How come DH isn't getting nerfed

“uhhh guyssss, dh in pve multi target is mid-tier therefore its all fine with it in pvp”

stop it

oh and why is dh fear 8 second btw while any other fear is capped to 6? dh is broken and needs severe nerfs

It a joke? Every day they nerf classes and add something new, next week they add lot of nerfs to some classes. I playing Beta and DH is still the strongest class.

Druids next please, guardians and resto.

Regardless of whether you’re right or wrong, we know what your goal is. It is the DH of 9.0 you envision, a spec ruined and defenseless. A spec so bad that people mocked it and took glee in killing it as some kind of sick revenge for when it was supposedly op. You don’t want DH to have good damage and you don’t want it to have any defensives, so it’s clear you want it to be some kind of joker class that just falls over.

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theres a difference between good damge and twice that of every other class…

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and all you want is DH to be the strongest spec and steamroll anything else, if you had any sense of fairplay you would see that DH outperforms every other spec and be fine with nerfs. Your lobbying wont help you, DH will get nerfed and rightfully so.

We got nerfed so stop crying :cry:

Can u please nerf these braindead dh’s? it’s getting really annoying at this point

let us know please if DH is still viable after those nerfs. I doubt it, but lets see

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