How can ya'll play Demon Hunter?

You can ask the same question about fury or arms wariors. Their rotation is actually even simpler than dh rotation. It is the fast gameplay and due to the things you can do wtih your mobility your defensives, ranged interupt , dispel. Good cc. List goes on. If you play a class to high end you realise what makes wow fun is not the class it is the mechanics.

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how can you not like it actually? it’s most dynamic and twitchy class. Unless you simply prefer low APM or caster classes then DH is basically WoW 2.0 with their animations, possibilities, fluidity etc. I tested ALL other classes for a long time before settling in DH. Warriors, hunters and druids are next to it for me because of similar, but IMO lower fluidity.

Actually warrior/hunter may be more fluid reasource-wise but I when you add this mobility-based skills like constant movement in fight due to for example different placement requirement for demon bite/chaos strike and different for eyebeam, as well as necessity to constantly gather souls from chaos nova and demonic appettite talent… Jump back to avoid mechanic, mid-air glaive throw hoping for a essence/corruption proc… This class is top fun for me. Most people that are saying it is oversimplified etc. just have no idea how to actually play one well.

Still, despite saying that, we need at least one more active skill for some flavour. Whatever really. Although personally I would like fel barrage (mostly bc of animation).


I don’t think it’s a simplier rotation but it’s easy yes. I don’t know though why I like it much more than DH’s I guess cuz it’s faster and demon hunters spam the same button more cuz dh rotation is more like
(buttons on the keyboard)
1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 1 1 1 2 2 2

But frost dk is really simple but I still enjoy that more than DH’s. Maybe it’s the fast paste playstyle idk

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they are all really simple. As I said, DH is about constant movement also in fight. Fury warrior is similar but extreme version of whack-a-mole gameplay class. Very fun tho :slight_smile: !

speaking about melee only - after a while of playing them all, it boils down to animations, sounds, mobility, APM and amount/type of utility available for most classes. For me just ferals needs serious rework or just less buttons with higher effects? not really sure. Just too much perfect work needed for average results.


Made a DH alt in late Legion to farm herbs & have my own flasks as DH starting at 98 was the quickest option aside from boosts. It was exactly as broken in OP way as retri was in early Wrath, just in different fashion: top DPS, faceroll level of skill required, very forgiving, leather DPS but somehow WAY more survivable than some tanks, god tier mobility on top of having dispel and interrupt that GENERATE resource instead of costing it, ST & AoE rotations pretty much the same as AoE skills deal high ST DPS anyway.

Since Legion some buttons stacking (think Chaos Blades) were removed. The spec is now so simple, a monkey could play it, it deals very good damage, still is hard to kill like a jumping, winged cockroach, it heals like crazy, Blade Dance 100% dodge is just broken. Can use undergeared alt to pull like half of a zone, eye beam, whoops half of the pull is dead and the other half is low on HP while my alt is at 100% HP because soul fragments need no GCD to heal unlike Warrior’s Victory Rush or DK’s Death Strike. Talk about power trip. And then you see what DH tank can do in WSG. Just how the f were those guys allowed 2 charges of Fel Rush + double jump + 3rd backward jump?

About the 3 button & high APM thing, Havoc has very small number of buttons, but is mashing them. The reason for this is haste stacking, fury cap, and Chaos Strike/Demon Bite both having no real cooldown apart from GCD. Mechanically rotation looks like some cd > some cd > enough fury for Chaos Strike, then CS, if not, then Demon Bite until you can CS and so on until something better goes off CD. And both AoE and ST rotation are functionally the same: pop Eye Beam, pop Blade Dance, Immolation Aura, then it’s back to Demon Bite/Chaos Strike spam. And one of those has to go off every second (because haste stacking, remember?). So while you have few buttons to click, you WILL mash them every second or so. And then you can find out there is a button for every possible thing: interrupt, dispel, cc, AoE stun, ranged pull, big fat CD.

It is disgustingly easy yet it yields very good results. Like every broken easy spec in the history of WoW. And it keeps reminding me that my main and 2 other alts were screwed in BFA. Still is too good not to make some use of. Like quick emissary caches.

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TLDR: Easy to learn, hard to master. Better than some boring caster who sits like a duck at one place, casts it´s burst and then waits for CDs doing nothing useful.


Work a day job, but can compete with the top 1%. DH is one of the little options to achieve that.


I’m levelling a DH at the moment but it’s surprisingly jarring coming from an Outlaw Rogue (which remains my all time favourite by far). Quite a cool class though and I look forward to doing some PVP etc.

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The problem is not the rotation. The problem is how good they are in some fights. You know that I played DH almost all the expansion, now when I see logs from mythic raids, they just destroy everything in Wrathion, Shad and Xanesh. You just cannot outplay the class. They are one of the few classes (3 exactly) that can easily go with 79 corruption on mythic and do not have problem with it. The rest are: fire and BM.

Just try as priest or lock to do so and you will see whats going on. Thats why the community hates them. They scale very well with everything: azerites, trinkets, corruption. It feels oppresive.

And DH is far more skill cap now than frost. Frost is just 1/2/3, for DH if you press 1/2/3 you will 90% of the time miss your third DS. Moreover, in M+ they will want from DH to consume, stun, torrent. DK has no this problem.


Well in sl blizz wants ruin this class on purpose when looking at legendaries and up coming nerfs

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I haven’t played long, but I am a fan of illidan, and being one of his creations and order excites me. Also it’s a really fun class to play, high mobility, fast attacks and very strong AOE. As for simplicity, I don’t care much about it, I have enough buttons to press, had to spec in it, but its okay. Besides, it has a lot of counters, which I really appreciate in PvP, which is all I want to do. And you hearing this from a guy who played exclusively on casters, not only in this game, but all others too. So yeah, there is a time for everything :slight_smile:

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Considering how idiot-proof and op DH is right now you deserve to be bottom tier for at least 2 expansions. :rofl: Sadly won’t happen :frowning:


unfortunately it scales well mostly with those annoying proc-based corruptions which leaves your performance to luck in many cases. TD in right moments can be wonderful, but somehow usually it is not…

as for raiding, I wouldn’t say that DH are top tier anywhere, but they may be a better choice in some scenarios, same as all classes. If I would point out a place where DH are actually op compared to rest it would be only visions.


That is correct. It scales well with both IS and TD. But scales far too well. Thats the reason people are annoyed. But they are annoyed for everything that beats their class.


you know it’s dh being talked about or?


It’s a fast but simple spec but there is nuance to the simplicity. I can focus on min maxing to the utmost while also the encounter and my awareness. I’m also just the kind of person who’s a bit ADHD and the constant shooting around and high APM fits me well.

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It’s because they are op it’s as easy as that. They are op in pve/pvp and they have a counter to everything.

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oh lolz. look at this then
Mm hunter just distroys 2 demon hunters in a 2 vs 1 . DHs are so bad lol.

Videos speaks lauder then words.


Cutting? Use the right word “interrupting” ffs :joy:

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Maybe they were not demonic enought, i met dh with versa/leech build immortal he was!

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