How do i kill Algalon if all the groups require me to have already killed Algalon?

Since the gear is incredibly buffed and you got a boss who got nerfed twice this doesnt count as pre nerf. Me and my 2 friends leveled on firemaw, 1 week of naxx and hc+ set us for 4.1 k gs. We made a group for algalon picking decent players, down in 3 attempts. Are bosses supposed to be killed by everyone? No. Im happy that bad players that arent capable of handling mechanic’s on the ground stay where they belong, wiping on Auriaya.


Are bosses supposed to be killed by 1% of the players ?

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Poor Dkellar.

DJChimpsoul has just turned up and made several posts that are even more stupid than his, in his own thread. 1495 dollars, chimpface.

Meanwhile my guild is struggling to keep a hold of holy paladins. One of ours has just gone on to only being able to raid once per week (fortunately, the same week we’ve managed to clear all of HM+alga25 in one raid night), but we’re constantly struggling to find a healer for our 10mans.

We have 2 10man teams, both have full hm (even yogg0) clears, but one of them strugglings with Algalon too much because they don’t have the right healers.

Almost envious. Considering that even with misguided notion of stacking those NK really lacks guilds needing said spec since it’s second most common after Retribution.

Algalon the Observer is a difficult boss to defeat, and many groups require prior experience or achievements before allowing players to join. However, there are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of finding a group and defeating Algalon:

Gear up: Make sure your gear is up to par for the encounter. Algalon is a challenging boss, and having good gear will make the fight much easier.

Research the encounter: Learn as much as you can about Algalon’s mechanics and strategies for defeating him. There are many guides and videos available online that can help you prepare.

Start your own group: If you’re having trouble finding a group that will accept you, consider starting your own. You can advertise in trade chat or on group-finding websites, and set your own requirements for group members.

Be persistent: Don’t give up if you get rejected from a few groups. Keep trying and eventually you will find a group that is willing to give you a chance.

Remember, it’s important to be patient and respectful when looking for a group. Many players have spent a lot of time and effort preparing for the Algalon encounter, and they may be hesitant to bring in someone who doesn’t have the same level of experience. Keep trying, stay positive, and eventually you’ll be able to defeat Algalon and earn the respect of your fellow players.

reroll warlock and just get invited to a HM Guild, job done.


So why can’t you join a guild? You can you’re just not willing to look for one that fits and find a compromise. If you’re time restricted you’re wasting more of your time trying to get into pugs.

You’re trying to play dumb or what? For every smooth clear Ulduar pug there are tonnes of rejected players, and for every smooth clear Ulduar pug there are 15more that aren’t smooth clear 3 hour runs.

I could get into any pug I wanted, I have very good logs and very good gear. So if I signup to a pug I’m going to get picked and everyone else is going to get benched. Now apply that across the board when you have pugs with 80 signups on discord.

If people want to get into Ulduar runs they need to join a guild, because all they do is get rejected and then come and whine about it here. Don’t play dumb, please.

Starting your own group isn’t exactly easy especially for raids as you’re effectively become a raid leader and need to resolve conflicts within group, try to keep things going smooth and identify issues. Not exactly something everyone capable off.

Cause I failed to find a single one that would actually need a Prot/Holy Paladin. Every single one that advertises on /4 is looking for DPS, Offtanks with DPS Specs etc. An no Respeccing into Ret will put me back at least a month of grinding to get into comparable GS assuming I’ll manage to find full Naxx runs which are not a common thing (and even harder to get into as Ret). Anything else is either social or “If you’re good enough we might accept you but no guarantees on raiding”.

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You are correct that starting and leading a group, particularly for raids, can be challenging. It requires strong leadership skills, good communication abilities, and the ability to resolve conflicts effectively. However, it is not impossible, and with some effort and dedication, anyone can learn how to become a successful group leader.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

Set clear goals and expectations: Clearly define your group’s goals, objectives, and expectations. This will help to keep everyone on the same page and focused on the task at hand.

Establish communication channels: Make sure that you have established communication channels within the group. This will help to ensure that everyone is aware of any updates or changes to the raid plan.

Encourage participation: Encourage participation from all members of the group. This will help to foster a sense of ownership and commitment to the raid’s success.

Delegate responsibilities: Don’t try to do everything yourself. Delegate responsibilities to other members of the group who have the necessary skills and expertise.

Be open to feedback: Be open to feedback and suggestions from group members. This will help you to identify issues early and address them before they become major problems.

Stay positive: As a group leader, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude and keep morale high. This will help to keep the group motivated and focused on achieving its goals.

Remember, being a successful group leader takes practice, patience, and perseverance. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and always be willing to learn and improve your skills.

You kind of picked the worst combination of spec possible for joining a guild, noone want a tank that can only offspec healer, and noone want a healer that can only offspec tank.

Drop one of them and get a proper ret spec and you will suddently become much more attractive, it might take you some time to get a decent ret set, but most proper guilds, arent looking too hard at your gear, but rather at if you are a player that is reliable, and capable of executing boss mechanics.


Yep, my guild told me to gear for ret or no raids

Come to Fire :cat: there will be one guild looking for Ulduar tank since their pala wont be playing until this garbage crap raid is over xD …

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We have two holy paladins, one has 100% attendance and has been with us since mid Classic, the other is an IRL friend of mine that can no longer attend all of our raids.

So we now have a 3rd ‘holy’ paladin. He’s currently playing ret and then swapping to holy when extra healing is needed. The way healing works is weird because you don’t need a set amount of healers all the time. Some fights only need 2 healers whilst others need 6 or so. The more gear you get the less healers you need.

It’s the same with tanks and 10man mode. We use 2 tanks for Iron Council and Algalon, the rest is solo tank.

Still to meet a bare minimum for the Ulduar I’d need at the very least… 24 days to get both Head and Chest Piece from Emblems of Conquest. God know how many T7 Raid runs and that’s assuming they’re full, Hell knows how many HC+ for some pieces and beyond daily they will be impossible to find as a DPS (while as a tank/healer I will need to hope nobody needs them for mainspec) and metric ton of Emblems of Valor that despite being a dungeon drop will trickle slowly cause nobody runs dungeons. Yeah I might be ready for Ulduar at P3 launch.

Also frankly it was the best I could do to secure dungeon runs.

Your only problem is that attitude of yours, with that much negativity there is no wonder you cant find a guild to help you gear up.

Because everyone in any guild will just jump on the occasion to do Heroics or Heroic+ without a gain of their own. And it’s definitely an altitude that caused Guild 1 ti be silent graveyard despite having dozens players online, second guild having the “each man for himself” and third again having only handful players mostly tending to thenselves.

Frankly I gave very optimistic calculations so let’s me rephrase. Getting anything worth of value from Emblem Shops will take at least 24 days required to get emblems for Tier Pieces. Additional 6 days if any of the smaller pieces is worth anything. Emblem if Valors Heroic alone are of at least 15 days assuming at least 2-3 Heroics ran + raids. And then we have Raids and Dungeon drops that can require anything between single to multiple runs which in raids case translate to weeks assuming getting into groups every week.

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this is one of the many reasons why classic is doomed. you’ll never be able to explain to these guys don’t bother. they’ll only let you to join if you’re better than them and then they will wonder about why do people leave the game. toxic community. guild is not a solution unless you were there when it’s formed or you have a friend. Most of the guilds will want you to have the experience too and even if they let you in it will be hard to join any runs. this was the problem with mmos back then and that’s why it’s different today in current mmos.

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Ill support Kiry here, “join a guild” isnt some magical word like “drek or kek” or “make your own group” that makes all issues instantly disappear …

Simple thing, I used to work on shifts, good luck finding guild that has runs on completely different times/days every week, I could attend like 1 raid every 3 weeks and rest I had to pug …

Guild is just group of other people, with other issues, there is no promise that these people will share any of your issues and offer solutions for it …

Yes, the same people who are saying that are the same who think that your guild play for YOU LOL.

I could get Algalon kill on this turd of a character still wearing Mark of the Prisoner but lil bros who never set a foot in Ulduar will just keep pretending how it’s impossible and the game is toxic :rofl: