How do people justify store mounts and ingame store for a game you pay to play?

You’ve gotten my curiosity with:

Pray tell, what advantages does it bring to the game that the game hasn’t already provided as mounts and mogs?

I would be on the same boat as you lot if the mount suddenly granted me “flying” in the Maw, but apparently only 3 types of mounts will grant me such and they’re a GRINDFEST all of them the same model just reskinned and they’re the only ones that can travel in the maw.

You two, rather than being quiet and only selecting people you find “fitting” to “duke out” in regards of financial morals and choices, answer these simple questions:

Are you two going to buy these mounts…?
Do they provide any World benefits other than just “looks cool”?
Do they have buffed stats or increase a specific stat?
Do they FORCE you to buy the mounts?
Do they let you mount in dungeons/raids/world (In “Can’t mount here”/Closed in areas)?
Will they grant you access to riding/flying in the Maw BEFORE 9.1?
Can they provide you with the ability to MOUNT BATTLE?
Do they have/give a SPECIAL ABILITIES?

Just stop with the “Hippie” mentality for 5 minutes and answer with a simple “Yes” or “No”, refusal to answer these questions because “kek no, corporate chill!” not only turns this cause of yours null but will make you two sound the type of people that only listen to those that agree with you and those who think differently are nothing but “evil corporate chills” as the young generation call it.

Right now, I’m paying 26 euros every 2 months to play a game where the only mounts I use are the ones I adquired ingame such as the Acherus Deathcharger and waiting for the ever so RNG Maw Horse when 9.1 comes out.

Does that make me a corporate Chill? You want to complain about people milking money? Talk to the people who made several accounts just to get the benefits of Refer a Friend items. THOSE are people being milked out of sheer pleasure.


If a store mount looks cooler than an in-game one, its not a big enough problem in your opinion?

Let’s say you are a mythic raider, or a simple mount collector, and you work your a$$ off for a specific mount, only to realize that some players just bought a way cooler looking mount for real money. How does that feel in a game where (I repeat) we are already paying a lot of money for playing. And let’s not pretend that it’s not intentional from blizzard’s side that the most cool looking and unique mounts always end up in the store.

But that’s completely subjective.

I think half of the store mounts look awful. I only have a few of them and the rest I wouldn’t spend my money on.

They’re only “cooler” if they align with your taste. One person’s diamond is another person’s lump of coal.

I am one with a small collection of 539 mounts .

I do to grind gold to buy in game store mounts does not cost me 1 penny

I would not call the steed or aspect one good looking but thats subjective .

Define cool and define unique

Nzoth mythic mount was barely unique went it cames out: many lookalike squid like mount existed in the game, yet people took pride in using it to prove they had CE in this tier.

Same could be said to the -spoiler- next raid tier mythic mount

You didn’t anwser my questions… But I’ll anwser this one without a problem:

If I were a mount collector… then obviously what’s going to happen is that I’m going to end up BUYING the mounts from the Store itself, why? I’m a collector, I have the FUNDS to support myself and my hobby.

Now, what a person considers “Cool” or “Hip” is entirely irrelevant and subjective because of:

1 - Personal tastes

2 - The fact I worked hard to get a free mount and finally got it will INFINITLY feel better than the one guy who took the easy path, their loss if they literally just wasted money to look “cooler” but hey, THEY wanted to buy it, me, as an equal consumer WILL NOT JUDGE them for it, why? Because their money = their rules.

and 3 - I’m part of a Roleplay server, if all of a sudden I had a mount made out of damn marble, then I best have a good explanation for it, currently as a Death Knight… I have none, why? Because UNDEAD HORSES fits my characters themed than a stone carver.

Now… Answer the questions if you please.

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Homie youre posting from a classic toon. Your entire characters existence is from milking people for 16 year old content.


As pointed out thats subjective. No store mount comes close to the Allseer from N’Zoth, Jainas Tidestorm, Gul’Dans Infernal, Blackhands Destroyer, Archimondes Annihilator or Argus’s Ur’zul

As for the “only to realize” part could be extended to that this is technically already in the game given non raiders can obtain said mounts in future patches where they roflstomp the boss even if it has a 1% drop chance compared to gladiator mounts that are gone for good rather than a 1% drop chance for winning a 2.4k rated match (which should NOT happen btw. Keep them removed. This was not a suggestion Blizzard)

Or look at the amount of people with the Blackhand and Jaina mount considering how both were slaughtered in the following patch. Blackhand was already a joke but Jaina litereally had a cheese method that let you ignore 2 phases in its entirety.

I guess it the same reason people pay to watch “Nudy-films” instead of using or getting the “Free-to-play” versions?

I guess that can be explained with quality. Depending on what it is youre after the quality drops very fast. But in the end: Whatever floats someones boat.

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So we can get good shiz too. They will definitely implement some crazy good mounts and transmogs in the future.

You are dead wrong if you expect me to answer your stupid questions. As I stated before, if you still think it’s okay what blizz does, you cannot understand what I’m saying. The fact that you even had these thoughts in your mind tells a lot abot you. Store mounts with benefits like mounted combat, jesus christ.


  • Paid game: shouldnt have store
  • F2P game: totally okay and expectable to rely on microtransactions

That’s it, feel free to disagree, I’m not going to try to convince any of you.

If you are okay with stuff locked behind a shop, in a game that’s already monetized on multiple layers, you are part of the problem.

I’m not going to respond to this thread anymore, it feels like my words get lost in the void.

But you are ignoring the fact you do not need to spend any money you can buy it all with ingame gold .


I would agree with you if the shop items ratio to ingame was excessive.

For example if the whole transmog tab was behind a paywall, or that every patch they added only store mounts

However that is not the case, there is very little content available via shop, they are mostly “meh” & some are even gifted if you have a regular subscription

So what’s the matter …

Death Knight Order Hall in Legion granted you the ability to have mounted combat.

But, like you said, your words are lost in the void because of your refusal to understand that currently what the store offers provides no benefits to the game other than cosmetic looks.

I’m not disagree with you in a bad way, it’s just you’re seeing “cosmetic” items as a form of ingame advantage when it is clearly just… well, cosmetic, it provides nothing to the story, it provide no world benefits other than a medal of “Oh, I just spent 25 euros on a mount that looks cool!”.

Your words aren’t lost, you just… refuse to answer peoples questions because you personally deem them “unfit” to be answered, we asked you as well as the OP WHERE these “cosmetic” items provide anything game destroying.

Because currently, you could argue something far more serious such as… “Why must I pay 26 euros every 2 months when I could’ve paid 13 euros a month?! I’m being milked!” and all that.

I don’t think they were stupid questions. I think they were perfectly sound. This is a forum for debate. If you can’t take part in one then don’t start in the first place.

The store is optional, you simply don’t have to buy anything on there. What part of this aren’t you getting?

They are EXTRA mounts that you can buy if you like the look of them. It’s not like there aren’t mounts in the game, thus making them more appealing?!

It’s not like Blizzard are side-arming you into buying the mounts on there. In fact, more often than not, a lot of smaller games that rely on MT, hinder you in some way so that the items on the store are more appealing. How does Blizzard do this?

Because we have differing opinions to you? Your opinions aren’t fact. We’re not debating quantum physics here. It’s all subjective opinion.


I ran out of likes but

For you using logic ,reason and understanding .


This is honestly my biggest problem with the store mounts. They have literally no prestige to them. They are pretty much a 500k vendor mount and so many of them would have made great in-game rewards.

Instead, they give us 3-4 different recolors of a few new mounts as different rewards.