How do s2 "glads" cope?

Your imgur doesn’t prove anything beyond reasonable doubt. It’s also quite funny that out of 469 mounts the 3 which are favourited are 3 Shadowlands glad mounts, with a mount you are so desperate to downplay the value of.

It’s difficult to believe that a decent player would be such a loudmouth masked by a classic character, are you hiding something?

As you’re set on proving yourself, add my Btag Lockfromwish#2400 and log on to your retail and classic character :slight_smile:

(Try to not pull the 'I don’t add gigabad combatants to my list line)

2 Likes In game there is small add on that creates url link for that player. And there is additional add on that downloads database of players and show relevant info in the tooltip same as raider io was, don’t remember it name now

Don’t know what is hard to understand :o

A lot of player doing group these days are all ‘’ glad exp ‘’ and only looking for same exp and then you see them not trading any CD during enemy CD and triple Dr stun/fear etc… Multiple times In a single game or even tunnel vision and 0 awarness

It’s usually what you see at low cr when beginner or low exp people play and learn the mechanic, you aren’t supposed to do all these mistakes with glad exp Imo.

Like I said most of the time people with low exp play overall better in every aspect.

thanks i pressed on your link and i almost won billion dollars will try again! :hot_face: :face_holding_back_tears:


ye bro its a photoshopped picture. Keep huffing that copium.

My cringemeter almost broke, try again

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As I said, a reasonable, legitimate decent player would not be such a loudmouth and hide behind a classic character making forum posts complaining about how people list their groups in LFG. Very suspect :slight_smile:

I could post on a classic character, get my r1 mates to send me a screenshot of their achis and post it here. You see how invalid your cropped imgur is?

okay now actually being serious where can i get cringemeter asking for friend

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No, the problem is combatant/rivals like u applying to play with my alts and noting “glad xp”

Add my btag and we can compare glads :slight_smile:

Loudest guy in the room until you pull the ‘add my btag’ lol.

If I was as good as you claim you are and everybody else was as bad as you claim they are, I would have absolutely zero issues with proving it in game and would rather do that. Just me?


This guy is funny :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
My eyes r bleeding when i see how much he’s posting , every thread/post is like a 12y old kiddo who hides his character
Its like talking to a group of ppl and standing behind a wall kek
Keep going im bored :sunglasses:


oh look, another combatant malding.

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10/10 hahahaha forums can be entertaining sometimes ( most of the times )

Can you checkpvp classic characters attached to retail? If so, I’ve been ignorant to knowing this

Bualock best lock :smiley: I seem to find you everywhere, arenas, soloshuffle, world, forums…

This thread is entertaining to watch.

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Me? Ok that proves that you’re pretty delusional hahaha
Dude wake up, nobody cares about your opinion im pretty sure :slight_smile:

No you can’t, which is why people like Chilling act the way they do on classic characters - because you have no way of tracing their retail character.

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Imagine being such an insecure kid you have to create BS topics like this worrying about other people life in a video game.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

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