How do I get MVP on the forums?

Nono, thats for MUGS (most useless gif spammer) rank :partying_face:


Could be related with their conceptions, some people tend to classify others only by title (MVP), different color (green) or race.
Maybe they see them as an authority or, pick my words with a pinch of salt, someone who’s better than them.

Personally, I’m not annoyed by any title, character race, amount of post or Trust level.

I agree. And if we are honest with each other, regardless of the ‘green’ colour most of us will already have in our minds an MVP, that person where we always tend to like/agree with their posts, they may not have the title MVP is all :slight_smile:


Some go out of there way to be rude to all MvPs its a thankless task for them tbh .


It is what I was trying to say earlier, but I was trying to be diplomatic in how I said it, what I really meant to say is why the hell would anybody want to be an MVP? To take that much flak for no reward? For a pretty font? No that can’t be it, they must be dedicated to do it. Sorry guys, just my personal opinion here, but to make me do that I would need to be paid :wink:

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Be active & useful on the forums, although from the look of your history, i know you just want MVP so you will get more attention so theres pretty much no chance of you ever getting it

Most of us are just roasting the (S word) out of him

I would never get offered it spent to much time on forum vactions which 80% of i deserve as i am very blunt and alot of people around here think im a female dog which im not i just have a temper and passion .

But even if i did i couldnt accept or if i did i wouldnt last long . I have the upmost respect for them all even if i disagree with some things said they are real people and dont deserve the comments they get purely over colour if text and title.

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What do they get out of being an MVP on forums?..Status, Importance, right?
So how do they distinguish themselves from those that are after the same position?

How many MVPs are there?..5 or 6? you’re telling me that those 5-6 or the only ones capable of this?

So then the question becomes, why is there a cap on how many MVPs there can be?

If it was possible for everyone to become an MVP, the very thing that motivates the position to keep being “helpful” will be lost.

Status and Importance.

See what I mean :point_up:

There is always an agenda at play with “Very Helpful”

It’s this idea that their opinion is more valuable (by it being highlighted) than everyone else’s.

So don’t get it twisted, that’s how they brag.

This happened to me too!

They said we like everything about your posts except what you say and the way you say it…

I have the emails from the moderator team to prove it. :rofl:


So they like the font and colour? :rofl:

Far from it but we all know with your post history you always flame them and attack every chance you get and i wondered how long it would be before you appeared with your usual inane rants full of untruths.

Well thats me gone

Laughs in getting into pointless arguments

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Multiboxers would abuse that … heck people with alts could even abuse that

This is subjective to be fair, if an MVP posted an opinion that I didn’t agree with, would that mean it is more valuable or less valuable than my opinion? We all have different opinions on different topics and your opinion is as valued as any other opinion, whether you post in green text or not. What we can’t expect is that everybody will always agree with our opinion, however much we think they should

What if i am a masochist?

That’s your counter-argument? got me there, I guess.