How do people enjoy the slow, boring levelling grind?>

Explain it to me genuinely curious. around level 20 atm and levelling is painful, travel times are huge and questing is annoying with different zones I need to go to keep up with my level bracket. I mean I can see how it was ‘fun’ in 2004 when WoW was revolutionizing the MMO genre and video games in general but in the modern day I dunno.

And don’t say ‘friends make it fun’ because I can play retail with my friends too


Because some people just find it enjoyable?
It’s like asking why some men like other men


I just did Gnomer and RFK with the same group and got from 31-35, it was awesome and I probably made friends for life.

Have fun farming AP though, I think it’s cool that you have a preference :smiley:


Who’s stopping you?


I like it, what do you want explained? I like slow and walking in the world, I’m not sure how to explain to someone that I like what they don’t like. :woman_shrugging: Seriously, if you don’t like it it’s totally fine, you are probably better off doing retail if you prefer that. Similarly, I really don’t like BfA. People are different, tastes are different, there is nothing else to it.


Because I don’t need to have dazzling lights and ding ding bling bling dangling in front of me every 2 seconds to keep me interested in the game. A slow going trickle and a goal to work towards that takes time is the most enjoyable thing for me in a game.


So what I gather is people like the feeling of progression and working hard for something because it feels good. okay but why not put that energy into something meaningful than a game, video games are for enjoyment not to work hard. But alright


It is actually a bit boring and too grindy, but there is a reward after leveling up each level: a talent point to bolster your toon and skills available to learn from your class trainer. Levelling from 1-19 is certainly bad and slow, but 20 onwards is really good IMO.


Did you stop to consider those people are getting enjoyment from it? Guess not. Sometimes it so happens that what you think is enjoyable isn’t for someone else, and what you think is not enjoyable is for that person. It’s really not rocket science. :woman_shrugging:


Like what? Theres nothing meaningful since life doesn’t last forever… just do what you enjoy on this travel from the cradle to the grave.


ive spend half my time in Qs.
ill let you know if im able to get in some time this week.
fokin hell…


Play bfa if classic isn’t for you. Not everyone will like it, by level 20 you should have an idea whether it’s the game for you or not.

I love the slow levelling and taking my time and before I go to sleep I spend time fishing. The moon sparkling on the rippling water is hypnotic and calming.

Some people like playing chess, some reading books, others ride fast bikes for fun. We are not all the same. :grinning:


I dunno, something that helps humanity? Like other people? Not in a game but in life. I guess you can be a helpful person in game but meh…

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Why don’t you do something that helps humanity instead of playing?


Humanity doesn’t need help. If anything, nature needs help from getting rid of humans.


Good advise man good advise. thx
bye now im gona get an anaestesia and hopefuly when i wake up ill be able to play what i paid to play

I enjoy travelling the world. I like that I don’t have to just choose one zone per levelling bracket and can just go do them all alternating. I like that people are actually interacting and wanting to group up with each other again. I like that I have to find my own way in the world without some npc or big flashy pop ups holding my hand and telling me where to go. I like being able to spend time in the levelling zones and just quest, not out levelling them within an hour or less. I like that gear is actually meaningful. I like that if you get a quest to kill mobs that are bundled up and aggro in 3s or 4s that you can’t just aoe window lick your way through.

I don’t enjoy running a dungeon with a bunch of mutes that leave or kick and spew toxic crap the second something doesn’t go perfectly. I don’t enjoy mindlessly pressing 1 and 2 with no fear of the tickle damage that an extra pulled mob will do. I absolutely HATE the stupid handholding and atrociously made cutscenes and I hate the stupid friggin follower mission crap.


I think youre taking this a bit too personally man

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Well he asked first, I was merely asking why he wouldn’t do it. I was about to point out that it’s probably the same reason other people don’t either.

One persons work, is another persons enjoyment.