How can someone see my alts? Invasion of privacy?

And right there is the problem.

And you will have to do that for every external site that also relies on alt-snooping for their profit.

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Its great that you can track down players alts, if they screw you over, or you need to talk to their GM, or other things. To get them kicked, or shamed etc
Ghilji-draenor is gonna have a great time!

And not great that people, especially women, who are being followed can’t have characters that they can get a break on, or that people who just want an option to play peacefully and mindlessly by themselves can’t have an unknown alt they can chill on when they don’t want to be rounded up to tank the latest M+ group.

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Yo m8, you need to remove the names.

So rather than blocking them and moving on, you get butt hurt, go searching for every character that they have to find which ones are in guilds and message the GMs to cause trouble for them and their guilds? You’re not very far off from stalking and harassment with this kind of attitude.

Do you also do this irl too? Someone says something on twitter that you don’t agree with so you use their screen name to find other accounts they have on the likes of Facebook/Instagram etc to find out the company that they work for so that you can get them in trouble there.

What a waste of effort for something that you could have gotten over instantly and moved on with your life. You must live an incredibly sheltered life to be acting this way.

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Oh, buddy. You have no idea.

Try to look for the thread they created about the player they mentioned.
This guy gets so salty and toxic that they must have some kind of issue.

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