How do i counter dhs in 2v2?

Survival always been hard for warrior arms since they don’t get self healing. so to survive kill situation they always keep up Dstance, then when they got all CD up they go AtkStance and burst to finish the target

You ALWAYS take Dstance. It’s your only real defensive, as parry and rally CD is way too long to reliably save you every go.

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Play dh urself

These guys are called “meta slaves” :wink:

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you go healer and support yours with slowdowns and cc’s. if you went for the DH ,then you’re giving him a free AOE and DH is kind on AOE so basically he doing amage to both while you’re doing dmg to only him. Add on that the good heals he leeches while you do not. Y and if you can spread bleeds ,its your strength.

Sorry, but i do have some self-respect and wont play eye-gouging anime-looking class whos yells could drive deathwing deeper into madness.

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