How do i counter dhs in 2v2?

Friend, 1800 is high rating to me, i am playing without pvp addons and macros stuff.

The way to counter them is to die faster so you can get a different comp.

Unholy is not physical damage though. Quite a big difference vs DH.

Yeah we discussed it with friend, probably you are right, dots and crap cant be countered with dodge.

Well, thats just stupid, isnt it, to just raise your hands and surrender? I wonder thought why 2 prot palas and stuff are not allowed while you can play as double monk/dh/dk/retri.

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You have to think of it like this:

The default class is called “warrior”. . .

  • the WotLK version of the warrior is called “death knight”
  • the MoP version of the warrior is called “monk”
  • the Legion version of the warrior is called “demon hunter”

Now since those are all expansion packs to the warrior class, they are stronger and better by default

You could probs try and nuke the enemy healer before the demon hunter kills yours (unlikely) or do some insane line of sight outplays and somehow burst the DH down in 2 seconds


If you heavily outplay them in about every single way, you have a slim chance of winning against a DH comp. Works on the lower rating, at least. You’d be surprised how rare it is for a dh to properly use the magic effect dispell or to place down a darkness for their healer when they’re getting nuked down… not sure if you can do much if you don’t have burst damage, though.




Blockquote If you heavily outplay them in about every single way, you have a slim chance of winning against a DH comp. Works on the lower rating, at least. You’d be surprised how rare it is for a dh to properly use the magic effect dispell or to place down a darkness for their healer when they’re getting nuked down… not sure if you can do much if you don’t have burst damage, though.

Ehh, i dont know, is 1800 rating being considered low? I just want mogs to be honest lol. Besides, there arent much for them to do, right? So how come they know they have purge and its benefical in every way (why shamans dont get anything for purging for example?) yet not used?

Blockquote omegalul

If you dont have any input, why do you even comment? Always puzzled me.

Maybe not this early into the season since the experienced players might still be in the process of pushing their rating up at the start of the season, but later on, yes. I would say that 1800 is a bit of a beginner level for the people who kind of know what they’re doing, but might make numerous mistakes one could capitalise on.

You’re overestimating the average demon hunter. Some of them spec into another talent, some don’t want to fel-rush towards their healer to free them from the crowd-control and are too busy tunneling the enemy down with their overtuned damage and consider themselves too durable to die during a CC-chain.

People who play arena for years will tell you that you are a super scrub low noob for only being 1,8k but if you are 1,8k you do just fine instead don’t worry about people way above 2k spending 8h a day entering the Q with their fotm setup

Also I think it’s fair to say “lower” in regards to 1,8k don’t think the comment you reply to meant to call you a big noob


That’s the standard excuse for <2k player since a decade!

They aren’t more talented/intelligent/better, they just invest a lot more time into the game!

Intelligent in terms of game understanding… Anyways: Would you get better if you invest more time? Most likely, if you don’t spend much time yet! But does it mean that anyone who’s better than you just spend more time into the game? Nope! Based on that rule, skill is only a question of experience and lets be honest: Where in live does that rule become true?!

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  1. Avatar
  2. Storm Bolt
  3. WB
  4. CA proc if you have traits
  5. Sharpen
  6. Pray you’ve done pressure

Hitting DH is a waste of time. Hitting Rdruid is also a waste of time, which they often pair with.

Either you eliminate them in a stun, or you might as well /afk.


Okay, i need some translation here. What is WB? What is CA proc?

That’s cool but I got my 2k badge this expansion just so they would let me post on this forum

Yeah that’s the case for anything in life

Never said that

That’s absolutely true and especially in real life

You have to have gear on the fotm class, grind the RNG effects that are chic right now and then suffer through endless sessions of GOOD GAME DESIGN – it’s basically self flagellation to play arena (if you don’t stick to the current meta 1:1 [which in turn requires a lot of time])

Yeah dude I hate a demon hunter not even knowing how to intrerrupt me but killing me because of insane burst & 2 stuns & slow & mana rift and even if you CC him he just roflmao gets back to me with 2 fel rushes and also has the ability to peel like there’s no tomorrow and is also immortal. Bonus points if he’s running broken RNG [Echoing Void] that does more dmg than any of his abilities so he melts you in the first 30 seconds of the game.


Personally I enjoy the dodging of stormbolt the most


And he can do that every 9 seconds too… literally blade dance roflmao. I still have to get echoing void on my paladin and I have no idea where it drops from so I can do more damage than the enemy team’s dps and climb up from 1.8 rating without feeling like everyone else is broken

You have to extend the game shaman has to play max for mana (drinks etc.)

Hold your Stormbolt for the fel eruption has the same cd so you can stun his manaburn attempts

Disarm eyebeam meta and keep dh permanent slowt while your shaman is dancing around a pillar and don’t be greedy with your fear use it to interrupt manaburns

Around 50% damp the Dh starts to die and this is the time when your shaman has to all in purdge

More you can’t do

Ps: keep track of his blade dance so you don’t hit your Mortal strike into it

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I feel like I fixed and simplified it amazingly.


WB = Warbreaker
CA = Crushing Assault