How do people enjoy the slow, boring levelling grind?>

Well, you could say that about almost any activity. Why do you play BfA? You could do something better, and run for cardio. Why do you run for cardio? You could do something better with your time, and donate your free time at a homeless shelter. Why don’t you do something more productive than helping at a homeless shelter? You could adopt an orphan. Why don’t you do something even more meaningful than adopting one orphan, and adopt five?

…You realize that this line of argument is not well thought out, no?

To answer your question: Different tastes. I hate how fast and shallow BfA plays. I want to soak in the atmosphere, I want to run on foot through the Barrens, and just meet other players, toss them a buff, a heal, just a /wave. I want to read chat while doing so, and when someone goes “Could you help me with this quest?”, I go “Sure, want me to move there?”

Logging into Classic was a bit of a culture shock, at first: Suddenly, you have to think about what’s happening around you - is the dude running into the mine with you after the same named mob? Go, ask him. maybe he’s just mining, maybe he wants that boss. Either way, he offers helping you. Bam, nice dude met, I like that.

I don’t need a gaming experience that holds my hand the entire way to end game, keeps my experience carefully guided so that nothing even remotely inconvenient may happen to me. It’s disgusting to me, I feel like a child whose parents are deathly afraid of its temper tantrums when playing BfA.

But you do you, both games are different, both are available.


It’s absolutely AWESOME!!! I’m having the time of my life :star_struck: I’ve done so much stuff and I still have 46 levels to go, now that is content! I love every second of it!


The world feels bigger.
The challenge is such that you actually have to socialize with other players to accomplish things.
At times Classic really is shared suffering but its overcome with team work.
I’ve had more pleasant social interaction with other players in the week I’ve played classic then i have in BFA and Legion COMBINED and its the saddest thing that isn’t an exaggeration.

I actually get to feel like an adventurer… I’m not a commander, or a hero, i’m not a champion or the chosen one, a leader of my class… In classic I’m nothing, a nobody, I’m scrambling for upgrades and i feel that progression every single step of the way, even something as simple as getting a blue weapon or a 10 slot bag has given me the same levels of endorphin to my brain as say, getting a Forged item in my weekly chest, but i get to have that whenever I’m willing to put in the work, not just on a limit behind a grind.
I feel myself getting stronger and i feel i earned that, and it feels good, REALLY GOOD.

It’s not just the friends that make it fun, Hell friends make anything more fun, it’s the new friends you make and the experiences you over come.


This is really just a stupid bait thread critising people for liking a real MMO and not an ARPG.

Stop attempting to be civil about it with your constant passive aggressive tone about how people could invest that time into real life instead etc.

It’s like walking up to someone eating a chocolate bar and telling them they should really eat a carrot.


OP must be trolling at this point. Otherwise I pity him/her. If the concept of immersion and/or challenge = fun for many people is that foreign to you… man thats just weird.

Furthermore, I think every activity that allows for people to have fun and socialize with strangers from all over the world/country already IS something good for humanity. Heck, there are a bunch of humans that would not be alive without WoW. :wink:

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If you think it like it is just a leveling and you want to hit higher levels ASAP, then I guess it might be reeaalllyy booring and slow, but if you don’t think about it as a leveling, but more like a journey you don’t have to rush, then it can be more fun.

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hm i can tell you how i enjoy it.

i level up my toon holisticaly . aka i make sure to focus on other parts too - aka fishing , cooking , first aid , herbalism , alchemy

basicaly treat it as rpg not as mmorpg.

when my warrior will eventually hit 40 in like a month ill switch breiwfly to alts - sending gold from main to them so they can afford all abilities , weapon skills , proffs , boes etc etc and level them up to like level 15.

by then 8.2.5 will land so i will swap to retail :slight_smile:

the key for me is treating classic like long time 4-5 years project . not as hard push .


I like this play style. I’m even using walking instead of running to travel to far distances to enjoy the beautiful WoW world. I’m leveling in prot spec, to make kills slower and more fun. I don’t hurry, I take my time to enjoy the game.

Must be different for people with commitments, like must level in a month to start raiding. I’m happy to be free of any bounds.

You should really try to travel with walking from Elwynn Forest to Teldrassil via Wetlands (no spirit ress hack). That’s a real adventure.

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/10 chars wrong thread.

Theres no point in slow leveling, go back to retail… Next one please

Jeeez this way we might get rid of ques, hope u are from my server :smiley:

Most people who like RPGs do.
Otherwise it’s more of an action-genre game :slight_smile:


it is very simple: whilst you slowly traveling in the world, you would encounter alot more situations and people than if you just fly 310 mount over there. That where the difference is

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No forced ap grind, no ridiculous RNG on gear, actually being able to do all the quests in a zone before out-leveling it, having any risk of dying when fighting mobs, being a regular adventurer and not being super-champion, savior of the world, wielder of ultimate power, greatest champion of champions.

Cause unlike retail, classic live up to the RPG in the “MMORPG”


Festinger, Cognitive Dissonance. It’s all about that.

that’s deep

I know, also true!

To me its the first time in a long time, that I ACTUALLY feel like playing and not just “grinding” towards max level where the game starts.


I didn’t start playing WoW until Cataclysm, but I have to say I’m really enjoying the slow levelling process and long treks to get things done. It makes it feel like a proper adventure through the world rather than just blasting through nicely linked quests without reading the text in a dash to hit max level. If you’re interested in just hitting max and doing endgame content I can see how the Classic levelling experience would be annoying, but personally I’m really enjoying taking my time and exploring everything.


Why is water wet?

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