How do I get MVP on the forums?

Seems there is, the status of a “Most Valued Poster” can make people ask themselves questions. Are this person’s posts indeed more valuable than others’, so his posts are rewarded with a different color? Why do we need so public division of forum posters to “valuable” and “non-valuable”? Since people can read very well and it’s clear who posts meaningful things and who doesn’t. Etc.

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i suppose, if they are self conscious enough they would feel this way, but then i try to avoid social media and the glossies as a whole for this reason…:slight_smile:

I wonder if they get any MVP perks? Apart from green letters :slight_smile:

While I know very little about the MVP requirements, I would think the part where they point people to actual information through links or reply with game related facts to questions etc., plays an important role.

I wouldn’t take it personal.

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Many years ago yes very occasionally, now no.

Oops, I need to learn to end my sentences with positivity when whinging, yelling & begging to have pvp vendors.

OK, who told you? :angry:


Bakachu handles all mvp things - contact him.

I wanted to check the posts where you’ve yelled, but “This user’s public profile is hidden.”


I wish you would be filling the gap Bukachu left, but you’re just not :confused:

You can just search the forums. Searching her name should work.

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You’re well on the way to becoming one!

…it stands for Most Vapid Poster, right?

We’ll have to agree to disagree then.

I don’t see avoidance of conflict as “shirking heated intelligent debate”. I also think it’s rather generous to attribute the quality of intelligent debate to that. Most posts that argue conflict here are not that. It’s people losing their rag and looking for rises, there’s nothing clever about their style despite their passion.

In such a situation avoidance is probably the better option. Arguing in circles achieves nothing. Avoiding arguing with a moody child say, who just continues to repeat the Same point is not ducking intelligent discussion.

The circle jerk comments are laughable given These days all one has to do to be labelled a shill is to even query a criticism someone is making. Seems circle jerks are only a problem when they disagree, otherwise its just a “gathering of like minded intellectuals” the hypocrisy is staggering.

I promised Baa’l i wouldn’t tell :innocent:

Yeah we should get to be MUGS (Most useless gif spammer) status. Pink text that sparkles and glows in the dark and extra big images.


Apologies, I didn’t realise it was hidden. It’s not now (at least it shouldn’t be). Most of my posts etc are in the CS forum as I’m a CS MVP.

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Lick some a.s.s. like in real life.

Speaking from experience…?

But… but… I can’t join the MUGS!!! :sob:


Surely you should be MUGS. As soon they add the status you will get gif priviledges!

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Well, according to the guideline, an MVP should post constructively, be civil and respectful towards other players and be knowledgable and helpful.

In theory anyway.

It wasn’t me