How do you feel about Fated/Awakened Season in World of Warcraft

You can get the mount, costs 3 bullions.

It’s unfortunately a half-baked season and the time of deployment of pandaria-remix is a good indicator to this.

They revamped raids of previous seasons, but don’t bother working on new sets, not even a recolor. Outdoor content receive a quick % upgrade, M+ finally receive a season of only DF dungeons (which should have been in S1) but they discarded M+ for more than half of season 3 time, pretty sure it will be even worse with season 4 with cover that they are “listening” to feedback from TWW beta.

One good thing, the doublon currency. That’s something that needs to be evergreen, nothing more annoying to never drop a piece of gear you have been farming all season. Maybe tune it like the catalyst and allow only drop after a small period of time, but definitely it should be present for TWW season 1.


I think the content drought at the end of an expansion is very healthy for the playerbase as a whole and the general appreciation of the game.

It provides people with an opportunity to take a break from the game and recharge their batteries without feeling like they miss out on anything by doing so. And it provides players with a long period of time by which they can wrap up their goals for the current expansion before the next one arrives without being stressed for time.
And it gives the playerbase a period of stillness where they can discuss and reflect on the game experience of the expansion before having to get excited for the next thing.

Filling out every day in the calender with relevant WoW content and stuff to do and reasons to play is not very healthy – physically or mentally – for the playerbase, I think. It becomes stressful and leads to burnout.
And I don’t think it’s good for the game that it constantly tries to compel people to be excited for that which is right around the corner. It becomes exhausting.

So I’m not a fan. I prefer the old expansion endings with droughts and all.


I dont trust Blizzard and I haven’t read anything concrete saying Blizzard will allow bullion drops in LFR.

As usual all I see is Normal and higher for raids and Mythic plus.

I fully expect Blizzard to slyly shaft anyone who dares to play the game differently from the way someone at Blizzard apparently thinks we should all be playing once again.

Maybe Ill be wrong.

Let’s see.

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yes as long as they add upgrade tracks to items we own in season “3” - then they can do recycled s4. gearing all over again thru old content is meh xd

I don’t like it at all :smiley:


Have to update on this, since now Heroic Dungeons now drops adventurer gear at 4/8 instead that 1/8 as they did before, this completely ruined my progression and at this point i don think i will play at all if there isn’t a a guaranteed source to obtain item on adventurer tier at 1/8.

I welcome it. It gives the previous raids the chance to be relevant once again.


I don’t raid and the DF dungeons are the worst created since forever. M+ was fun because of the non DF dungeons. I hope the season will be very short. I stay around for my friends, but i am not going to enjoy it. And even not able to play casually alts in low keys M+ because they removed those. What a fail :frowning:

Normally I don’t care about raids but this time I haven’t finished mogs from the 1st 2 raid (especially the 2nd) so I’ll need to run it to complete’em.
Not a big fun anyway.
As someone previously said I didn’t like particularly plunder storm but it was a right step to find and create something new.

dont worry - they will be plenty hard for a lot of people - because unlike in S3 - a lot of mechanics will really hurt.

just did AV +5 and although we +2 it without issues my cheat death trnket procced 3 times cause stuff hurts exactly where it hurt on S1 and S2 :slight_smile:

granted im “only” 480 tanking stuff dropping 502 but still mechanics are there and people will fail them exactly like they did at launch :slight_smile:

I don’t like it that it brings the Gear confusion back with from season 2 with the Catalyst. So the Champion gear you get from The Last Hurrah is not able to be used in the Catalyst while it’s season 4 gear. But since it’s not labeled as Awakened gear, it’s not eligible to be used on the catalyst. This is bring back the gear confusion and separation that Season 2 gear was suffering from that only Raid/dungeons was eligible for the Catalyst. This excludes casuals yet again from getting Champion gear unless they do timewalking (which is limited time) or Mythic week.


I like the concept of fated as the way to fill the gap between expansions.
I don’t like the idea of repeating the same gearing process for content i’ve already done in relatively recent times.

To me a fated season should be defined by a power progression that not only happens quicker than usual (i.e. bullions, higher weekly caps), but also allowing players to overpower content more than usual. But that’s entirely a tunning issue and i simply don’t know how it will work this season.

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I just had a bullion drop in LfR, so that’s good news.

I did the first two wings of VotI LfR, and it dropped off one of the bosses, i forgot which one.

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An actual season with something like a new raid or mini raid and additionally maybe even a second mega dungeon that can be fated/awakened. This needs to be an option like they had in SL where you can turn it on or off with additional affixes for those that love to sweat through content. That would make a S4 much more interesting.


I do. From my point of view (friends and family guild) we clear Heroic in 1 month tops. And then, raiding is over.

I cant ask blizz to revamp the whole raiding system, or make raids with like 30 bosses.

So having all 3 raids at once is a breath of fresh air. Gives us more to do.

In the end, who cares about esthetics? Its about mechanics what matter. And having different dungeons (not necessarily new) every season is good. Even if we played them 2 seasons ago. As long as we dont get the same dungeons in 2 consecutive seasons anything is Gucci.

For me, all this “new dungeon” complaints is all about esthetics. But in the end, were all just looking at weak aura bars and our toon’s but.

I know I like M+. I dont know if I will like whatever else they cook up to kill the time.

So im a cautious of this.

+1. I feel the same way.

Given the historic end-of-expansion cadence, I want Blizz comments on their development process first.

Because from what I understand, fated replaces a drought. Although apparently I have been proven wrong because they cooked up Plunderstorm, the MoP remix, AND fated season (which still requires some dev time).

All while giving us the most complete Alpha since for ever. Basically an almost done Expansion.

So… I want Blizz to explain what is the deal with this…


Ngl, I think Awakened as a design feature from day 1 is a total let down. The cadence of DF felt amazing for the first 12 months, then we got to Amirdrassil launch and it’s like… next new raid is an entire year away. A year. An entire year of WoW without a new raid or dungeons.

It makes the rapid releases of the first 2 seasons feel disingenuous. I was hyped for a return to 4-season expansions, and let down hard.

Fated/Awakened should be an emergency bailout plan when catastrophic things have happened in the world, and the development team, and there simply aren’t enough bodies to make the content. It should never be planned as a feature.

I’m glad they recognise the problem because to me, this is the least interesting season. No new mogs, dungeons, or raids, only a power creep and farming that bloody healer trinket again. If I wanted a break from the game, it would be now.

And don’t get me wrong; genuinely excited for Pandamonium! But I’m not sure I’d have picked it over a new raid tier. Ideally I’d have asked for both. It’s not a drop in replacement, and it doesn’t fix the problem of a year without new raids.

A year. An actual year.

That’s really hard for me to get over.


Not a fan of the fated season. I believe that three new raids every expansion is much too few… I want another season with a new raid.

On the positive side, you created Plunderstorm, Remix, and SoD. That is okay. However, anyone who does not play outside of retail will be left behind.

I spend months getting and upgrading gear from Emerald Bounties, Superbloom and Rep Weeklies. I’m at 457 and that’s good enough for me.
I’m not redoing all that just to have some higher numbers on my gear.
I really don’t see me doing Superblooms and Emerald Bounty every week again. I might look later and see if folk are doing it and groups are up but I have no enthusiasm for it.

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i tried some m+ varying 4-6 and some people are in for rude awakening compared to S3 .

i already have ptsd from first 2 seasons so afte doing them im cutting down guardian druid and only will play on hunter/ prot pala / vdh .

people with 3k+ score are absolutely oblivious with even most basic mechancis in those dungeosn and its really not a good experience.

additional you can see that yes blizz removed 3rd affix untill +10 - but tuned it numericaly higher.

1 example - brutal/brutalize slash or how its called on 3rd boss in nokhud +6 hits me for 1.4 mln per hit wwith demon spikes up :slight_smile: