How do I manage to play with many friends?

Use protection :wink:

Lumbo, mate! It’s not real lol he is trolling, and even if it was real having 8 women on the go is only ever gonna blow up in his face so karma will get him (if the 8 women don’t first) :rofl:

Even with my, somewhat, low opinion of men I don’t believe any man, especially not a WoW gamer, would be capable of stringing along 8 women at once lmao.


Regardless if real or not I’d rather explain the premise on how he has titled himself as for passerbys who look at forums and don’t actually comment which is a vast percentage that’s not a reputation you want nor is it something you want to be investigated into further if reported enough times due to this topic.


Best fantasy story I’ve read in a long time :rofl:


Love that some of you are actually answering OP as if this were true haha.

How are you “more than friends” with someone online? It doesnt make any sense. Or does he mean that they all live in the same area and that he sees them all ilr aswell?

“They always fight each other” hahaha.

Lol this is some new level of trolling. Can’t decide if I like it or not :joy:

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we dont just “speak”. I’ve met with 2 of them and done stuff already… :wink:
I dont understand what’s creepy about being friends and more than friends with people… :cold_face::sweat_smile:

I dont understand… we’re friends, but more than friends! how am I leading on anyone? not like im lying to anyone… :open_mouth: I never told anyone “hey you can be my only friend”. Im sure its normal to have more than one friend and more than one special friend. :wink:

elaborate my friend :neutral_face: :pensive:

You again… :expressionless::expressionless: you said that 5 times now! stop hating one me. :expressionless:

thank you Mrs. Blizzard emplyee but you’re not being helpful!
Im here for an advice, and I expect more from blizzard workers! :expressionless:

why’s everyone so rude on forums… I just came for an advice and i got everything except that. :cold_face:

Hmm… to put it out in a good manner… we exchange pictures, texts, snaps, videos, and we meet up… :flushed::flushed:

Im not hating on you. This thread is entertaining me! I adore you lmao

However that doesn’t mean I wanna become number 9, I still have some self respect! :rofl:

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Ok lets pretend this is real.

What “advice” do you want? First of all its not normal to have 8 “more than firends” at once. Its extremly disrespectfull and gross if you ask me but ever person do what they want.

You want advice on handling 8 of these relationships at once. You dont. You can’t do that and not expect the girls to be offended or hurt. And no you cant expect to keep these ralationships alive and at the same time have free time over.

Just stop seeing that many its not hard.

Damn, I fell for it too :expressionless:

I realise that you are busy with your fantasy menagerie but I would just like to clarify that I am not employed by Blizzard. I do not get paid for being an MVP. Those who post in blue text are employed by Blizzard.


okey, thank you! :flushed: but please dont call me a troll, its rude.

are you sure? :wink: :wink:

Ill quote myself!
“So, How should I manage to deal with this issue? I want to play with all my friends, without losing any of them. even if they’re “more than friends”.”

Im not here to be judged and executed!
Im here for an advice :3

and to clarify they’re not relationships, Im not cheating on anyone! I just have more than 1 special person(s) :flushed: therefor I dont even understand what they should be upset about? Im so lost…

it is… I like all of them :flushed: its like… I dont know… Having few alts in WoW, sometimes you feel like this one and sometimes you feel like that one, and sometimes you main one for a while, and then maybe you swap over etcetera.

I dont get how’s it wrong if we’re not in relationship! :cold_face:

ok thanks for your input blizzard girl!

Gather them all, and tell them the following:

I;m irresistible and i know it. So, for you ladies, i am willing to give myself to all of you.Monday i am with Tiffany, tuesday with Susan and so on.

So now, you can play all together and each day you have one minion.

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One issue… they’re 8 and I have only 7 days? :smiley:

Okay easy fix,

Sunday Anne and Karen will BOTH be your minions.

Sharing is caring

Most disgusting thing I have read on this forum. I still think you are trolling but IF this is true I hope karma bites you in the a*s soon.


100% sure, I’m only attracted to gnomes and I currently have 20 gnome “friends” to keep me busy… :rofl:

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You are just after kindergarden?

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Stop Judging…
thanks for the advice however!

I judge you how much and whenever I want.

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I might just re-roll a gnome and join the “fun” xx

sledracing with a sled pulled by gnomes?