implications and I think I’m right to have concern, I figured out with a help from a friend that the guild used Check PvP so I’ve created an account with them and hidden all my characters. I don’t think a 3rd party website should be able to do this without account holders giving permission.


Raider io and wowprogress sometimes show alts too.

I think it all comes down to"Account information belongs to the user which is private"(not the same as character info) and Character info belongs to Blizzard.


Well then… down the rabbit hole I go :smiley: thank you

Nope. you consent to the info Blizz hold (your name and email address mainly they cannot divulge payment details or more sensitive information without expressed consent on a case by case basis under EU GDPR) being used how they want. You can generally withdraw this consent as discussed above.

It is also not invasion of privacy as the alts are not yours. They are blizzards sole property and all linked to one account. Its not like the GM has got your full name, address, ip address, mobile tel number, payment details etc.

only if you link them yourself i believe.

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This is what i want to know. And why was it added as automatically “enabled”? I went to see my settings and also noticed this one was there and “enabled” , i was able to turn it off easily. I have always all sharing disabled and i never connect any accounts with eachothers. It is 100 % sure that it has added there automatically in “enabled” mode because i would never leave such sharing turned on myself. Apparently Blizzard is also now one of those companies that you have to watch like a hawk because you cannot just trust them. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I think it’s fishy practise and they should be opt in not opt out. Lot of people don’t even know they exist (like OP) so they have no way of turning that data off from showing and i also think no one should be made to have account just to prevent their data being shared.

These are all very valid reasons but i think recruiter should ask about these things instead of snooping around first. “Can you tell me about your raiding history and other guilds you have been raiding with? Has there been any issues with those? Why do you want to start raiding with us now?” “Are you able to commit to our raiding times?” and such questions. Leech thing is harder to ask, but that risk is there no matter what you do especially if guild in question is not progressing past the certain goal post. Asking instead of snooping shows respect to the applicant.

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to quote GDPR in the EU ‘individuals need a mechanism that requires a deliberate action to opt in, as opposed to pre-ticked boxes’. If they ‘pre-ticked’ this without giving knowledge of such to the subjects it goes against GDPR.

Ultimately thought i suspect it will have been covered in the small print of your subscription contract that you agree too on a monthly basis.

for full info on the privacy policy see below. You have to agree to this upon playing the game as part of the games T&C’s

Except nobody can identify you by your character. I find it very hard believe someone’s gonna go “you know who that mage reminds me of? My coworker! They dress the same and he runs around yelling frostbolt, they’re also showing their ribs and spine in the same way”

Your toons are an online persona and unless you go around and tell people your name and where you live nobody will find who you are.

I’m willing to bet there’s not a single identifiable trait on your mage that you share IRL except maybe at most hair color and eye color which won’t get you anywhere finding out who it is


Lets be honest, I don´t want have trash people with zero skill in 10+ runs.

That quote from me was about 3rd party sites that make you make account so you can stop them showing your alts there. I call their practise fishy, not Blizzards.

When it comes to Blizzard part, I am well aware of privacy policy of Blizzard, i actually read those things. It still doesn’t change the fact that adding “enabled” tickboxes to my privacy settings without my knowledge is lowering my trust towards them. Usually companies that do that kind of thing with no annoucement are ones not to trust, reliable ones always ask or notify you if something new comes.

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Indirect works too.

sounds like you dodged a bullet, this guild sounds incredibly toxic and judgmental. join one that takes anyone its less stress.

I think this is better than it looks, if the only implication is BNet. Before the change, you still had to opt in to each site with a BNet connection. Now, it looks like you have a new “Never allow” switch here. But of course they couldn’t install that switch in the “Globally Disallow” position by default, becacuse that would have cut off all the services people had opted in to.

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That’s nicer point of view on it. :slightly_smiling_face:

And you think with high score points that describes who is the bad player and who is skillful? :smiley: sorry to dissapoint you but nope :smiley: You can have 2k+ points with bought boosted players, and also they can turned out to be 0 skilful palyers. And also there are actualy a lot of low score players with skills. but you guys are so into those scores so lets not include the low score players, and just be an elitist right? That why i said, thos points will not describes your ACTUAL player skills, while you can buy boosts. so divideing players from eachother due to this stupid addon instead of unitie and paly together is just a mith now in an mmorpg? :slight_smile:

Ofc man that system isn´t perfect, nobody say it is. But in 90% it works and also depends on time mostly after alts are gear then start boosting and the system is not useful because even people who has zero knowledge get to your grp based on that score.

The idea that you have to create accounts with these external sites to stop your characters being tracked by others is just stupid. Don’t you have to link your Bnet account to be able to do that?


Yes, I had to link my bnet account to Check PvP to stop people being able to look up my alts

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