How do I manage to play with many friends?

Getting a crush on 8 males wanting gold from you :joy::raised_hands:


I had a guy pretending to be a lesbian , so he can hit on girls without getting much hate from other guys :smiley:


That is advanced haha!

I believe it’s a Void Elf.

Ba dum tssss. :laughing:

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you said that few times :expressionless: could you please stop? its rude and dis-respecting. and what you wished on me isnt very nice.

I think its very clear what I mean! :smirk:

This is gold. :joy:


sorry saw this a bit late! :sweat_smile:

Yes Im considering it… but not really something I want to do to be honest.

I suppose you’re a ‘cake and eat it’ kind of person. Unfortunately too much cake will make you sick

Is this the plot for some Harem anime?

You want all the benefits without consequences well girls are not toys you play around and then when you get bored of them you stop talking with them.

You might think you have a choose to play with all of them but sooner then later you will lose all of it in mater of days. Better chose now then regret later :slight_smile:

I dont stop talking to them!!!
they’re all cute and adorable so why would I :open_mouth:
but in case I do… we can always stay just friends, i will never ghost them!

why are you wishing me this evil? :expressionless: be happy for others…

That’s fine. Just keep away from them irl, or you risk getting a sexual assault allegations.

They don’t exist irl! :open_mouth:

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The one calling herself Brenda is really Dave from Dagenham. He’s a plumber and he’s very very hairy. Don’t know the others though … could be a Bukachu alt or 2 in there :scream:


nah my alt’s the OP

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So it’s safe to assume that all 8 of them play space goats then :slight_smile:


The fact you’re a flexing for knowing females on a computer game and suggesting they require more attention tells me you live with your parents “Which isn’t a bad thing” but no doubt don’t actually socialise or speak with women outside your Warcraft space.

Pretty sad OP.


Use a LOT of protection OP

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Im not flexing anything!!!
Im here for the advice, because I genuinely want to play with all my friends, but due to circumstances described above, I fail to do so.
please stop attacking me…

Im very thankful for people who gave their honest opinions regardless! :slight_smile: thank you friends and community :flushed:

Literally Flexing and if not completely sexualisng woman as if you’re gaining something from speaking to them, Pretty creepy if you ask me on a worrying level… You’re also admitting you’re more than friends with 8 women meaning you’re leading these people on you’re literally the embodiment of a immoral human and the fact you’re showcasing you’re doing more than being friends with these people tells me you don’t actually have respect for the private curtsy of these people you’ve no doubt shared out of scope information with them such as contact details etc which is actually against TOS.

As said if you didn’t want a range of opinions on your post then just simple don’t post, If you’re only capable of taking a positive opinion without expecting negative you need to open your eyes and read what you actually posted.

But hey I’m fine with obtaining a negative reply I just have my opinion and nobody is going to silence that :man_shrugging: