How do you feel about Fated/Awakened Season in World of Warcraft

One reason why I think I will be skipping this season. For me at least M+ has gotten dull and stale and too much effort for too little gratifying rewards. 90% zero loot at the end of dungeon and hope and pray for something decent in vault of disappointment 7 days later is not my idea of fun game play or ideal way to gear up.

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Was more targeted towards the re-used content from m+ dungeons of Legion / BFA for example.
New dungeons of an expansion should be the first m+ season in my eyes.
Mixing it with old ones doesnt cut it for me.

And a +5 is a +15 since today, so that is pretty high up there i suppose.

I like it because I can get missed portals to raids and dungeons. I am glad there aren’t huge breaks without content like it was back in MoP with SOO.

oh dont get me wrong. its ok that they did this.

i just dont think that the tuning they have will be beneficial for the m+ pug scene

but it will be certainly hillarious. expecialy the complains of healers who will have to heal very very intensively after a S3 of easier healing :wink:

I have now changed my mind purely based on the fact that outdoor stuff is giving me 480 gear. So many shinies!!!

I won’t be doing it for very long, though. 480 in every slot on all my characters is more than enough for me.

I don’t really like fated, i for one preffer 6-9 months for last season to last in order to be able to farm the last boss for mount for all our guildmates.

It would’ve been nice if the rotation was maintained but with all 3 raids awakened it’s lost it’s purposse for a fun patch before next xpac…

Sweatters gonna sweat

I’d be more open to it if they put effort into the Fated Season. The current one, S4, doesn’t feel like it. Almost zero class tuning, no seasonal affixes, nothing really exciting or experimental. It feels very low effort.

If done right, I think a Fated Season could be fun. Done like S4, it isn’t.

I like the fated season.

It’s a good time to relax. Playing some games that I left untouched or trying something new in WoW.

Not everyone clears the content in one or two month. So for me it usually is a nice break.

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yes I am pleasantly surprised. I will finally get the Snotty Moggy, everyone hated it but I thought it looked brilliant and suited a DK, especially an Unholy one.

I’m also glad they got rid of that incredibly useless tier set bonus for dk’s.

Now I have a bullion and I got a head drop I can now go and take Wee Fergus to our coffee shop and relax.

So far sad, cause loot is just too rare for me. Full clear normal; 0 loot.
Currently at boss 5 in HC; 0 loot.
From weekly TW I got a pair of shoulders I can’t realistically use until I have more pieces for it, to break set… :dracthyr_cry_animated:

As for the dungeons / raids themself, I didn’t like DF content, so for me - it’s another round of places I didn’t fancy…
That combined with my loot unlucky-streak just makes me question if I should bother, or just wait on MoP Remix for some possible fun.

lazy money making crap

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And they’ve decided to gut casual CE guilds in the process… sigh

I can’t get over that.


I am generally confused what this seasons point is. In SL I though it was an experiment for evergreen content such as keeping raid tiers relevant throughout the expansion.

In DF… Ok so we get the item vendors, cool catch up gear for the entire expansion (in a sense) but then we are crest capped again and the catalyst charges have reset… I mean why? You are giving me access to the OP trinkets and weapons from week 2 but I have to wait to upgrade the stuff I already got and convert my tier pieces that I need to refarm.

Also content wise, it’s really boring. It’s just the original 8 dungeons we did before in S1 and S2, which is ok for players that missed the portals for those but for me, well I have absolutely 0 reason to play my main this patch.

PS What exactly is the point in the rotating raids? I know they will all be active at the same time after week 8 or 9 (I think) but again what is the point? Other than making LFG for Amirdrassil a nightmare because for some reason people can’t read and think its VotI.


totally agree

The main point of RAID rotation is Blizzard want to slow down gearing.

Just liek with their change of 39 itlv between each season which nobody asked for in first place.

Which to be fair is idiotic in season which effectively lasts 3 months out of which a lot of people will have to do idę attention with cata classic and mop transmog remix fomo farm.

Blizzard devs are clueless . They shoudl have fired them not CMs ;/

Yes and thats why I’m confused about the point of this season. Why slow down gearing when they have given us free access to the pieces that take the longest to get (weapons and trinkets)? Like, oh no you have gated me from upgrading my stat fixes… It’s pointless. Either let us be OP or don’t, right now it’s just convoluted… My bags are full of chest and head items that I don’t want to equip because I don’t have catalyst charges and the kicker is that the “new” set is exactly the same as the one I am wearing atm (note that I do appreciate that Blizzard did a poll for which sets we wanted in S4, but the catalyst cap is just stupid).

And again what is the point of slowing down gearing? There isn’t a new raid or new dungeons, hell there isn’t even a KSH reward this season (as far as I know). What to stop the players from clearing 3 normal raids, that are time gated, for the recolored NF mount?

S4 is confused on what it’s trying to be.

Disappointed. I really enjoyed s3, I thought that they started to change their design approach - more alt friendly, respecting your time but here comes s4 and it’s the same old again. Catalyst works only for raids and mythic+ gear, LFR has a 463 min ilvl requirement, no gear progression unless you are doing the same old raids and dungeons that you did a hundred times or that you are not doing in any case. I was pretty hyped and ready to preorder TWW but not sure anymore. They will never learn as it seems.

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how i feel i like it but
can lfr not have “world first wannabe” people when you score a high roll whispering
“can i buy that?”+removing group loot and bringing personal loot
its getting dumb one doesnt know hes trying to copy race to world first people
with their whole"paying for loot" shtick

Yes I like it tbh and especially with the bronze bullion sytstem in place as well now.

I’m also one of those who prefers the fights being a little easier and thus more accessible

I like the idea, I like doing all the old things again. But. I don’t like the huge jump between ilvls, I was honestly expecting this season to be a short, easy one to say goodbye to DF. Instead we got beaten down in a 5 Uldaman…

Trying out the raid tonight, we’re hoping to have a quick HC clear…but we shall see.