How do i counter dhs in 2v2?

Thanks for the answers guys. Now i sorta have an idea how maybe to pull it.

That’s BS! The best chest player and world champion is not even 30 years old, the best go player 36 years (already was 18 (!!!) times world champion) - how much more xp can they have compared to someone who is playing chess/go for over 60 years?!

Or do you think it’s because younger people are smarter in general? Well, the smartest woman on this planet is already in her seventies and the smartest man was born in the 70s.

Practice and passion can compensate missing talent up to some point, but not completely. Someone with more talent usually needs a lot less practice to reach the same level.

In all fairness, I’ve known players that has PvP’d for 13 years, and they still click their abilities and turn around with the keyboard to cast dragon’s breath.

Experience is only a factor in terms of skill. There is no linearity for skill.

Your skill improves when you’re forced to develope.

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You lose!
Your best chance is…the next game if you are lucky to not be vs a team with a DH again.

  1. If you stay on him - you and your healer die from the cleave.
  2. If you chase his healer - your healer dies faster, mana-drained.

DH is a retarded class made by retards for retards.
Just take it as a man, don’t fret about it, there’s always a next arena match…


Well the good thing is you know what kind of person they are when they play DH in pvp.

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personally just /afk then go again pretty much same with assa :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay you go fury.
When dh has his 8 sec godmode you press slow howl so he cant touch you and heal.
Dh has no slows.
Then land some cc on druid and nuke dh while he´s not en 50% leech form

Your best bet is to keep running. Use whatever utility you have to maximize movement, dont waste time trying to dmg them, and do not under any circumstances use any dmg cds…until they dc from fel rush - which is your only win condition. This is when you wanna blow it all. In order to win before the dh logs back in you most likely rely on enemy healer giving up too, so the chances are still very slim.

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Indeed, whenever I see a DH now in arena it’s like the person playing it saying, “look I admit I’m a retard and like to win not based on anything else but on a broken OP class, that requires 2 brain cells, but what can I do, I also have 0 dignity so I can’t stop myself”.

Not completely true. Assa is only really broken when paired with a mage. Otherwise it’s not on par with DH, not vs warrior at least.
Against assa you have plays. First assa doesn’t have the same mobility, you can actually peel him with a good success. Assa is much squishier, yes it has CC and evasion, vanish, but out of that 2-3 hits which he can’t “accidentily” avoid can put him in a very dangerous situation.
Has no leech. Has no strong AoE, if he follows your healer and you are on him, you at least don’t get the amount of damage you get when you follow DH.
Assa is op, yes, it has some other tricks that make it such, but is not on the level of absolutely disgustingly broken op of a DH.

The class is working as intended unfortunately

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Problem is there might be another dh next match aswell.

Yes, get used to meeting them a lot, they are basically everywhere, since the majority of ppl are too weak mentally to have the will to simply play the class they like/want and instead they just jump on the OP FOTM.

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I have the same problem as you do. The solution is simple close your eyes and say to your self next match it will get better :upside_down_face:

you litrally don’t need mobility when you have a 60% spammable ranged slow, feint 30% wall on low cd, wound poison, and insane damage.

Erm why does he have def stance when nobody will ever focus him and why doesnt he have something to help a teammate like disarm instead of reflect? Im not arena pro by any means, but this guy is not one to look upon for sure.
Doesnt really keep hamstring up either.

shows how shocking you can be and still play dh at semi decent rating, arms should never beat dh 1v1 if played correctly.

You always take Dstance no matter what.
In this particular match he accidentally swapped out disarm instead of reflect.
Hamstring I agree on.

He was R1 in Legion if that helps.

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But its -20% on the arena instead of -10% in open world, is it worth it?