How come DH isn't getting nerfed

Took them a couple days to nerf WW and enhance shaman , but they don’t nerf DH I mean I wonder who’s behind these decisions.

DH was already WAY stronger than shaman and WW post Sotwl bug’s nerf, so how come it doesn’t get touched ?

It has everything, the biggest sustain damage in the game, the biggest burst damage by FAR, excellent survivability, excellent defensives, excellent mobility, excellent CCs potential , excellent self heal , two stuns on a relatively short CD , spammable ranged slow, a bubble with netherwalk, 100% uptime on their target, can reverse magic … I mean what the hell is wrong with this class ???

When I fight dh ( more like 2 dhs at a time usually given how everywhere you cross them) I feel like I’m fighting God himself.

And yet it isn’t getting nerfed this reset.

I mean… completly mind boggling.


Although I don’t agree at all, I believe Blizzard are reasoning that DH will be “fine” in DF and is only strong in the pre-patch due to interactions between conduits/legendaries and the new talent system. At the same time, they believed Enh to be overtuned in general, and not because of pre-patch stuff, therefore nerfed it.

Again, I don’t agree. I think DH’s kit is far too strong currently. Either part of that must go, or part of the damage.

I’m certain that Blizzard will nerf DH once DF launches when they see that they will be too strong even without the pre-patch interactions.

I think they are just making to much money of of DH rerollers right now :).

Because Enhancement and Windwalker nerfs weren’t implemented due to their performance in PvP. They were sharp outliners in PvE, and this was the sole reason why they got the bat. Right now Demon Hunters are still middle of the pack in PvE.

There were no PvP tuning for DF whatsoever.

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There is “PVP with the blues” event this weekend, which usually means that there will be a PVP tuning patch soon.

As for PVE-related tuning, I’m not completely sure, because MM hunter was bottom in PVE and still got nerfed :smiley:

Sure, not all Blizzard decisions are necessarily wise and beneficial and also we don’t see the whole picture as well, so I won’t argue why or for what particular sins MMs got nerfed. But ES and WW were brought back in line solely because of their outstanding PvE performance. And not on prepatch, by the way, but on beta!

I wouldn’t be too surprised when WW will have another blow to their PvP numbers at a later date along with priests, DHs, and locks…

But, yeah, as you yourself already pointed out, there will be that PvP with the blues thing at a later date, so we can expect some PvP nerfs and buffs happening right after.

If they only wanted to nerf enh and ww for PvE then they would make these changes not apply to PvP. They did this before many times already (“this change does not apply to pvp”).

So either they wanted this nerf to affect pvp or just didn’t care about the effect on pvp.

Also, if these changes were made because of DF max level balance… then hold them off until DF launch? What’s the point of rolling them in now? Are live servers beta test realms now?

The only explanation I have for this pre-patch balance mess is that they literally don’t care. They are treating this off-season like some live testing realms with only difference being people having to pay sub to play them.

This is a backwards logic. You don’t need a particular reason for new changes to affect everything where they are appliable, you need a reason for them to NOT do so. Simply because writing exceptions is more work than not writing them. In other words, monks and shamans got nerfs due to PvE which transfered onto PvP because there were no reason for it not to. But demon hunters don’t get nerfs in PvP (yet) because in PvE they aren’t OP.

Cool story bro… MM was further down the pack than dh before the Aimed shot nerf so yea they can and should nerf dh

Yeah that’s why I said they didn’t care for the effect it will have on pvp. Do I have to explain to you why it’s bad that they don’t care?

i dont understand people,if you care so much about whos stronger,just make one dh?

Cool story bro… MM was further down the pack than dh before the Aimed shot nerf so yea they can and should nerf dh

What are you even talking about… MMs hunters weren’t OP in any form of content in prepatch so they weren’t nerfed because of it. Which means you can’t expect DHs to be nerfed in PvP merely because MMs had their Aimed Shot nerfed? What is this even/ dude, come on.

Do I have to explain to you why it’s bad that they don’t care?

Of course it’s bad. Everyone wants a dedicated PvP dev who would just sit and do nothing but implemenet different fine tunings for PvP alone to make the game we play better. It’s just your expectations and reasoning for it to happen are strange. DHs won’t get nerfed in PvP until Blizzard is at least close to finalize their PvE tuning. DHs also won’t get nerfed in prepatch alone until they are vastly overperform in DF as well. And finally, they won’t get nerfed in PvP because PvP tuning didn’t even start for anybody. These are the objective reasons why it just won’t happen. I’m sorry that it is but it is the way it is.

Yes so basically lots of words to say “They don’t care about pvp balance right now” which is exactly the same point I made…? What are you trying to argue here?

With you, just this statement alone. With topic starter, the other points I highlighted.

they were terrible on beta before the nerf if they can nerf us they can nerf dh…dh is also absolutely disgusting in pvp on beta so yeah needs nerfing big time and its coming…

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Shhhh… they Will not notice (fingers crossed)

Cause it is a pre patch issue, not a DF issue…

Probably because he doesnt overperform in pve. The shaman changes were because of pve, not because it was one tapping ppl in pvp.

Meh, I doubt it. Just look at the PVE logs from the past like three weeks, and see Affli DEVOURING every other DPS spec, and we’re still to see Affli nerfs

It’s funny how MM, who is bottom of barrel, got recently nerfed.

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When you are still 5k dps lower then the spec whose damge got cut by 25% LOL

However, this is prepatch data and it is not an accurate rep of the beta things.

I am still worried about MM tho, from the PvP perspective. AiS nerf and stamina buff really hit hard.

PvP on beta since the stamina buff feels a lot slower, and frankly, less fun.