What’s wrong with prot warrior right now?
They’re just bad compared to the other tanks, not like they’re unplayable.
nothing unless u want to become a high end pusher. least played tank at +25 keys.
Here you can see whats most played for all classes and specs at lvl 25 and higher :
Mythic+ Rankings (SL Season 3) (raider.io)
if your new to the game, or want a new main, its worth to check that list, in case you become a good player or your ambition grows, its not fun playing a dead end spec/class.
Those are druid utils, not feral utility. Just bring a resto/guardian and you got a 100% better specs and the same utilities.
One word
That is it. You are welcome
The question I keep asking myself.
Not bad! Just not 1% push material in S3.
Kyrian not necro.
It’s 2500 all on the and fort is enough though if you do a couple 16 or 17 you can get away with doing lower keys the other week
Every key level gives a certain amount of points…
But only your highest point giving dungeon counts towards your overall score…
So you highest PF in tyranical and fortified gives a total set of points for that dungeon. And PFs that are below that give nothing to your score.
You get 150% of points for your higher key and 50% of points for your lower key.
So for example if you have 1 Tyr +15 and a Fort +12 the +15 is giving you most of your overall points.
If you upgrade to Fort +13 you get about 2-4 new points.
If you upgrade to Tyr +16 you get about 10 new points.
If you upgrade to Fort +16 you get 10 points from going +1 on your highest key and you get 3 x +2-4 from your lower key now beeing higher than before, so about 20 points total.
you only need 2500 points, this is between all 10 dungs both fortifed and tyranical.
this translates to average of +15 in all and both weeks (250 points from each dung) but you can compensate this.
i for example, got my 2500 points with both tazavesh 15s failed (they gave 230) however i had many of the others time on 16 and 17. but since tazavesh dungs have been massively nerfed they are not a problem now
for blood its true kyrian offers steady dmg and mitigation, but necro is a good alternative, speacilly if you know mass grip will be handy and more burst and small stat buff to allies.
venthyr is semi pointless as 4set already gives way to much RP and NF mobility in dungs is never a big issue, only take these 2 in case we need the dung bonus
in all fairness, geting the dung bonus should be prio, lucky thats never an issue, speacialy not for this season KSM
Start blackmailing people.
KEKW reroll too a viable class #Criesinwarrior
No! Only 70 rating left for 3k
You can do it!
570 left for 3.5k then!
Update: 2979