How do you feel about Fated/Awakened Season in World of Warcraft


Joking aside, and I HATED Plunderstorm, I still think it was a awful thing to put Retail rewards behind that mode to get many of us in just for those.

However, I haven’t enjoyed S4 recycled content since they came up with it in SL. So I would rather see them experiment with these other modes during S4. That’s all I was trying to suggest.

I’m looking forward to Remix.

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I’m going to lash this out : Reprogressing some hard bosses during progress is not fun. What’s the point of having to go through the exact same struggles I had to deal with 4 to 5 months ago (Talking about Smolderon, Tindral and Fyrak) ?
Why can’t that just be as easy as a reclear should be ?
The -10% HP doesn’t nerf some of the annoying mechanics.

I feel like awakened raids are pretty alright. I don’t like if I take a break half a year from the game or even just raiding itself, I missed the raid experience and all of the unique items (Legendary, trinkets, weapons and such)

Them taking that back and giving us a second chance to try them out and adding every trinket keeps the meta spicy and fun

I do understand people might feel like it is lazy content, but overall I don’t think it is too bad

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as a pure m+ player, fated is fine.
bullion system is great.

for me the dungeons are fresh enough to play again for a while, new dungeons would not really change that.

if anything implement bullion system for regular season so raids can finally die off and be scrapped from the game to make room for more fun content that is not 90% waiting, walking or wiping (in progression)

I think it’s pretty unanimous across the board that people would like a bullion type vendor every season


That and not so big GS updates every season.

Perfect Season for me.

I usually play 1-2 Months at Expansion Releases and then last Patch.

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It’s the best season in terms of gearing up. It feels great.

This time they didn’t make an affix for the raid and that was a mistake imo. The same for m+. Last time we had a completely new pool and this time we have the original dungeon of DF.

So, fated was better in terms of fun.
Awakened feels less fresh and more like repetition. A seasonal affix needs to return for both to keep things fresh.

The gearing though. You gotta bring bullions to regular seasons.

so will not happen, kek :frowning:

Sadly I agree, it wont happen :frowning:

Skipped s4 completely,

Cause I also don’t like the recycled raids
I absolutely despise the DF Dungeons for m+

dull boring, rehashed content that we have all done before.

Yes please ! 100 million times YESSSS.

Why not? Im sick of farming OP raid trinkets only to loot them 1 week before the patch ends…

They could say : Well you need to wait 1 month to get 1 item from the raid. Dont care. Better than nothing.

Heck… I would trade that 100% for the vault any time of the day.


Or just make it like the odder mount you can buy for 3 specific dungeon rings…

Make it so you can trade 3x dungeon trinkets and or raid trinkets (level doesn’t matter) for that 1 BiS trinket.
This would then mean we still have to “work for it” and still makes it so we just don’t afk for a month.

For me personally this system has been super nice! Because I don’t raid, but now I still get to use some of the cool things from raid

Well im being realistic. In my ideal world, M+ and Raids would have divorced gear. Like PvP and PvE gear. Including tier-sets with different effects for each content type.

Such that Raiders dont have to farm M+ for gear, removing balancing issues with the Raid and power curve…

And in M+ we would not have to rely on raiding to get busted items… We would use what is given to us from M+. Or having tier-sets that are OP in raid but useless in M+… Things like that…

Thats my ideal world to be honest. But THAT wont happen. Guaranteed.

And also : why “work for it” ??? The more OP trinkets and weapons become from a Raid, the more “required” they become to do content. So they transform in some sort of Tier-set type situation where the difference between “havers” and “not havers” is so large that you justify having a Catalyst…

Same thing here… So the more OP they are, the easier they have to be to aquire… IMO at least.

100% agree, I wish we could have them completely separate.

This was just in a case that Blizzard couldn’t justify giving Raid rings to M+ people without them having to go through the whole “RNG” thing.

So essentially I would prefer your suggestion 100%, but if the entire thing relies on “oh but then M+ people just get it handed to them!” well, then I wouldn’t mind trading 3 specific dungeon trinkets for a raid trinket

Then the solution is simple : Stop making such OP raid trinkets. Make some OP M+ trinkets that can compete.


But wait ! Turns out you can farm M+ to get them. THAT is a reason why they dont do it. But… works both ways too… I get it. You get it. But apparently Blizz does not get it.

And that is what I dont understand…


Could a solution be like the one they did with PVP?
So they add OP gear (the same) in both game modes, but the raid gear will give +12 ilvl when inside a HC raid or above. and vica versa

Meaning, M+ players could still do normal raid and gear progress through that, raiders could still do M+, but the gear would be disconnected or at least the gear you get from the mode is better in that mode than the gear outside of it?

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